
Sam Harris on Global Priorities, Existential Risk, and What Matters Most

Human civilization increasingly has the potential both to improve the lives of everyone and to completely destroy everything. The proliferation of emerging technologies calls our attention to this never-before-seen power — and the need to cultivate the wisdom with which to steer it towards beneficial outcomes. If we’re serious both as individuals and as a species about improving the world, it’s crucial that we converge around the reality of our situation and what matters most. What are the most important problems in the world today and why? In this episode of the Future of Life Institute Podcast, Sam Harris joins us to discuss some of these global priorities, the ethics surrounding them, and what we can do to address them.

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • The problem of communication 
  • Global priorities 
  • Existential risk 
  • Animal suffering in both wild animals and factory farmed animals 
  • Global poverty 
  • Artificial general intelligence risk and AI alignment 
  • Ethics
  • Sam’s book, The Moral Landscape

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Submit a nominee for the Future of Life Award here



0:00 Intro

3:52 What are the most important problems in the world?

13:14 Global priorities: existential risk

20:15 Why global catastrophic risks are more likely than existential risks

25:09 Longtermist philosophy

31:36 Making existential and global catastrophic risk more emotionally salient

34:41 How analyzing the self makes longtermism more attractive

40:28 Global priorities & effective altruism: animal suffering and global poverty

56:03 Is machine suffering the next global moral catastrophe?

59:36 AI alignment and artificial general intelligence/superintelligence risk

01:11:25 Expanding our moral circle of compassion

01:13:00 The Moral Landscape, consciousness, and moral realism

01:30:14 Can bliss and wellbeing be mathematically defined?

01:31:03 Where to follow Sam and concluding thoughts


You can follow Sam here:

Twitter: @SamHarrisOrg


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Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today we have a conversation with Sam Harris where we get into issues related to global priorities, effective altruism, and existential risk. In particular, this podcast covers the critical importance of improving our ability to communicate and converge on the truth, animal suffering in both wild animals and factory farmed animals, global poverty, artificial general intelligence risk and AI alignment, as well as ethics and some thoughts on Sam’s book, The Moral Landscape. 

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Before we get into it, I would like to echo two announcements from previous podcasts. If you’ve been tuned into the FLI Podcast recently you can skip ahead just a bit. The first is that there is an ongoing survey for this podcast where you can give me feedback and voice your opinion about content. This goes a super long way for helping me to make the podcast valuable for everyone. You can find a link for the survey about this podcast in the description of wherever you might be listening. 

The second announcement is that at the Future of Life Institute we are in the midst of our search for the 2020 winner of the Future of Life Award. The Future of Life Award is a $50,000 prize that we give out to an individual who, without having received much recognition at the time of their actions, has helped to make today dramatically better than it may have been otherwise. The first two recipients of the Future of Life Award were Vasili Arkhipov and Stanislav Petrov, two heroes of the nuclear age. Both took actions at great personal risk to possibly prevent an all-out nuclear war. The third recipient was Dr. Matthew Meselson, who spearheaded the international ban on bioweapons. Right now, we’re not sure who to give the 2020 Future of Life Award to. That’s where you come in. If you know of an unsung hero who has helped to avoid global catastrophic disaster, or who has done incredible work to ensure a beneficial future of life, please head over to the Future of Life Award page and submit a candidate for consideration. The link for that page is on the page for this podcast or in the description of wherever you might be listening. If your candidate is chosen, you will receive $3,000 as a token of our appreciation. We’re also incentivizing the search via MIT’s successful red balloon strategy, where the first to nominate the winner gets $3,000 as mentioned, but there are also tiered pay outs where the first to invite the nomination winner gets $1,500, whoever first invited them gets $750, whoever first invited the previous person gets $375, and so on. You can find details about that on the Future of Life Award page. 

Sam Harris has a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA and is the author of five New York Times best sellers. His books include The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). Sam hosts the Making Sense Podcast and is also the creator of the Waking Up App, which is for anyone who wants to learn to meditate in a modern, scientific context. Sam has practiced meditation for more than 30 years and studied with many Tibetan, Indian, Burmese, and Western meditation teachers, both in the United States and abroad.

And with that, here’s my conversation with Sam Harris.

Starting off here, trying to get a perspective on what matters most in the world and global priorities or crucial areas for consideration, what do you see as the most important problems in the world today?

Sam Harris: There is one fundamental problem which is encouragingly or depressingly non-technical, depending on your view of it. I mean it should be such a simple problem to solve, but it’s seeming more or less totally intractable and that’s just the problem of communication. The problem of persuasion, the problem of getting people to agree on a shared consensus view of reality, and to acknowledge basic facts and to have their probability assessments of various outcomes to converge through honest conversation. Politics is obviously the great confounder of this meeting of the minds. I mean, our failure to fuse cognitive horizons through conversation is reliably derailed by politics. But there are other sorts of ideology that do this just as well, religion being perhaps first among them.

And so it seems to me that the first problem we need to solve, the place where we need to make progress and we need to fight for every inch of ground and try not to lose it again and again is in our ability to talk to one another about what is true and what is worth paying attention to, to get our norms to align on a similar picture of what matters. Basically value alignment, not with superintelligent AI, but with other human beings. That’s the master riddle we have to solve and our failure to solve it prevents us from doing anything else that requires cooperation. That’s where I’m most concerned. Obviously technology influences it, social media and even AI and the algorithms behind the gaming of everyone’s attention. All of that is influencing our public conversation, but it really is a very apish concern and we have to get our arms around it.

Lucas Perry: So that’s quite interesting and not the answer that I was expecting. I think that that sounds like quite the crucial stepping stone. Like the fact that climate change isn’t something that we’re able to agree upon, and is a matter of political opinion drives me crazy. And that’s one of many different global catastrophic or existential risk issues.

Sam Harris: Yeah. The COVID pandemic has made me, especially skeptical of our agreeing to do anything about climate change. The fact that we can’t persuade people about the basic facts of epidemiology when this thing is literally coming in through the doors and windows, and even very smart people are now going down the rabbit hole of this is on some level a hoax, people’s political and economic interests just bend their view of basic facts. I mean it’s not to say that there hasn’t been a fair amount of uncertainty here, but it’s not the sort of uncertainty that should give us these radically different views of what’s happening out in the world. Here we have a pandemic moving in real time. I mean, where we can see a wave of illness breaking in Italy a few weeks before it breaks in New York. And again, there’s just this Baghdad Bob level of denialism. The prospects of our getting our heads straight with respect to climate change in light of what’s possible in the middle of a pandemic, that seems at the moment, totally farfetched to me.

For something like climate change, I really think a technological elite needs to just decide at the problem and decide to solve it by changing the kinds of products we create and the way we manufacture things and we just have to get out of the politics of it. It can’t be a matter of persuading more than half of American society to make economic sacrifices. It’s much more along the lines of just building cars and other products that are carbon neutral that people want and solving the problem that way.

Lucas Perry: Right. Incentivizing the solution by making products that are desirable and satisfy people’s self-interest.

Sam Harris: Yeah. Yeah.

Lucas Perry: I do want to explore more actual global priorities. This point about the necessity of reason for being able to at least converge upon the global priorities that are most important seems to be a crucial and necessary stepping stone. So before we get into talking about things like existential and global catastrophic risk, do you see a way of this project of promoting reason and good conversation and converging around good ideas succeeding? Or do you have any other things to sort of add to these instrumental abilities humanity needs to cultivate for being able to rally around global priorities?

Sam Harris: Well, I don’t see a lot of innovation beyond just noticing that conversation is the only tool we have. Intellectual honesty spread through the mechanism of conversation is the only tool we have to converge in these ways. I guess the thing to notice that’s guaranteed to make it difficult is bad incentives. So we should always be noticing what incentives are doing behind the scenes to people’s cognition. There are things that could be improved in media. I think the advertising model is a terrible system of incentives for journalists and anyone else who’s spreading information. You’re incentivized to create sensational hot takes and clickbait and depersonalize everything. Just create one lurid confection after another, that really doesn’t get at what’s true. The fact that this tribalizes almost every conversation and forces people to view it through a political lens. The way this is all amplified by Facebook’s business model and the fact that you can sell political ads on Facebook and we use their micro-targeting algorithm to frankly, distort people’s vision of reality and get them to vote or not vote based on some delusion.

All of this is pathological and it has to be disincentivized in some way. The business model of digital media is part of the problem. But beyond that, people have to be better educated and realize that thinking through problems and understanding facts and creating better arguments and responding to better arguments and realizing when you’re wrong, these are muscles that need to be trained, and there are certain environments in which you can train them well. And there’s certain environments where they are guaranteed to atrophy. Education largely consists in the former, in just training someone to interact with ideas and with shared perceptions and with arguments and evidence in a way that is agnostic as to how things will come out. You’re just curious to know what’s true. You don’t want to be wrong. You don’t want to be self-deceived. You don’t want to have your epistemology anchored to wishful thinking and confirmation bias and political partisanship and religious taboos and other engines of bullshit, really.

I mean, you want to be free of all that, and you don’t want to have your personal identity trimming down your perception of what is true or likely to be true or might yet happen. People have to understand what it feels like to be willing to reason about the world in a way that is unconcerned about the normal, psychological and tribal identity formation that most people, most of the time use to filter against ideas. They’ll hear an idea and they don’t like the sound of it because it violates some cherished notion they already have in the bag. So they don’t want to believe it. That should be a tip off. That’s not more evidence in favor of your worldview. That’s evidence that you are an ape who’s disinclined to understand what’s actually happening in the world. That should be an alarm that goes off for you, not a reason to double down on the last bad idea you just expressed on Twitter.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. The way the ego and concern for reputation and personal identity and shared human psychological biases influence the way that we do conversations seems to be a really big hindrance here. And being aware of how your mind is reacting in each moment to the kinetics of the conversation and what is happening can be really skillful for catching unwholesome or unskillful reactions it seems. And I’ve found that non-violent communication has been really helpful for me in terms of having valuable open discourse where one’s identity or pride isn’t on the line. The ability to seek truth with another person instead of have a debate or argument is a skill certainly developed. Yet that kind of format for discussion isn’t always rewarded or promoted as well as something like an adversarial debate, which tends to get a lot more attention.

Sam Harris: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: So as we begin to strengthen our epistemology and conversational muscles so that we’re able to arrive at agreement on core issues, that’ll allow us to create a better civilization and work on what matters. So I do want to pivot here into what those specific things might be. Now I have three general categories, maybe four, for us to touch on here.

The first is existential risk that primarily come from technology, which might lead to the extinction of Earth originating life, or more specifically just the extinction of human life. You have a Ted Talk on AGI risk, that’s artificial general intelligence risk, the risk of machines becoming as smart or smarter than human beings and being misaligned with human values. There’s also synthetic bio risk where advancements in genetic engineering may unleash a new age of engineered pandemics, which are more lethal than anything that is produced by nature. We have nuclear war, and we also have new technologies or events that might come about that we aren’t aware of or can’t predict yet. And the other categories in terms of global priorities, I want to touch on are global poverty, animal suffering and human health and longevity. So how is it that you think of and prioritize and what is your reaction to these issues and their relative importance in the world?

Sam Harris: Well, I’m persuaded that thinking about existential risk is something we should do much more. It is amazing how few people spend time on this problem. It’s a big deal that we have the survival of our species as a blind spot, but I’m more concerned about what seems likelier to me, which is not that we will do something so catastrophically unwise as to erase ourselves, certainly not in the near term. And we’re capable of doing that clearly, but I think it’s more likely we’re capable of ensuring our unrecoverable misery for a good long while. We could just make life basically not worth living, but we’ll be forced or someone will be forced to live it all the while, basically a Road Warrior like hellscape could await us as opposed to just pure annihilation. So that’s a civilizational risk that I worry more about than extinction because it just seems probabilistically much more likely to happen no matter how big our errors are.

I worry about our stumbling into an accidental nuclear war. That’s something that I think is still pretty high on the list of likely ways we could completely screw up the possibility of human happiness in the near term. It’s humbling to consider what an opportunity cost this, compared to what’s possible, minor pandemic is, right. I mean, we’ve got this pandemic that has locked down most of humanity and every problem we had and every risk we were running as a species prior to anyone learning the name of this virus is still here. The threat of nuclear war has not gone away. It’s just, this has taken up all of our bandwidth. We can’t think about much else. It’s also humbling to observe how hard a time we’re having, even agreeing about what’s happening here, much less responding intelligently to the problem. If you imagine a pandemic that was orders of magnitude, more deadly and more transmissible, man, this is a pretty startling dress rehearsal.

I hope we learn something from this. I hope we think more about things like this happening in the future and prepare for them in advance. I mean, the fact that we have a CDC, that still cannot get its act together is just astounding. And again, politics is the thing that is gumming up the gears in any machine that would otherwise run halfway decently at the moment. I mean, we have a truly deranged president and that is not a partisan observation. That is something that can be said about Trump. And it would not be said about most other Republican presidents. There’s nothing I would say about Trump that I could say about someone like Mitt Romney or any other prominent Republican. This is the perfect circumstance to accentuate the downside of having someone in charge who lies more readily than any person in human history perhaps.

It’s like toxic waste at the informational level has been spread around for three years now and now it really matters that we have an information ecosystem that has no immunity against crazy distortions of the truth. So I hope we learn something from this. And I hope we begin to prioritize the list of our gravest concerns and begin steeling our civilization against the risk that any of these things will happen. And some of these things are guaranteed to happen. The thing that’s so bizarre about our failure to grapple with a pandemic of this sort is, this is the one thing we knew was going to happen. This was not a matter of “if.” This was only a matter of “when.” Now nuclear war is still a matter of “if”, right? I mean, we have the bombs, they’re on hair-trigger, overseen by absolutely bizarre and archaic protocols and highly outdated technology. We know this is just a doomsday system we’ve built that could go off at any time through sheer accident or ineptitude. But it’s not guaranteed to go off.

But pandemics are just guaranteed to emerge and we still were caught flat footed here. And so I just think we need to use this occasion to learn a lot about how to respond to this sort of thing. And again, if we can’t convince the public that this sort of thing is worth paying attention to, we have to do it behind closed doors, right? I mean, we have to get people into power who have their heads screwed on straight here and just ram it through. There has to be a kind of Manhattan Project level urgency to this, because this is about as benign a pandemic as we could have had, that would still cause significant problems. An engineered virus, a weaponized virus that was calculated to kill the maximum number of people. I mean, that’s a zombie movie, all of a sudden, and we’re not ready for the zombies.

Lucas Perry: I think that my two biggest updates from the pandemic were that human civilization is much more fragile than I thought it was. And also I trust the US government way less now in its capability to mitigate these things. I think at one point you said that 9/11 was the first time that you felt like you were actually in history. And as someone who’s 25, being in the COVID pandemic, this is the first time that I feel like I’m in human history. Because my life so far has been very normal and constrained, and the boundaries between everything has been very rigid and solid, but this is perturbing that.

So you mentioned that you were slightly less worried about humanity just erasing ourselves via some kind of existential risk and part of the idea here seems to be that there are futures that are not worth living. Like if there’s such thing as a moment or a day that isn’t worth living then there are also futures that are not worth living. So I’m curious if you could unpack why you feel that these periods of time that are not worth living are more likely than existential risks. And if you think that some of those existential conditions could be permanent, and could you speak a little bit about the relative likely hood of existential risk and suffering risks and whether you see the higher likelihood of the suffering risks to be ones that are constrained in time or indefinite.

Sam Harris: In terms of the probabilities, it just seems obvious that it is harder to eradicate the possibility of human life entirely than it is to just kill a lot of people and make the remaining people miserable. Right? If a pandemic spreads, whether it’s natural or engineered, that has 70% mortality and the transmissibility of measles, that’s going to kill billions of people. But it seems likely that it may spare some millions of people or tens of millions of people, even hundreds of millions of people and those people will be left to suffer their inability to function in the style to which we’ve all grown accustomed. So it would be with war. I mean, we could have a nuclear war and even a nuclear winter, but the idea that it’ll kill every last person or every last mammal, it would have to be a bigger war and a worse winter to do that.

So I see the prospect of things going horribly wrong to be one that yields, not a dial tone, but some level of remaining, even civilized life, that’s just terrible, that nobody would want. Where we basically all have the quality of life of what it was like on a mediocre day in the middle of the civil war in Syria. Who wants to live that way? If every city on Earth is basically a dystopian cell on a prison planet, that for me is a sufficient ruination of the hopes and aspirations of civilized humanity. That’s enough to motivate all of our efforts to avoid things like accidental nuclear war and uncontrolled pandemics and all the rest. And in some ways it’s more of motivating because when you ask people, what’s the problem with the failure to continue the species, right? Like if we all died painlessly in our sleep tonight, what’s the problem with that?

That actually stumps some considerable number of people because they immediately see that the complete annihilation of the species painlessly is really a kind of victimless crime. There’s no one around to suffer our absence. There’s no one around to be bereaved. There’s no one around to think, oh man, we could have had billions of years of creativity and insight and exploration of the cosmos and now the lights have gone out on the whole human project. There’s no one around to suffer that disillusionment. So what’s the problem? I’m persuaded that that’s not the perfect place to stand to evaluate the ethics. I agree that losing that opportunity is a negative outcome that we want to value appropriately, but it’s harder to value it emotionally and it’s not as clear. I mean it’s also, there’s an asymmetry between happiness and suffering, which I think is hard to get around.

We are perhaps rightly more concerned about suffering than we are about losing opportunities for wellbeing. If I told you, you could have an hour of the greatest possible happiness, but it would have to be followed by an hour of the worst possible suffering. I think most people given that offer would say, oh, well, okay, I’m good. I’ll just stick with what it’s like to be me. The hour of the worst possible misery seems like it’s going to be worse than the highest possible happiness is going to be good and I do sort of share that intuition. And when you think about it, in terms of the future of humanity, I think it is more motivating to think, not that your grandchildren might not exist, but that your grandchildren might live horrible lives, really unendurable lives and they’ll be forced to live them because there’ll be born. If for no other reason, then we have to persuade some people to take these concerns seriously, I think that’s the place to put most of the emphasis.

Lucas Perry: I think that’s an excellent point. I think it makes it more morally salient and leverages human self-interest more. One distinction that I want to make is the distinction between existential risks and global catastrophic risks. Global catastrophic risks are those which would kill a large fraction of humanity without killing everyone, and existential risks are ones which would exterminate all people or all Earth-originating intelligent life. And this former risk, the global catastrophic risks are the ones which you’re primarily discussing here where something goes really bad and now we’re left with some pretty bad existential situation.

Sam Harris: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: Now we’re not locked in that forever. So it’s pretty far away from being what is talked about in the effective altruism community as a suffering risk. That actually might only last a hundred or a few hundred years or maybe less. Who knows. It depends on what happened. But now taking a bird’s eye view again on global priorities and standing on a solid ground of ethics, what is your perspective on longtermist philosophy? This is the position or idea that the deep future has overwhelming moral priority, given the countless trillions of lives that could be lived. So if an existential risk occur, then we’re basically canceling the whole future like you mentioned. There won’t be any suffering and there won’t be any joy, but we’re missing out on a ton of good it would seem. And with the continued evolution of life, through genetic engineering and enhancements and artificial intelligence, it would seem that the future could also be unimaginably good.

If you do an expected value calculation about existential risks, you can estimate very roughly the likelihood of each existential risk, whether it be from artificial general intelligence or synthetic bio or nuclear weapons or a black swan event that we couldn’t predict. And you multiply that by the amount of value in the future, you’ll get some astronomical number, given the astronomical amount of value in the future. Does this kind of argument or viewpoint do the work for you to commit you to seeing existential risk as a global priority or the central global priority?

Sam Harris: Well, it doesn’t do the emotional work largely because we’re just bad at thinking about longterm risk. It doesn’t even have to be that long-term for our intuitions and concerns to degrade irrationally. We’re bad at thinking about the well-being, even of our future selves as you get further out in time. The term of jargon is that we “hyperbolically discount” our future well being. People will smoke cigarettes or make other imprudent decisions in the present. They know they will be the inheritors of these bad decisions, but there’s some short-term upside.

The mere pleasure of the next cigarette say, that convinces them that they don’t really have to think long and hard about what their future self will wish they had done at this point. Our ability to be motivated by what we think is likely to happen in the future is even worse when we’re thinking about our descendants. Right? People we either haven’t met yet or may never meet. I have kids, but I don’t have grandkids. How much of my bandwidth is taken up thinking about the kinds of lives my grandchildren will have? Really none. It’s conserved. It’s safeguarded by my concern about my kids, at this point.

But, then there are people who don’t have kids and are just thinking about themselves. It’s hard to think about the comparatively near future. Even a future that, barring some real mishap, you have every expectation of having to live in yourself. It’s just hard to prioritize. When you’re talking about the far future, it becomes very, very difficult. You just have to have the science fiction geek gene or something disproportionately active in your brain, to really care about that.

Unless you think you are somehow going to cheat death and get aboard the starship when it’s finally built. You’re popping 200 vitamins a day with Ray Kurzweil and you think you might just be in the cohort of people who are going to make it out of here without dying because we’re just on the cusp of engineering death out of the system, then I could see, okay. There’s a self interested view of it. If you’re really talking about hypothetical people who you know you will never come in contact with, I think it’s hard to be sufficiently motivated, even if you believe the moral algebra here.

It’s not clear to me that it need run through. I agree with you that if you do a basic expected value calculation here, and you start talking about trillions of possible lives, their interests must outweigh the interests of the 7.8 or whatever it is, billion of us currently alive. A few asymmetries here, again. The asymmetry between actual and hypothetical lives, there are no identifiable lives who would be deprived of anything if we all just decided to stop having kids. You have to take the point of view of the people alive who make this decision.

If we all just decided, “Listen. These are our lives to live. We can decide how we want to live them. None of us want to have kids anymore.” If we all independently made that decision, the consequence on this calculus is we are the worst people, morally speaking, who have ever lived. That doesn’t quite capture the moment, the experience or the intentions. We could do this thing without ever thinking about the implications of existential risk. If we didn’t have a phrase for this and we didn’t have people like ourselves talking about this is a problem, people could just be taken in by the overpopulation thesis.

That that’s really the thing that is destroying the world and what we need is some kind of Gaian reset, where the Earth reboots without us. Let’s just stop having kids and let nature reclaim the edges of the cities. You could see a kind of utopian environmentalism creating some dogma around that, where it was no one’s intention ever to create some kind of horrific crime. Yet, on this existential risk calculus, that’s what would have happened. It’s hard to think about the morality there when you talk about people deciding not to have kids and it would be the same catastrophic outcome.

Lucas Perry: That situation to me seems to be like looking over the possible moral landscape and seeing a mountain or not seeing a mountain, but there still being a mountain. Then you can have whatever kinds of intentions that you want, but you’re still missing it. From a purely consequentialist framework on this, I feel not so bad saying that this is probably one of the worst things that have ever happened.

Sam Harris: The asymmetry here between suffering and happiness still seems psychologically relevant. It’s not quite the worst thing that’s ever happened, but the best things that might have happened have been canceled. Granted, I think there’s a place to stand where you could think that is a horrible outcome, but again, it’s not the same thing as creating some hell and populating it.

Lucas Perry: I see what you’re saying. I’m not sure that I quite share the intuition about the asymmetry between suffering and well-being. I feel somewhat suspect about that, but that would be a huge tangent right now, I think. Now, one of the crucial things that you said was, for those that are not really compelled to care about the long-term future argument, if you don’t have the science fiction geek gene and are not compelled by moral philosophy, the essential way it seems to be that you’re able to compel people to care about global catastrophic and existential risk is to demonstrate how they’re very likely within this century.

And so their direct descendants, like their children or grandchildren, or even them, may live in a world that is very bad or they may die in some kind of a global catastrophe, which is terrifying. Do you see this as the primary way of leveraging human self-interest and feelings and emotions to make existential and global catastrophic risk salient and pertinent for the masses?

Sam Harris: It’s certainly half the story, and it might be the most compelling half. I’m not saying that we should be just worried about the downside because the upside also is something we should celebrate and aim for. The other side of the story is that we’ve made incredible progress. If you take someone like Steven Pinker and his big books of what is often perceived as happy talk. He’s pointing out all of the progress, morally and technologically and at the level of public health.

It’s just been virtually nothing but progress. There’s no point in history where you’re luckier to live than in the present. That’s true. I think that the thing that Steve’s story conceals, or at least doesn’t spend enough time acknowledging, is that the risk of things going terribly wrong is also increasing. It was also true a hundred years ago that it would have been impossible for one person or a small band of people to ruin life for everyone else.

Now that’s actually possible. Just imagine if this current pandemic were an engineered virus, more like a lethal form of measles. It might take five people to create that and release it. Here we would be locked down in a truly terrifying circumstance. The risk is ramped up. I think we just have to talk about both sides of it. There is no limit to how beautiful life could get if we get our act together. Take an argument of the sort that David Deutsch makes about the power of knowledge.

Every problem has a solution born of a sufficient insight into how things work, i.e. knowledge, unless the laws of physics rules it out. If it’s compatible with the laws of physics, knowledge can solve the problem. That’s virtually a blank check with reality that we could live to cash, if we don’t kill ourselves in the process. Again, as the upside becomes more and more obvious, the risk that we’re going to do something catastrophically stupid is also increasing. The principles here are the same. The only reason why we’re talking about existential risk is because we have made so much progress. Without the progress, there’d be no way to make a sufficiently large mistake. It really is two sides of the coin of increasing knowledge and technical power.

Lucas Perry: One thing that I wanted to throw in here in terms of the kinetics of long-termism and emotional saliency, it would be stupidly optimistic I think, to think that everyone could become selfless bodhisattvas. In terms of your interest, the way in which you promote meditation and mindfulness, and your arguments against the conventional, experiential and conceptual notion of the self, for me at least, has dissolved much of the barriers which would hold me from being emotionally motivated from long-termism.

Now, that itself I think, is another long conversation. When your sense of self is becoming nudged, disentangled and dissolved in new ways, the idea that it won’t be you in the future, or the idea that the beautiful dreams that Dyson spheres will be having in a billion years are not you, that begins to relax a bit. That’s probably not something that is helpful for most people, but I do think that it’s possible for people to adopt and for meditation, mindfulness and introspection to lead to this weakening of sense of self, which then also opens one’s optimism, and compassion, and mind towards the long-termist view.

Sam Harris: That’s something that you get from reading Derek Parfit’s work. The paradoxes of identity that he so brilliantly framed and tried to reason through yield something like what you’re talking about. It’s not so important whether it’s you, because this notion of you is in fact, paradoxical to the point of being impossible to pin down. Whether the you that woke up in your bed this morning is the same person who went to sleep in it the night before, that is problematic. Yet there’s this fact of some degree of psychological continuity.

The basic fact experientially is just, there is consciousness and its contents. The only place for feelings, and perceptions, and moods, and expectations, and experience to show up is in consciousness, whatever it is and whatever its connection to the physics of things actually turns out to be. There’s just consciousness. The question of where it appears is a genuinely interesting one philosophically, and intellectually, and scientifically, and ultimately morally.

Because if we build conscious robots or conscious computers and build them in a way that causes them to suffer, we’ve just done something terrible. We might do that inadvertently if we don’t know how consciousness arises based on information processing, or whether it does. It’s all interesting terrain to think about. If the lights are still on a billion years from now, and the view of the universe is unimaginably bright, and interesting and beautiful, and all kinds of creative things are possible by virtue of the kinds of minds involved, that will be much better than any alternative. That’s certainly how it seems to me.

Lucas Perry: I agree. Some things here that ring true seem to be, you always talk about how there’s only consciousness and its contents. I really like the phrase, “Seeing from nowhere.” That usually is quite motivating for me, in terms of the arguments against the conventional conceptual and experiential notions of self. There just seems to be instantiations of consciousness intrinsically free of identity.

Sam Harris: Two things to distinguish here. There’s the philosophical, conceptual side of the conversation, which can show you that things like your concept of a self, or certainly your concept of a self that could have free will that, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. It doesn’t make sense when mapped onto physics. It doesn’t make sense when looked for neurologically. Any way you look at it, it begins to fall apart. That’s interesting, but again, it doesn’t necessarily change anyone’s experience.

It’s just a riddle that can’t be solved. Then there’s the experiential side which you encounter more in things like meditation, or psychedelics, or sheer good luck where you can experience consciousness without the sense that there’s a subject or a self in the center of it appropriating experiences. Just a continuum of experience that doesn’t have structure in the normal way. What’s more, that’s not a problem. In fact, it’s the solution to many problems.

A lot of the discomfort you have felt psychologically goes away when you punch through to a recognition that consciousness is just the space in which thoughts, sensations and emotions continually appear, change and vanish. There’s no thinker authoring the thoughts. There’s no experiencer in the middle of the experience. It’s not to say you don’t have a body. There’s every sign that you have a body is still appearing. There’s sensations of tension, warmth, pressure and movement.

There are sights, there are sounds but again, everything is simply an appearance in this condition, which I’m calling consciousness for lack of a better word. There’s no subject to whom it all refers. That can be immensely freeing to recognize, and that’s a matter of a direct change in one’s experience. It’s not a matter of banging your head against the riddles of Derek Parfit or any other way of undermining one’s belief in personal identity or the reification of a self.

Lucas Perry: A little bit earlier, we talked a little bit about the other side of the existential risk coin. Now, the other side of that is this existential hope, we like to call at The Future of Life Institute. We’re not just a doom and gloom society. It’s also about how the future can be unimaginably good if we can get our act together and apply the appropriate wisdom to manage and steward our technologies with wisdom and benevolence in mind.

Pivoting in here and reflecting a little bit on the implications of some of this no self conversation we’ve been having for global priorities, the effective altruism community has narrowed down on three of these global priorities as central issues of consideration, existential risk, global poverty and animal suffering. We talked a bunch about existential risk already. Global poverty is prolific, and many of us live in quite nice and abundant circumstances.

Then there’s animal suffering, which can be thought of as in two categories. One being factory farmed animals, where we have billions upon billions of animals being born into miserable conditions and being slaughtered for sustenance. Then we also have wild animal suffering, which is a bit more esoteric and seems like it’s harder to get any traction on helping to alleviate. Thinking about these last two points, global poverty and animal suffering, what is your perspective on these?

I find the lack of willingness for people to empathize and be compassionate towards animal suffering to be quite frustrating, as well as global poverty, of course. If you view the perspective of no self as potentially being informative or helpful for leveraging human compassion and motivation to help other people and to help animals. One quick argument here that comes from the conventional view of self, so isn’t strictly true or rational, but is motivating for me, is that I feel like I was just born as me and then I just woke up one day as Lucas.

I, referring to this conventional and experientially illusory notion that I have of myself, this convenient fiction that I have. Now, you’re going to die and you could wake up as a factory farmed animal. Surely there are those billions upon billions of instantiations of consciousness that are just going through misery. If the self is an illusion then there are selfless chicken and cow experiences of enduring suffering. Any thoughts or reactions you have to global poverty, animal suffering and what I mentioned here?

Sam Harris: I guess the first thing to observe is that again, we are badly set up to prioritize what should be prioritized and to have the emotional response commensurate with what we could rationally understand is so. We have a problem of motivation. We have a problem of making data real. This has been psychologically studied, but it’s just manifest in oneself and in the world. We care more about the salient narrative that has a single protagonist than we do about the data on, even human suffering.

The classic example here is one little girl falls down a well, and you get wall to wall news coverage. All the while there could be a genocide or a famine killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it doesn’t merit more than five minutes. One broadcast. That’s clearly a bug, not a feature morally speaking, but it’s something we have to figure out how to work with because I don’t think it’s going away. One of the things that the effective altruism philosophy has done, I think usefully, is that it has separated two projects which up until the emergence of effective altruism, I think were more or less always conflated.

They’re both valid projects, but one has much greater moral consequence. The fusion of the two is, the concern about giving and how it makes one feel. I want to feel good about being philanthropic. Therefore, I want to give to causes that give me these good feels. In fact, at the end of the day, the feeling I get from giving is what motivates me to give. If I’m giving in a way that doesn’t really produce that feeling, well, then I’m going to give less or give less reliably.

Even in a contemplative Buddhist context, there’s an explicit fusion of these two things. The reason to be moral and to be generous is not merely, or even principally, the effect on the world. The reason is because it makes you a better person. It gives you a better mind. You feel better in your own skin. It is in fact, more rewarding than being selfish. I think that’s true, but that doesn’t get at really, the important point here, which is we’re living in a world where the difference between having good and bad luck is so enormous.

The inequalities are so shocking and indefensible. The fact that I was born me and not born in some hell hole in the middle of a civil war soon to be orphaned, and impoverished and riddled by disease, I can take no responsibility for the difference in luck there. That difference is the difference that matters more than anything else in my life. What the effective altruist community has prioritized is, actually helping the most people, or the most sentient beings.

That is fully divorceable from how something makes you feel. Now, I think it shouldn’t be ultimately divorceable. I think we should recalibrate our feelings or struggle to, so that we do find doing the most good the most rewarding thing in the end, but it’s hard to do. My inability to do it personally, is something that I have just consciously corrected for. I’ve talked about this a few times on my podcast. When Will MacAskill came on my podcast and we spoke about these things, I was convinced at the end of the day, “Well, I should take this seriously.”

I recognize that fighting malaria by sending bed nets to people in sub-Saharan Africa is not a cause I find particularly sexy. I don’t find it that emotionally engaging. I don’t find it that rewarding to picture the outcome. Again, compared to other possible ways of intervening in human misery and producing some better outcome, it’s not the same thing as rescuing the little girl from the well. Yet, I was convinced that, as Will said on that podcast and as organizations like GiveWell attest, giving money to the Against Malaria Foundation was and remains one of the absolute best uses of every dollar to mitigate unnecessary death and suffering.

I just decided to automate my giving to the Against Malaria Foundation because I knew I couldn’t be trusted to wake up every day, or every month or every quarter, whatever it would be, and recommit to that project because some other project would have captured my attention in the meantime. I was either going to give less to it or not give at all, in the end. I’m convinced that we do have to get around ourselves and figure out how to prioritize what a rational analysis says we should prioritize and get the sentimentality out of it, in general.

It’s very hard to escape entirely. I think we do need to figure out creative ways to reformat our sense of reward. The reward we find in helping people has to begin to become more closely coupled to what is actually most helpful. Conversely, the disgust or horror we feel over bad outcomes should be more closely coupled to the worst things that happen. As opposed to just the most shocking, but at the end of the day, minor things. We’re just much more captivated by a sufficiently ghastly story involving three people than we are by the deaths of literally millions that happen some other way. These are bugs we have to figure out how to correct for.

Lucas Perry: I hear you. The person running in the burning building to save the child is sung as a hero, but if you are say, earning to give for example and write enough checks to save dozens of lives over your lifetime, that might not go recognized or felt in the same way.

Sam Harris: And also these are different people, too. It’s also true to say that someone who is psychologically and interpersonally not that inspiring, and certainly not a saint might wind up doing more good than any saint ever does or could. I don’t happen to know Bill Gates. He could be saint-like. I literally never met him, but I don’t get that sense that he is. I think he’s kind of a normal technologist and might be normally egocentric, concerned about his reputation and legacy.

He might be a prickly bastard behind closed doors. I don’t know, but he certainly stands a chance of doing more good than any person in human history at this point, just based on the checks he’s writing and his intelligent prioritization of his philanthropic efforts. There is an interesting uncoupling here where you could just imagine someone who might be a total asshole, but actually does more good than any army of Saints you could muster. That’s interesting. That just proves a point that a concern about real world outcomes is divorceable from the psychology that we tend to associate with doing good in the world. On the point of animal suffering, I share your intuitions there, although again, this is a little bit like climate change in that I think that the ultimate fix will be technological. It’ll be a matter of people producing the Impossible Burger squared that is just so good that no one’s tempted to eat a normal burger anymore, or something like Memphis Meats, which actually, I invested in.

I have no idea where it’s going as a company, but when I had its CEO on my podcast back in the day, Uma Valeti, I just thought, “This is fantastic to engineer actual meat without producing any animal suffering. I hope he can bring this to scale.” At the time, it was like an $18,000-meatball. I don’t know what it is now, but it’s that kind of thing that will close the door to the slaughterhouse more than just convincing billions of people about the ethics. It’s too difficult and the truth may not align with exactly what we want.

I’m going to reap the whirlwind of criticism from the vegan mafia here, but it’s just not clear to me that it’s easy to be a healthy vegan. Forget about yourself as an adult making a choice to be a vegan, raising vegan kids is a medical experiment on your kids of a certain sort and it’s definitely possible to screw it up. There’s just no question about it. If you’re not going to admit that, you’re not a responsible parent.

It is possible, it is by no means easier to raise healthy vegan kids than it is to raise kids who eat meat sometimes and that’s just a problem, right? Now, that’s a problem that has a technical solution, but there’s still diversity of opinion about what constitutes a healthy human diet even when all things are on the menu. We’re just not there yet. It’s unlikely to be just a matter of supplementing B12.

Then the final point you made does get us into a kind of, I would argue, a reductio ad absurdum of the whole project ethically when you’re talking about losing sleep over whether to protect the rabbits from the foxes out there in the wild. If you’re going to go down that path, and I will grant you, I wouldn’t want to trade places with a rabbit, and there’s a lot of suffering out there in the natural world, but if you’re going to try to figure out how to minimize the suffering of wild animals in relation to other wild animals then I think you are a kind of antinatalist with respect to the natural world. I mean, then it would be just better if these animals didn’t exist, right? Let’s just hit stop on the whole biosphere, if that’s the project.

Then there’s the argument that there are many more ways to suffer and to be happy as a sentient being. Whatever story you want to tell yourself about the promise of future humanity, it’s just so awful to be a rabbit or an insect that if an asteroid hit us and canceled everything, that would be a net positive.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. That’s an actual view that I hear around a bunch. I guess my quick response is as we move farther into the future, if we’re able to reach an existential situation which is secure and where there is flourishing and we’re trying to navigate the moral landscape to new peaks, it seems like we will have to do something about wild animal suffering. With AGI and aligned superintelligence, I’m sure there could be very creative solutions using genetic engineering or something. Our descendants will have to figure that out, whether they are just like, “Are wild spaces really necessary in the future and are wild animals actually necessary, or are we just going to use those resources in space to build more AI that would dream beautiful dreams?”

Sam Harris: I just think it may be, in fact, the case that nature is just a horror show. It is bad almost any place you could be born in the natural world, you’re unlucky to be a rabbit and you’re unlucky to be a fox. We’re lucky to be humans, sort of, and we can dimly imagine how much luckier we might get in the future if we don’t screw up.

I find it compelling to imagine that we could create a world where certainly most human lives are well worth living and better than most human lives ever were. Again, I follow Pinker in feeling that we’ve sort of done that already. It’s not to say that there aren’t profoundly unlucky people in this world, and it’s not to say that things couldn’t change in a minute for all of us, but life has gotten better and better for virtually everyone when you compare us to any point in the past.

If we get to the place you’re imagining where we have AGI that we have managed to align with our interests and we’re migrating into of spaces of experience that changes everything, it’s quite possible we will look back on the “natural world” and be totally unsentimental about it, which is to say, we could compassionately make the decision to either switch it off or no longer provide for its continuation. It’s like that’s just a bad software program that evolution designed and wolves and rabbits and bears and mice, they were all unlucky on some level.

We could be wrong about that, or we might discover something else. We might discover that intelligence is not all it’s cracked up to be, that it’s just this perturbation on something that’s far more rewarding. At the center of the moral landscape, there’s a peak higher than any other and it’s not one that’s elaborated by lots of ideas and lots of creativity and lots of distinctions, it’s just this great well of bliss that we actually want to fully merge with. We might find out that the cicadas were already there. I mean, who knows how weird this place is?

Lucas Perry: Yeah, that makes sense. I totally agree with you and I feel this is true. I also feel that there’s some price that is paid because there’s already some stigma around even thinking this. I think it’s a really early idea to have in terms of the history of human civilization, so people’s initial reaction is like, “Ah, what? Nature’s so beautiful and why would you do that to the animals?” Et cetera. We may come to find out that nature is just very net negative, but I could be wrong and maybe it would be around neutral or better than that, but that would require a more robust and advanced science of consciousness.

Just hitting on this next one fairly quickly, effective altruism is interested in finding new global priorities and causes. They call this “Cause X,” something that may be a subset of existential risk or something other than existential risk or global poverty or animal suffering probably still just has to do with the suffering of sentient beings. Do you think that a possible candidate for Cause X would be machine suffering or the suffering of other non-human conscious things that we’re completely unaware of?

Sam Harris: Yeah, well, I think it’s a totally valid concern. Again, it’s one of these concerns that’s hard to get your moral intuitions tuned up to respond to. People have a default intuition that a conscious machine is impossible, that substrate independence, on some level, is impossible, they’re making an assumption without ever doing it explicitly… In fact, I think most people would explicitly deny thinking this, but it is implicit in what they then go on to think when you pose the question of the possibility of suffering machines and suffering computers.

That just seems like something that never needs to be worried about and yet the only way to close the door to worrying about it is to assume that consciousness is totally substrate-dependent and that we would never build a machine that could suffer because we’re building machines out of some other material. If we built a machine out of biological neurons, well, then, then we might be up for condemnation morally because we’ve taken an intolerable risk analogous to create some human-chimp hybrid or whatever. It’s like obviously, that thing’s going to suffer. It’s an ape of some sort and now it’s in a lab and what sort of monster would do that, right? We would expect the lights to come on in a system of that sort.

If consciousness is the result of information processing on some level, and again, that’s an “if,” we’re not sure that’s the case, and if information processing is truly substrate-independent, and that seems like more than an “if” at this point, we know that’s true, then we could inadvertently build conscious machines. And then the question is: What is it like to be those machines and are they suffering? There’s no way to prevent that on some level.

Certainly, if there’s any relationship between consciousness and intelligence, if building more and more intelligent machines is synonymous with increasing the likelihood that the lights will come on experientially, well, then we’re clearly on that path. It’s totally worth worrying about, but it’s again, judging from what my own mind is like and what my conversations with other people suggest, it seems very hard to care about for people. That’s just another one of these wrinkles.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I think a good way of framing this is that humanity has a history of committing moral catastrophes because of bad incentives and they don’t even realize how bad the thing is that they’re doing, or they just don’t really care or they rationalize it, like subjugation of women and slavery. We’re in the context of human history and we look back at these people and see them as morally abhorrent.

Now, the question is: What is it today that we’re doing that’s morally abhorrent? Well, I think factory farming is easily one contender and perhaps human selfishness that leads to global poverty and millions of people drowning in shallow ponds is another one that we’ll look back on. With just some foresight towards the future, I agree that machine suffering is intuitively and emotionally difficult to empathize with if your sci-fi gene isn’t turned on. It could be the next thing.

Sam Harris: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: I’d also like to pivot here into AI alignment and AGI. In terms of existential risk from AGI or transformative AI systems, do you have thoughts on public intellectuals who are skeptical of existential risk from AGI or superintelligence? You had a talk about AI risk and I believe you got some flak from the AI community about that. Elon Musk was just skirmishing with the head of AI at Facebook, I think. What is your perspective about the disagreement and confusion here?

Sam Harris: It comes down to a failure of imagination on the one hand and also just bad argumentation. No sane person who’s concerned about this is concerned because they think it’s going to happen this year or next year. It’s not a bet on how soon this is going to happen. For me, it certainly isn’t a bet on how soon it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of the implications of continually making progress in building more and more intelligent machines. Any progress, it doesn’t have to be Moore’s law, it just has to be continued progress, will ultimately deliver us into relationship with something more intelligent than ourselves.

To think that that is farfetched or is not likely to happen or can’t happen is to assume some things that we just can’t assume. It’s to assume that substrate independence is not in the cards for intelligence. Forget about consciousness. I mean, consciousness is orthogonal to this question. I’m not suggesting that AGI need be conscious, it just needs to be more competent than we are. We already know that our phones are more competent as calculators than we are, they’re more competent chess players than we are. You just have to keep stacking cognitive-information-processing abilities on that and making progress, however incremental.

I don’t see how anyone can be assuming substrate dependence for really any of the features of our mind apart from, perhaps, consciousness. Take the top 200 things we do cognitively, consciousness aside, just as a matter of sheer information-processing and behavioral control and power to make decisions and you start checking those off, those have to be substrate independent: facial recognition, voice recognition, we can already do that in silico. It’s just not something you need meat to do.

We’re going to build machines that get better and better at all of these things and ultimately, they will pass the Turing test and ultimately, it will be like chess or now Go as far as the eye can see, where it will be in relationship to something that is better than we are at everything that we have prioritized, every human competence we have put enough priority in that we took the time to build it into our machines in the first place: theorem-proving in mathematics, engineering software programs. There is no reason why a computer will ultimately not be the best programmer in the end, again, unless you’re assuming that there’s something magical about doing this in meat. I don’t know anyone who’s assuming that.

Arguing about the time horizon is a non sequitur, right? No one is saying that this need happen soon to ultimately be worth thinking about. We know that whatever the time horizon is, it can happen suddenly. We have historically been very bad at predicting when there will be a breakthrough. This is a point that Stuart Russell makes all the time. If you look at what Rutherford said about the nuclear chain reaction being a pipe dream, it wasn’t even 24 hours before Leo Szilard committed the chain reaction to paper and had the relevant breakthrough. We know we can make bad estimates about the time horizon, so at some point, we could be ambushed by a real breakthrough, which suddenly delivers exponential growth in intelligence.

Then there’s a question of just how quickly that could unfold and whether this something like an intelligence explosion. That’s possible. We can’t know for sure, but you need to find some foothold to doubt whether these things are possible and the footholds that people tend to reach for are either nonexistent or they’re non sequiturs.

Again, the time horizon is irrelevant and yet the time horizon is the first thing you hear from people who are skeptics about this: “It’s not going to happen for a very long time.” Well, I mean, Stuart Russell’s point here, which is, again, it’s just a reframing, but in the persuasion business, reframing is everything. The people who are consoled by this idea that this is not going to happen for 50 years wouldn’t be so consoled if we receive a message from an alien civilization which said, “People of Earth, we will arrive on your humble planet in 50 years. Get ready.”

If that happened, we would be prioritizing our response to that moment differently than the people who think it’s going to take 50 years for us to build AGI are prioritizing their response to what’s coming. We would recognize a relationship with something more powerful than ourselves is in the often. It’s only reasonable to do that on the assumption that we will continue to make progress.

The point I made in my TED Talk is that the only way to assume we’re not going to continue to make progress is to be convinced of a very depressing thesis. The only way we wouldn’t continue to make progress is if we open the wrong door of the sort that you and I have been talking about in this conversation, if we invoke some really bad roll of the dice in terms of existential risk or catastrophic civilizational failure, and we just find ourselves unable to build better and better computers. I mean, that’s the only thing that would cause us to be unable to do that. Given the power and value of intelligent machines, we will build more and more intelligent machines at almost any cost at this point, so a failure to do it would be a sign that something truly awful has happened.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. From my perspective, the people that are skeptical of substrate independence, I wouldn’t say that those are necessarily AI researchers. Those are regular persons or laypersons who are not computer scientists. I think that’s motivated by mind-body dualism, where one has a conventional and experiential sense of the mind as being non-physical, which may be motivated by popular religious beliefs, but when we get into the area of actual AI researchers, for them, it seems to either be like they’re attacking some naive version of the argument or a straw man or something

Sam Harris: Like robots becoming spontaneously malevolent?

Lucas Perry: Yeah. It’s either that, or they think that the alignment problem isn’t as hard as it is. They have some intuition, like why the hell would we even release systems that weren’t safe? Why would we not make technology that served us or something? To me, it seems that when there are people from like the mainstream machine-learning community attacking AI alignment and existential risk considerations from AI, it seems like they just don’t understand how hard the alignment problem is.

Sam Harris: Well, they’re not taking seriously the proposition that what we will have built are truly independent minds more powerful than our own. If you actually drill down on what that description means, it doesn’t mean something that is perfectly enslaved by us for all time, I mean, because that is by definition something that couldn’t be more intelligent across the board than we are.

The analogy I use is imagine if dogs had invented us to protect their interests. Well, so far, it seems to be going really well. We’re clearly more intelligent than dogs, they have no idea what we’re doing or thinking about or talking about most of the time, and they see us making elaborate sacrifices for their wellbeing, which we do. I mean, the people who own dogs care a lot about them and make, you could argue, irrational sacrifices to make sure they’re happy and healthy.

But again, back to the pandemic, if we recognize that we had a pandemic that was going to kill the better part of humanity and it was jumping from dogs to people and the only way to stop this is to kill all the dogs, we would kill all the dogs on a Thursday. There’d be some holdouts, but they would lose. The dog project would be over and the dogs would never understand what happened.

Lucas Perry: But that’s because humans aren’t perfectly aligned with dog values.

Sam Harris: But that’s the thing: Maybe it’s a solvable problem, but it’s clearly not a trivial problem because what we’re imagining are minds that continue to grow in power and grow in ways that by definition we can’t anticipate. Dogs can’t possibly anticipate where we will go next, what we will become interested in next, what we will discover next, what we’ll prioritize next. If you’re not imagining minds so vast that we can’t capture their contents ourselves, you’re not talking about the AGI that the people who are worried about alignment are talking about.

Lucas Perry: Maybe this is like a little bit of a nuanced distinction between you or I, but I think that that story that you’re developing there seems to assume that the utility function or the value learning or the objective function of the systems that we’re trying to align with human values is dynamic. It may be the case that you can build a really smart alien mind and it might become super-intelligent, but there are arguments that maybe you could make its alignment stable.

Sam Harris: That’s the thing we have to hope for, right? I’m not a computer scientist, so as far as the doability of this, that’s something I don’t have good intuitions about, but Stuart Russell’s argument that we would need a system whose ultimate value is to more and more closely approximate our current values that would continually, no matter how much its intelligence escapes our own, it would continually remain available to the conversation with us where we say, “Oh, no, no. Stop doing that. That’s not what we want.” That would be the most important message from its point of view, no matter how vast its mind got.

Maybe that’s doable, right, but that’s the kind of thing that would have to be true for the thing to remain completely aligned to us because the truth is we don’t want it aligned to who we used to be and we don’t want it aligned to the values of the Taliban. We want to grow in moral wisdom as well and we want to be able to revise our own ethical codes and this thing that’s smarter than us presumably could help us do that, provided it doesn’t just have its own epiphanies which cancel the value of our own or subvert our own in a way that we didn’t foresee.

If it really has our best interest at heart, but our best interests are best conserved by it deciding to pull the plug on everything, well, then we might not see the wisdom of that. I mean, it might even be the right answer. Now, this is assuming it’s conscious. We could be building something that is actually morally more important than we are.

Lucas Perry: Yeah, that makes sense. Certainly, eventually, we would want it to be aligned with some form of idealized human values and idealized human meta preferences over how value should change and evolve into the deep future. This is known, I think, as “ambitious value learning” and it is the hardest form of value learning. Maybe we can make something safe without doing this level of ambitious value learning, but something like that may be deeper in the future.

Now, as we’ve made moral progress throughout history, we’ve been expanding our moral circle of consideration. In particular, we’ve been doing this farther into space, deeper into time, across species, and potentially soon, across substrates. What do you see as the central way of continuing to expand our moral circle of consideration and compassion?

Sam Harris: Well, I just think we have to recognize that things like distance in time and space and superficial characteristics, like whether something has a face, much less a face that can make appropriate expressions or a voice that we can relate to, none of these things have moral significance. The fact that another person is far away from you in space right now shouldn’t fundamentally affect how much you care whether or not they’re being tortured or whether they’re starving to death.

Now, it does. We know it does. People are much more concerned about what’s happening on their doorstep, but I think proximity, if it has any weight at all, it has less and less weight the more our decisions obviously affect people regardless of separation and space, but the more it becomes truly easy to help someone on another continent because you can just push a button in your browser, then you’re caring less about them is clearly a bug. And so it’s just noticing that the things that attenuate our compassion tend to be things that for evolutionary reasons we’re designed to discount in this way, but at the level of actual moral reasoning about a global civilization it doesn’t make any sense and it prevents us from solving the biggest problems.

Lucas Perry: Pivoting into ethics more so now. I’m not sure if this is the formal label that you would use but your work on the moral landscape lands you pretty much it seems in the moral realism category.

Sam Harris: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lucas Perry: You’ve said something like, “Put your hand in fire to know what bad is.” That seems to disclose or seems to argue about the self intimating nature of suffering about how it’s clearly bad. If you don’t believe me, go and do the suffering things. From other moral realists who I’ve talked to and who argued for moral realism, like Peter Singer, they make similar arguments. What view or theory of consciousness are you most partial to? And how does this inform this perspective about the self intimating nature of suffering as being a bad thing?

Sam Harris: Well, I’m a realist with respect to morality and consciousness in the sense that I think it’s possible not to know what you’re missing. So if you’re a realist, the property that makes the most sense to me is that there are facts about the world that are facts whether or not anyone knows them. It is possible for everyone to be wrong about something. We could all agree about X and be wrong. That’s the realist position as opposed to pragmatism or some other variant, where it’s all just a matter, it’s all a language game, and the truth value of a statement is just the measure of the work it does in conversation. So with respect to consciousness, I’m a realist in the sense that if a system is conscious, if a cricket is conscious, if a sea cucumber is conscious, they’re conscious whether we know it or not. For the purposes of this conversation, let’s just decide that they’re not conscious, the lights are not on in those systems.

Well, that’s a claim that we could believe, we could all believe it, but we could be wrong about it. And so the facts exceed our experience at any given moment. And so it is with morally salient facts, like the existence of suffering. If a system can be conscious whether I know it or not a system can be suffering whether I know it or not. And that system could be me in the future or in some counterfactual state. I could think I’m doing the right thing by doing X. But the truth is I would have been much happier had I done Y and I’ll never know that. I was just wrong about the consequences of living in a certain way. That’s what realism on my view entails. So the way this relates to questions of morality and good and evil and right and wrong, this is back to my analogy of the moral landscape, I think morality really is a navigation problem. There are possibilities of experience in this universe and we don’t even need the concept of morality, we don’t need the concept of right and wrong and good and evil really.

That’s shorthand for, in my view, the way we should talk about the burden that’s on us in each moment to figure out what we should do next. Where should we point ourselves across this landscape of mind and possible minds? And knowing that it’s possible to move in the wrong direction, and what does it mean to be moving in the wrong direction? Well, it’s moving in a direction where everything is getting worse and worse and everything that was good a moment ago is breaking down to no good end. You could conceive of moving down a slope on the moral landscape only to ascend some higher peak. That’s intelligible to me that we might have to all move in the direction that seems to be making things worse but it is a sacrifice worth making because it’s the only way to get to something more beautiful and more stable.

I’m not saying that’s the world we’re living in, but it certainly seems like a possible world. But this just doesn’t seem open to doubt. There’s a range of experience on offer. And, on the one end, it’s horrific and painful and all the misery is without any silver lining, right? It’s not like we learn a lot from this ordeal. No, it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse and then we die, and I call that the worst possible misery for everyone. Alright so, the worst possible misery for everyone is bad if anything is bad, if the word bad is going to mean anything, it has to apply to the worst possible misery for everyone. But now some people come in and think they’re doing philosophy when they say things like, “Well, who’s to say the worst possible misery for everyone is bad?” Or, “Should we avoid the worst possible misery for everyone? Can you prove that we should avoid it?” And I actually think those are unintelligible noises that they’re making.

You can say those words, I don’t think you can actually mean those words. I have no idea what that person actually thinks they’re saying. You can play a language game like that but when you actually look at what the words mean, “the worst possible misery for everyone,” to then say, “Well, should we avoid it?” In a world where you should do anything, where the word should make sense, there’s nothing that you should do more than avoid the worst possible misery for everyone. By definition, it’s more fundamental than the concept of should. What I would argue is if you’re hung up on the concept of should, and you’re taken in by Hume’s flippant and ultimately misleading paragraph on, “You can’t get an ought from an is,” you don’t need oughts then. There is just this condition of is. There’s a range of experience on offer, and the one end it is horrible, on the other end, it is unimaginably beautiful.

And we clearly have a preference for one over the other, if we have a preference for anything. There is no preference more fundamental than escaping the worst possible misery for everyone. If you doubt that, you’re just not thinking about how bad things can get. It’s incredibly frustrating. In this conversation, you’re hearing the legacy of the frustration I’ve felt in talking to otherwise smart and well educated people who think they’re on interesting philosophical ground in doubting whether we should avoid the worst possible misery for everyone. Or that it would be good to avoid it, or perhaps it’s intelligible to have other priorities. And, again, I just think that they’re not understanding the words “worst possible misery and everyone”, they’re not letting those words and land in language cortex. And if they do, they’ll see that there is no other place to stand where you could have other priorities.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. And my brief reaction to that is, I still honestly feel confused about this. So maybe I’m in the camp of frustrating people. I can imagine other evolutionary timelines where there are minds that just optimize for the worst possible misery for everyone, just because in mind space those minds are physically possible.

Sam Harris: Well, that’s possible. We can certainly create a paperclip maximizer that is just essentially designed to make every conscious being suffer as much as it can. And that would be especially easy to do provided that intelligence wasn’t conscious. If it’s not a matter of its suffering, then yeah, we could use AGI to make things awful for everyone else. You could create a sadistic AGI that wanted everyone else to suffer and it derived immense pleasure from that.

Lucas Perry: Or immense suffering. I don’t see anything intrinsically motivating about suffering as navigating a mind necessarily away from it. Computationally, I can imagine a mind just suffering as much as possible and spreads that as much as possible. And maybe the suffering is bad in some objective sense, given consciousness realism, and that that was disclosing the intrinsic valence of consciousness in the universe. But the is-ought distinction there still seems confusing to me. Yes, suffering is bad and maybe the worst possible misery for everyone is bad, but that’s not universally motivating for all possible minds.

Sam Harris: The usual problem here is, it’s easy for me to care about my own suffering, but why should I care about the suffering of others? That seems to be the ethical stalemate that people worry about. My response there is that it doesn’t matter. You can take the view from above there and you can just say, “The universe would be better if all the sentient beings suffered less and it would be worse if they suffered more.” And if you’re unconvinced by that, you just have to keep turning the dial to separate those two more and more and more and more so that you get to the extremes. If any given sentient being can’t be moved to care about the experience of others, well, that’s one sort of world, that’s not a peak on the moral landscape. That will be a world where beings are more callous than they would otherwise be in some other corner of the universe. And they’ll bump into each other more and they’ll be more conflict and they’ll fail to cooperate in certain ways that would have opened doors to positive experiences that they now can’t have.

And you can try to use moralizing language about all of this and say, “Well, you still can’t convince me that I should care about people starving to death in Somalia.” But the reality is an inability to care about that has predictable consequences. If enough people can’t care about that then certain things become impossible and those things, if they were possible, lead to good outcomes that if you had a different sort of mind, you would enjoy. So all of this bites its own tail in an interesting way when you imagine being able to change a person’s moral intuitions. And then the question is, well, should you change those intuitions? Would it be good to change your sense of what is good? That question has an answer on the moral landscape. It has an answer when viewed as a navigation problem.

Lucas Perry: Right. But isn’t the assumption there that if something leads to a good world, then you should do it?

Sam Harris: Yes. You can even drop your notion of should. I’m sure it’s finite, but a functionally infinite number of worlds on offer and there’s ways to navigate into those spaces. And there are ways to fail to navigate into those spaces. There are ways to try and fail, and worse still, there are ways to not know what you’re missing, to not even know where you should be pointed on this landscape, which is to say, you need to be a realist here. There are experiences that are better than any experience that you are going to have and you are never going to know about them, possible experiences. And granting that, you don’t need a concept of should, should is just shorthand for how we speak with one another and try to admonish one another to be better in the future in order to cooperate better or to realize different outcomes. But it’s not a deep principle of reality.

What is a deep principle of reality is consciousness and its possibilities. Consciousness is the one thing that can’t be an illusion. Even if we’re in a simulation, even if we’re brains in vats, even if we’re confused about everything, something seems to be happening, and that seeming is the fact of consciousness. And almost as rudimentary as that is the fact that within this space of seemings, again, we don’t know what the base layer of reality is, we don’t know if our physics is the real physics, we could be confused, this could be a dream, we could be confused about literally everything except that in this space of seemings there appears to be a difference between things getting truly awful to no apparent good end and things getting more and more sublime.

And there’s potentially even a place to stand where that difference isn’t so captivating anymore. Certainly, there are Buddhists who would tell you that you can step off that wheel of opposites, ultimately. But even if you buy that, that is some version of a peak on my moral landscape. That is a contemplative peak where the difference between agony and ecstasy is no longer distinguishable because what you are then aware of is just that consciousness is intrinsically free of its content and no matter what its possible content could be. If someone can stabilize that intuition, more power to them, but then that’s the thing you should do, just to bring it back to the conventional moral framing.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I agree with you. I’m generally a realist about consciousness and still do feel very confused, not just because of reasons in this conversation, but just generally about how causality fits in there and how it might influence our understanding of the worst possible misery for everyone being a bad thing. I’m also willing to go that far to accept that as objectively a bad thing, if bad means anything. But then I still get really confused about how that necessarily fits in with, say, decision theory or “shoulds” in the space of possible minds and what is compelling to who and why?

Sam Harris: Perhaps this is just semantic. Imagine all these different minds that have different utility functions. The paperclip maximizer wants nothing more than paperclips. And anything that reduces paperclips is perceived as a source of suffering. It has a disutility. If you have any utility function, you have this liking and not liking component provided your sentient. That’s what it is to be motivated consciously. For me, the worst possible misery for everyone is a condition where, whatever the character of your mind, every sentient mind is put in the position of maximal suffering for it. So some things like paperclips and some things hate paperclips. If you hate paperclips, we give you a lot of paperclips. If you like paperclips, we take away all your paperclips. If that’s your mind, we tune your corner of the universe to that torture chamber. You can be agnostic as to what the actual things are that make something suffer. It’s just suffering is by definition the ultimate frustration of that mind’s utility function.

Lucas Perry: Okay. I think that’s a really, really important crux and crucial consideration between us and a general point of confusion here. Because that’s the definition of what suffering is or what it means. I suspect that those things may be able to come apart. So, for you, maximum disutility and suffering are identical, but I guess I could imagine a utility function being separate or inverse from the hedonics of a mind. Maybe the utility function, which is purely a computational thing, is getting maximally satisfied, maximizing suffering everywhere, and the mind that is implementing that suffering is just completely immiserated while doing it. But the utility function, which is different and inverse from the experience of the thing, is just getting satiated and so the machine keeps driving towards maximum-suffering-world.

Sam Harris: Right, but there’s either something that is liked to be satiated in that way or there isn’t right now. If we’re talking about real conscious society, we’re talking about some higher order satisfaction or pleasure that is not suffering by my definition. We have this utility function ourselves. I mean when you take somebody who decides to climb to the summit of Mount Everest where the process almost every moment along the way is synonymous with physical pain and intermittent fear of death, torture by another name. But the whole project is something that they’re willing to train for, sacrifice for, dream about, and then talk about for the rest of their lives, and at the end of the day might be in terms of their conscious sense of what it was like to be them, the best thing they ever did in their lives.

That is this sort of bilayered utility function you’re imagining, whereas if you could just experience sample what it’s like to be in the death zone on Everest, it really sucks and if imposed on you for any other reason, it would be torture. But given the framing, given what this person believes about what they’re doing, given the view out their goggles, given their identity as a mountain climber, this is the best thing they’ve ever done. You’re imagining some version of that, but that fits in my view on the moral landscape. That’s not the worst possible misery for anyone. The source of satisfaction that is deeper than just bodily, sensory pleasure every moment of the day, or at least it seems to be for that person at that point in time. They could be wrong about that. There could be something better. They don’t know what they’re missing. It’s actually much better to not care about mountain climbing.

The truth is, your aunt is a hell of a lot happier than Sir Edmund Hillary was and Edmund Hillary was never in a position to know it because he was just so into climbing mountains. That’s where the realism comes in, in terms of you not knowing what you’re missing. But I just see any ultimate utility function, if it’s accompanied by consciousness, it can’t define itself as the ultimate frustration of its aims if its aims are being satisfied.

Lucas Perry: I see. Yeah. So this just seems to be a really important point around hedonics and computation and utility function and what drives what. So, wrapping up here, I think I would feel defeated if I let you escape without maybe giving a yes or no answer to this last question. Do you think that bliss and wellbeing can be mathematically defined?

Sam Harris: That is something I have no intuitions about it. I’m not enough of a math head to think in those terms. If we mathematically understood what it meant for us neurophysiologically in our own substrate, well then, I’m sure we can characterize it for creatures just like us. I think substrate independence makes it something that’s hard to functionally understand in new systems and it’ll just pose problems of our just knowing what it’s like to be something that on the outside seems to be functioning much like we do but is organized in a very different way. But yeah, I don’t have any intuitions around that one way or the other.

Lucas Perry: All right. And so pointing towards your social media or the best places to follow you, where should we do that?

Sam Harris: My website is just and I’m SamHarrisorg without the dot on Twitter, and you can find anything you want about me on my website, certainly.

Lucas Perry: All right, Sam. Thanks so much for coming on and speaking about this wide range of issues. You’ve been deeply impactful in my life since I guess about high school. I think you probably partly at least motivated my trip to Nepal, where I overlooked the Pokhara Lake and reflected on your terrifying acid trip there.

Sam Harris: That’s hilarious. That’s in my book Waking Up, but it’s also on my website and it’s also I think I read it on the Waking Up App and it’s in a podcast. It’s also on Tim Ferriss’ podcast. But anyway, that acid trip was detailed in this piece called Drugs and The Meaning of Life. That’s hilarious. I haven’t been back to Pokhara since, so you’ve seen that lake more recently than I have.

Lucas Perry: So yeah, you’ve contributed much to my intellectual and ethical development and thinking, and for that, I have tons of gratitude and appreciation. And thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me about these issues today.

Sam Harris: Nice. Well, it’s been a pleasure, Lucas. And all I can say is keep going. You’re working on very interesting problems and you’re very early to the game, so it’s great to see you doing it.

Lucas Perry: Thanks so much, Sam.

FLI Podcast: On the Future of Computation, Synthetic Biology, and Life with George Church

Progress in synthetic biology and genetic engineering promise to bring advancements in human health sciences by curing disease, augmenting human capabilities, and even reversing aging. At the same time, such technology could be used to unleash novel diseases and biological agents which could pose global catastrophic and existential risks to life on Earth. George Church, a titan of synthetic biology, joins us on this episode of the FLI Podcast to discuss the benefits and risks of our growing knowledge of synthetic biology, its role in the future of life, and what we can do to make sure it remains beneficial. Will our wisdom keep pace with our expanding capabilities?

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • Existential risk
  • Computational substrates and AGI
  • Genetics and aging
  • Risks of synthetic biology
  • Obstacles to space colonization
  • Great Filters, consciousness, and eliminating suffering

You can take a survey about the podcast here

Submit a nominee for the Future of Life Award here



0:00 Intro

3:58 What are the most important issues in the world?

12:20 Collective intelligence, AI, and the evolution of computational systems

33:06 Where we are with genetics

38:20 Timeline on progress for anti-aging technology

39:29 Synthetic biology risk

46:19 George’s thoughts on COVID-19

49:44 Obstacles to overcome for space colonization

56:36 Possibilities for “Great Filters”

59:57 Genetic engineering for combating climate change

01:02:00 George’s thoughts on the topic of “consciousness”

01:08:40 Using genetic engineering to phase out voluntary suffering

01:12:17 Where to find and follow George



George Church’s Twitter and website


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You can listen to the podcast above or read the transcript below. 

Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today we have a conversation with Professor George Church on existential risk, the evolution of computational systems, synthetic-bio risk, aging, space colonization, and more. We’re skipping the AI Alignment Podcast episode this month, but I intend to have it resume again on the 15th of June. Some quick announcements for those unaware, there is currently a live survey that you can take about the FLI and AI Alignment Podcasts. And that’s a great way to voice your opinion about the podcast, help direct its evolution, and provide feedback for me. You can find a link for that survey on the page for this podcast or in the description section of wherever you might be listening. 

The Future of Life Institute is also in the middle of its search for the 2020 winner of the Future of Life Award. The Future of Life Award is a $50,000 prize that we give out to an individual who, without having received much recognition at the time of their actions, has helped to make today dramatically better than it may have been otherwise. The first two recipients of the Future of Life Institute award were Vasili Arkhipov and Stanislav Petrov, two heroes of the nuclear age. Both took actions at great personal risk to possibly prevent an all-out nuclear war. The third recipient was Dr. Matthew Meselson, who spearheaded the international ban on bioweapons. Right now, we’re not sure who to give the 2020 Future of Life Award to. That’s where you come in. If you know of an unsung hero who has helped to avoid global catastrophic disaster, or who has done incredible work to ensure a beneficial future of life, please head over to the Future of Life Award page and submit a candidate for consideration. The link for that page is on the page for this podcast or in the description of wherever you might be listening. If your candidate is chosen, you will receive $3,000 as a token of our appreciation. We’re also incentivizing the search via MIT’s successful red balloon strategy, where the first to nominate the winner gets $3,000 as mentioned, but there are also tiered pay outs to the person who invited the nomination winner, and so on. You can find details about that on the page. 

George Church is Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard and MIT. He is Director of the U.S. Department of Energy Technology Center and Director of the National Institutes of Health Center of Excellence in Genomic Science. George leads Synthetic Biology at the Wyss Institute, where he oversees the directed evolution of molecules, polymers, and whole genomes to create new tools with applications in regenerative medicine and bio-production of chemicals. He helped initiate the Human Genome Project in 1984 and the Personal Genome Project in 2005. George invented the broadly applied concepts of molecular multiplexing and tags, homologous recombination methods, and array DNA synthesizers. His many innovations have been the basis for a number of companies including Editas, focused on gene therapy, Gen9bio, focused on Synthetic DNA, and Veritas Genetics, which is focused on full human genome sequencing. And with that, let’s get into our conversation with George Church.

So I just want to start off here with a little bit of a bigger picture about what you care about most and see as the most important issues today.

George Church: Well, there’s two categories of importance. One are things that are very common and so affect many people. And then there are things that are very rare but very impactful nevertheless. Those are my two top categories. They weren’t when I was younger. I didn’t consider either of them that seriously. So examples of very common things are age-related diseases, infectious diseases. They can affect all 7.7 billion of us. Then on the rare end would be things that could wipe out all humans or all civilization or all living things, asteroids, supervolcanoes, solar flares, and engineered or costly natural pandemics. So those are things that I think are very important problems. Then we have had the research to enhance wellness and minimize those catastrophes. The third category or somewhat related to those two which is things we can do to say get us off the planet, so things would be highly preventative from total failure.

Lucas Perry: So in terms of these three categories, how do you see the current allocation of resources worldwide and how would you prioritize spending resources on these issues?

George Church: Well the current allocation of resources is very different from the allocations that I would set for my own research goals and what I would set for the world if I were in charge, in that there’s a tendency to be reactive rather than preventative. And this applies to both therapeutics versus preventatives and the same thing for environmental and social issues. All of those, we feel like it somehow makes sense or is more cost-effective, but I think it’s an illusion. It’s far more cost-effective to do many things preventatively. So, for example, if we had preventatively had a system of extensive testing for pathogens, we could probably save the world trillions of dollars on one disease alone with COVID-19. I think the same thing is true for global warming. A little bit of preventative environmental engineering for example in the Arctic where relatively few people would be directly engaged, could save us disastrous outcomes down the road.

So I think we’re prioritizing a very tiny fraction for these things. Aging and preventative medicine is maybe a percent of the NIH budget, and each institute sets aside about a percent to 5% on preventative measures. Gene therapy is another one. Orphan drugs, very expensive therapies, millions of dollars per dose versus genetic counseling which is now in the low hundreds, soon will be double digit dollars per lifetime.

Lucas Perry: So in this first category of very common widespread issues, do you have any other things there that you would add on besides aging? Like aging seems to be the kind of thing in culture where it’s recognized as an inevitability so it’s not put on the list of top 10 causes of death. But lots of people who care about longevity and science and technology and are avant-garde on these things would put aging at the top because they’re ambitious about reducing it or solving aging. So are there other things that you would add to that very common widespread list, or would it just be things from the top 10 causes of mortality?

George Church: Well infection was the other one that I included in the original list in common diseases. Infectious diseases are not so common in the wealthiest parts of the world, but they are still quite common worldwide, HIV, TB, malaria are still quite common, millions of people dying per year. Nutrition is another one that tends to be more common in the four parts of the world that still results in death. So the top three would be aging-related.

And even if you’re not interested in longevity and even if you believe that aging is natural, in fact some people think that infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies are natural. But putting that aside, if we’re attacking age-related diseases, we can use preventative medicine and aging insights into reducing those. So even if you want to neglect longevity that’s unnatural, if you want to address heart disease, strokes, lung disease, falling down, infectious disease, all of those things might be more easily addressed by aging studies and therapies and preventions than by a frontal assault on each micro disease one at a time.

Lucas Perry: And in terms of the second category, existential risk, if you were to rank order the likelihood and importance of these existential and global catastrophic risks, how would you do so?

George Church: Well you can rank their probability based on past records. So, we have some records of supervolcanoes, solar activity, and asteroids. So that’s one way of calculating probability. And then you can also calculate the impact. So it’s a product, the probability and impact for the various kinds of recorded events. I mean I think they’re similar enough that I’m not sure I would rank order those three.

And then pandemics, whether natural or human-influenced, probably a little more common than those first three. And then climate change. There are historic records but it’s not clear that they’re predictive. The probability of an asteroid hitting probably is not influenced by human presence, but climate change probably is and so you’d need a different model for that. But I would say that that is maybe the most likely of the lot for having an impact.

Lucas Perry: Okay. The Future of Life Institute, the things that we’re primarily concerned about in terms of this existential risk category would be the risks from artificial general intelligence and superintelligence, also synthetic bio-risk coming up in the 21st century more and more, and then accidental nuclear war would also be very bad, maybe not an existential risk. That’s arguable. Those are sort of our central concerns in terms of the existential risk category.

Relatedly the Future of Life Institute sees itself as a part of the effective altruism community which when ranking global priorities, they have four areas of essential consideration for impact. The first is global poverty. The second is animal suffering. And the third is long-term future and existential risk issues, having to do mainly with anthropogenic existential risks. The fourth one is meta-effective altruism. So I don’t want to include that. They also tend to make the same ranking, being that mainly the long-term risks of advanced artificial intelligence are basically the key issues that they’re worried about.

How do you feel about these perspectives or would you change anything?

George Church: My feeling is that natural intelligence is ahead of artificial intelligence and will stay there for quite a while, partly because synthetic biology has a steeper slope and I’m including the enhanced natural intelligence in the synthetic biology. That has a steeper upward slope than totally inorganic computing now. But we can lump those together. We can say artificial intelligence writ large to include anything that our ancestors didn’t have in terms of intelligence, which could include enhancing our own intelligence. And I think especially should include corporate behavior. Corporate behavior is a kind of intelligence which is not natural, is wide spread, and it is likely to change, mutate, evolve very rapidly, faster than human generation times, probably faster than machine generation times.

Nukes I think are aging and maybe are less attractive as a defense mechanism. I think they’re being replaced by intelligence, artificial or otherwise, or collective and synthetic biology. I mean I think that if you wanted to have mutually assured destruction, it would be more cost-effective to do that with syn-bio. But I would still keep it on the list.

So I agree with that list. I’d just like nuanced changes to where the puck is likely to be going.

Lucas Perry: I see. So taking into account and reflecting on how technological change in the short to medium term will influence how one might want to rank these risks.

George Church: Yeah. I mean I just think that a collective human enhanced intelligence is going to be much more disruptive potentially than AI is. That’s just a guess. And I think that nukes will just be part of a collection of threatening things that people do. Probably it’s more threatening to cause collapse of a electric grid or a pandemic or some other economic crash than nukes.

Lucas Perry: That’s quite interesting and is very different than the story that I have in my head, and I think will also be very different than the story that many listeners have in their heads. Could you expand and unpack your timelines and beliefs about why you think the\at collective organic intelligence will be ahead of AI? Could you say, I guess, when you would expect AI to surpass collective bio intelligence and some of the reasons again for why?

George Church: Well, I don’t actually expect silicon-based intelligence to ever bypass in every category. I think it’s already super good at storage retrieval and math. But that’s subject to change. And I think part of the assumptions have been that we’ve been looking at a Moore’s law projection while most people haven’t been looking at the synthetic biology equivalent and haven’t noticed that the Moore’s law might finally be plateauing, at least as it was originally defined. So that’s part of the reason I think for the excessive optimism, if you will, about artificial intelligence.

Lucas Perry: The Moore’s law thing has to do with hardware and computation, right?

George Church: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: That doesn’t say anything about how algorithmic efficiency and techniques and tools are changing, and the access to big data. Something we’ve talked about on this podcast before is that many of the biggest insights and jumps in deep learning and neural nets haven’t come from new techniques but have come from more massive and massive amounts of compute on data.

George Church: Agree, but those data are also available to humans as big data. I think maybe the compromise here is that it’s some hybrid system. I’m just saying that humans plus big data plus silicon-based computers, even if they stay flat in hardware is going to win over either one of them separately. So maybe what I’m advocating is hybrid systems. Just like in your brain you have different parts of your brain that have different capabilities and functionality. In a hybrid system we would have the wisdom of crowds, plus compute engines, plus big data, but available to all the parts of the collective brain.

Lucas Perry: I see. So it’s kind of like, I don’t know if this is still true, but I think at least at some point it was true, that the best teams at chess were AIs plus humans?

George Church: Correct, yeah. I think that’s still true. But I think it will become even more true if we start altering human brains, which we have a tendency to try to do already via education and caffeine and things like that. But there’s really no particular limit to that.

Lucas Perry: I think one of the things that you said was that you don’t think that AI alone will ever be better than biological intelligence in all ways.

George Church: Partly because biological intelligence is a moving target. The first assumption was that the hardware would keep improving on Moore’s law, which it isn’t. The second assumption was that we would not alter biological intelligence. There’s one moving target which was silicon and biology was not moving, when in fact biology is moving at a steeper slope both in terms of hardware and algorithms and everything else and we’re just beginning to see that. So I think that when you consider both of those, it at least sows the seed of uncertainty as to whether AI is inevitably better than a hybrid system.

Lucas Perry: Okay. So let me just share the kind of story that I have in my head and then you can say why it might be wrong. AI researchers have been super wrong about predicting how easy it would be to make progress on AI in the past. So taking predictions with many grains of salt, if you interview say the top 100 AI researchers in the world, they’ll give a 50% probability of there being artificial general intelligence by 2050. That could be very wrong. But they gave like a 90% probability of there being artificial general intelligence by the end of the century.

And the story in my head says that I expect there to be bioengineering and genetic engineering continuing. I expect there to be designer babies. I expect there to be enhancements to human beings further and further on as we get into the century in increasing capacity and quality. But there are computational and substrate differences between computers and biological intelligence like the clock speed of computers can be much higher. They can compute much faster. And then also there’s this idea about the computational architectures in biological intelligences not being privileged or only uniquely available to biological organisms such that whatever the things that we think are really good or skillful or they give biological intelligences a big edge on computers could simply be replicated in computers.

And then there is an ease of mass manufacturing compute and then emulating those systems on computers such that the dominant and preferable form of computation in the future will not be on biological wetware but will be on silicon. And for that reason at some point there’ll just be a really big competitive advantage for the dominant form of compute and intelligence and life on the planet to be silicon based rather than biological based. What is your reaction to that?

George Church: You very nicely summarized what I think is a dominant worldview of people that are thinking about the future, and I’m happy to give a counterpoint. I’m not super opinionated but I think it’s worthy of considering both because the reason we’re thinking about the future is we don’t want to be blind sighted by it. And this could be happening very quickly by the way because both revolutions are ongoing as is the merger.

Now clock speed, my guess is that clock speed may not be quite as important as energy economy. And that’s not to say that both systems, let’s call them bio and non-bio, can’t optimize energy. But if you look back at sort of the history of evolution on earth, the fastest clock speeds, like bacteria and fruit flies, aren’t necessarily more successful in any sense than humans. They might have more bio mass, but I think humans are the only species with our slow clock speed relative to bacteria that are capable of protecting all of the species by taking us to a new planet.

And clock speed is only important if you’re in a direct competition in a fairly stable environment where the fastest bacteria win. But worldwide most of the bacteria are actually very slow growers. If you look at energy consumption right now, which both of them can improve, there are biological compute systems that are arguably a million times more energy-efficient at even tasks where the biological system wasn’t designed or evolved for that task, but it can kind of match. Now there are other things where it’s hard to compare, either because of the intrinsic advantage that either the bio or the non-bio system has, but where they are sort of on the same framework, it takes 100 kilowatts of power to run say Jeopardy! and Go on a computer and the humans that are competing are using considerably less than that, depending on how you calculate all the things that is required to support the 20 watt brain.

Lucas Perry: What do you think the order of efficiency difference is?

George Church: I think it’s a million fold right now. And this largely a hardware thing. I mean there is algorithmic components that will be important. But I think that one of the advantages that bio chemical systems have is that they are intrinsically atomically precise. While Moore’s law seem to be plateauing somewhere around 3 nanometer fabrication resolution, that’s off by maybe a thousand fold from atomic resolution. So that’s one thing, that as you go out many years, they will either be converging on or merging in some ways so that you get the advantages of atomic precision, the advantages of low energy and so forth. So that’s why I think that we’re moving towards a slightly more molecular future. It may not be recognizable as either our silicon von Neumann or other computers, nor totally recognizable as a society of humans.

Lucas Perry: So is your view that we won’t reach artificial general intelligence like the kind of thing which can reason about as well as about humans across all the domains that humans are able to reason? We won’t reach that on non-bio methods of computation first?

George Church: No, I think that we will have AGI in a number of different substrates, mechanical, silicon, quantum computing. Various substrates will be able of doing artificial general intelligence. It’s just that the ones that do it in a most economic way will be the ones that we will tend to use. There’ll be some cute museum that will have a collection of all the different ways, like the tinker toy computer that did Tic Tac Toe. Well, that’s in a museum somewhere next to Danny Hillis, but we’re not going to be using that for AGI. And I think there’ll be a series of artifacts like that, that in practice it will be very pragmatic collection of things that make economic sense.

So just for example, its easier to make a copy of a biological brain. Now that’s one thing that appears to be an advantage to non-bio computers right now, is you can make a copy of even large data sets for a fairly small expenditure of time, cost, and energy. While, to educate a child takes decades and in the end you don’t have anything totally resembling the parents and teachers. I think that’s subject to change. For example, we have now storage of data in DNA form, which is about a million times denser than any comprable non-chemical, non-biological system, and you can make a copy of it for hundreds of joules of energy and pennies. So you can hold an exabyte of data in the palm of your hand and you can make a copy of it relatively easy.

Now that’s not a mature technology, but it shows where we’re going. If we’re talking 100 years, there’s no particular reason why you couldn’t have that embedded in your brain and input and output to it. And by the way, the cost of copying that is very close to the thermodynamic limit for making copies of bits, while computers are nowhere near that. They’re off by a factor of a million.

Lucas Perry: Let’s see if I get this right. Your view is that there is this computational energy economy benefit. There is this precisional element which is of benefit, and that because there are advantages to biological computation, we will want to merge the best aspects of biological computation with non-biological in order to sort of get best of both worlds. So while there may be many different AGIs on offer on different substrates, the future looks like hybrids.

George Church: Correct. And it’s even possible that silicon is not in the mix. I’m not predicting that it’s not in the mix. I’m just saying it’s possible. It’s possible that an atomically precise computer is better at quantum computing or is better at clock time or energy.

Lucas Perry: All right. So I do have a question later about this kind of thing and space exploration and reducing existential risk via further colonization which I do want to get into later. I guess I don’t have too much more to say about our different stories around here. I think that what you’re saying is super interesting and challenging in very interesting ways. I guess the only thing I would have to say is I guess I don’t know enough, but you said that the computation energy economy is like a million fold more efficient.

George Church: That’s for copying bits, for DNA. For doing complex tasks for example, Go, Jeopardy! or Einstein’s Mirabilis, those kinds of things were typically competing a 20 watt brain plus support structure with a 100 kilowatt computer. And I would say at least in the case of Einstein’s 1905 we win, even though we lose at Go and Jeopardy!, which is another interesting thing, is that humans have a great deal more of variability. And if you take the extreme values like one person in one year, Einstein in 1905 as the representative rather than the average person and the average year for that person, well, if you make two computers, they are going to likely be nearly identical, which is both a plus and a minus in this case. Now if you make Einstein in 1905 the average for humans, then you have a completely different set of goalpost for the AGI than just being able to pass a basic Turing test where you’re simulating someone of average human interest and intelligence.

Lucas Perry: Okay. So two things from my end then. First is, do you expect AGI to first come from purely non-biological silicon-based systems? And then the second thing is no matter what the system is, do you still see the AI alignment problem as the central risk from artificial general intelligence and superintelligence, which is just aligning AIs with human values and goals and intentions?

George Church: I think the further we get from human intelligence, the harder it is to convince ourselves that we can educate, and whereas the better they will be at fooling us. It doesn’t mean they’re more intelligent than us. It’s just they’re alien. It’s like a wolf can fool us when we’re out in the woods.

Lucas Perry: Yeah.

George Church: So I think that exceptional humans are as hard to guarantee that we really understand their ethics. So if you have someone who is a sociopath or high functioning autistic, we don’t really know after 20 years of ethics education whether they actually are thinking about it the same way we are, or even in compatible way to the way that we are. We being in this case neurotypicals, although I’m not sure I am one. But anyway.

I think that this becomes a big problem with AGI, and it may actually put a damper on it. Part of the assumption so far is we won’t change humans because we have to get ethics approval for changing humans. But we’re increasingly getting ethics approval for changing humans. I mean gene therapies are now approved and increasing rapidly, all kinds of neuro-interfaces and so forth. So I think that that will change.

Meanwhile, the silicon-based AGI as we approached it, it will change in the opposite direction. It will be harder and harder to get approval to do manipulations in those systems, partly because there’s risk, and partly because there’s sympathy for the systems. Right now there’s very little sympathy for them. But as you got to the point where computers haven an AGI level of say IQ of 70 or something like that for a severely mentally disabled person so it can pass the Turing test, then they should start getting the rights of a disabled person. And once they have the rights of a disabled person, that would include the right to not be unplugged and the right to vote. And then that creates a whole bunch of problems that we won’t want to address, except as academic exercises or museum specimens that we can say, hey, 50 years ago we created this artificial general intelligence, just like we went to the Moon once. They’d be stunts more than practical demonstrations because they will have rights and because it will represent risks that will not be true for enhanced human societies.

So I think more and more we’re going to be investing in enhanced human societies and less and less in the uncertain silicon-based. That’s just a guess. It’s based not on technology but on social criteria.

Lucas Perry: I think that it depends what kind of ethics and wisdom that we’ll have at that point in time. Generally I think that we may not want to take conventional human notions of personhood and apply them to things where it might not make sense. Like if you have a system that doesn’t mind being shut off, but it can be restarted, why is it so unethical to shut it off? Or if the shutting off of it doesn’t make it suffer, suffering may be some sort of high level criteria.

George Church: By the same token you can make human beings that don’t mind being shut off. That won’t change our ethics much I don’t think. And you could also make computers that do mind being shut off, so you’ll have this continuum on both sides. And I think we will have sympathetic rules, but combined with the risk, which is the risk that they can hurt you, the risk that if you don’t treat them with respect, they will be more likely to hurt you, the risk that you’re hurting them without knowing it. For example, if you have somebody with locked-in syndrome, you could say, “Oh, they’re just a vegetable,” or you could say, “They’re actually feeling more pain than I am because they have no agency, they have no ability to control their situation.”

So I think creating computers that could have the moral equivalent of locked-in syndrome or some other pain without the ability to announce their pain could be very troubling to us. And we would only overcome it if that were a solution to an existential problem or had some gigantic economic benefit. I’ve already called that into question.

Lucas Perry: So then, in terms of the first AGI, do you have a particular substrate that you imagine that coming online on?

George Church: My guess is it will probably be very close to what we have right now. As you said, it’s going to be algorithms and databases and things like that. And it will be probably at first a stunt, in the same sense that Go and Jeopardy! are stunts. It’s not clear that those are economically important. A computer that could pass the Turing test, it will make a nice chat bots and phone answering machines and things like that. But beyond that it may not change our world, unless we solve energy issues and so. So I think to answer your question, we’re so close to it now that it might be based on an extrapolation of current systems.

Quantum computing I think is maybe a more special case thing. Just because it’s good at encryption, encryption is very societal utility. I haven’t yet seen encryption described as something that’s mission critical for space flight or curing diseases, other than the social components of those. And quantum simulation may be beaten by building actual quantum systems. So for example, atomically precise systems that you can build with synthetic biology are quantum systems that are extraordinarily hard to predict, but they’re very easy to synthesize and measure.

Lucas Perry: Is your view here that if the first AGI is on the economic and computational scale of a supercomputer such that we imagine that we’re still just leveraging really, really big amounts of data and we haven’t made extremely efficient advancements and algorithms such that the efficiency jumps a lot but rather the current trends continue and it’s just more and more data and maybe some algorithmic improvements, that the first system is just really big and clunky and expensive, and then that thing can self-recursively try to make itself cheaper, and then that the direction that that would move in would be increasingly creating hardware which has synthetic bio components.

George Church: Yeah, I’d think that that already exists in a certain sense. We have a hybrid system that is self-correcting, self-improving at an alarming rate. But it is a hybrid system. In fact, it’s such a complex hybrid system that you can’t point to a room where it can make a copy of itself. You can’t even point to a building, possibly not even a state where you can make a copy of this self-modifying system because it involves humans, it involves all kinds of fab labs scattered around the globe.

We could set a goal to be able to do that, but I would argue we’re much closer to achieving that goal with a human being. You can have a room where you only can make a copy of a human, and if that is augmentable, that human can also make computers. Admittedly it would be a very primitive computer if you restricted that human to primitive supplies and a single room. But anyway, I think that’s the direction we’re going. And we’re going to have to get good at doing things in confined spaces because we’re not going to be able to easily duplicate planet Earth, probably going to have to make a smaller version of it and send it off and how big that is we can discuss later.

Lucas Perry: All right. Cool. This is quite perspective shifting and interesting, and I will want to think about this more in general going forward. I want to spend just a few minutes on this next question. I think it’ll just help give listeners a bit of overview. You’ve talked about it in other places. But I’m generally interested in getting a sense of where we currently stand with the science of genetics in terms of reading and interpreting human genomes, and what we can expect on the short to medium term horizon in human genetic and biological sciences for health and longevity?

George Church: Right. The short version is that we have gotten many factors of 10 improvement in speed, cost, accuracy, and interpretability, 10 million fold reduction in price from $3 billion for a poor quality genomic non-clinical quality sort of half a genome in that each of us have two genomes, one from each parent. So we’ve gone from $3 billion to $300. It will probably be $100 by the middle of year, and then will keep dropping. There’s no particular second law of thermodynamics or Heisenberg stopping us, at least for another million fold. That’s where we are in terms of technically being able to read and for that matter write DNA.

But the interpretation certainly there are genes that we don’t know what they do, there are disease that we don’t know what causes them. There’s a great vast amount of ignorance. But that ignorance may not be as impactful as sometimes we think. It’s often said that common diseases or so called complex multi-genic diseases are off in the future. But I would reframe that slightly for everyone’s consideration, that many of these common diseases are diseases of aging. Not all of them but many, many of them that we care about. And it could be that attacking aging as a specific research program may be more effective than trying to list all the millions of small genetic changes that has small phenotypic effects on these complex diseases.

So that’s another aspect of the interpretation where we don’t necessarily have to get super good at so called polygenic risk scores. We will. We are getting better at it, but it could be in the end a lot of the things that we got so excited about precision medicine, and I’ve been one of the champions of precision medicine since before it was called that. But precision medicine has a potential flaw in it, which is it’s the tendency to work on the reactive cures for specific cancers and inherited diseases and so forth when the preventative form of it which could be quite generic and less personalized might be more cost-effective and humane.

So for example, taking inherited diseases, we have a million to multi-million dollars spent on people having inherited diseases per individual, while a $100 genetic diagnosis could be used to prevent that. And generic solutions like aging reversal or aging prevention might stop cancer more effectively than trying to stop it once it gets to metastatic stage, which there is a great deal of resources put into that. That’s my update on where genomics is. There’s a lot more that could be said.

Lucas Perry:

Yeah. As a complete lay person in terms of biological sciences, stopping aging to me sounds like repairing and cleaning up human DNA and the human genome such that information that is lost over time is repaired. Correct me if I’m wrong or explain a little bit about what the solution to aging might look like.

George Church: I think there’s two kind of closer related schools of thought which one is that there’s damage that you need to go in there and fix the way you would fix a pothole. And the other is that there’s regulation that informs the system how to fix itself. I believe in both. I tend to focus on the second one.

If you take a very young cell, say a fetal cell. It has a tendency to repair much better than an 80-year-old adult cell. The immune system of a toddler is much more capable than that of a 90-year-old. This isn’t necessarily due to damage. This is due to the epigenetic so called regulation of the system. So one cell is convinced that it’s young. I’m going to use some anthropomorphic terms here. So you can take an 80-year-old cell, actually up to 100 years is now done, reprogram it into an embryo like state through for example Yamanaka factors named after Shinya Yamanaka. And that reprogramming resets many, not all, of the features such that it now behaves like a young non-senescent cell. While you might have taken it from a 100-year-old fibroblast that would only replicate a few times before it senesced and died.

Things like that seem to convince us that aging is reversible and you don’t have to micromanage it. You don’t have to go in there and sequence the genome and find every bit of damage and repair it. The cell will repair itself.

Now there are some things like if you delete a gene it’s gone unless you have a copy of it, in which case you could copy it over. But those cells will probably die off. And the same thing happens in the germline when you’re passing from parent to kid, those sorts of things that can happen and the process of weeding them out is not terribly humane right now.

Lucas Perry: Do you have a sense or timelines on progress of aging throughout the century?

George Church: There’s been a lot of wishful thinking for centuries on this topic. But I think we have a wildly different scenario now, partly because this exponential improvement in technologies, reading and writing DNA and the list goes on and on in cell biology and so forth. So I think we suddenly have a great deal of knowledge of causes of aging and ways to manipulate those to reverse it. And I think these are all exponentials and we’re going to act on them very shortly.

We already are seeing some aging drugs, small molecules that are in clinical trials. My lab just published a combination gene therapy that will hit five different diseases of aging in mice and now it’s in clinical trials in dogs and then hopefully in a couple of years it will be in clinical trials in humans.

We’re not talking about centuries here. We’re talking about the sort of time that it takes to get things through clinical trails, which is about a decade. And a lot of stuff going on in parallel which then after one decade of parallel trials would be merging into combined trials. So a couple of decades.

Lucas Perry: All right. So I’m going to get in trouble in here if I don’t talk to you about synthetic bio risk. So, let’s pivot into that. What are your views and perspectives on the dangers to human civilization that an increasingly widespread and more advanced science of synthetic biology will pose?

George Church: I think it’s a significant risk. Getting back to the very beginning of our conversation, I think it’s probably one of the most significant existential risks. And I think that preventing it is not as easy as nukes. Not that nukes are easy, but it’s harder. Partly because it’s becoming cheaper and the information is becoming more widespread.

But it is possible. Part of it depends on having many more positive societally altruistic do gooders than do bad. It would be helpful if we could also make a big impact on poverty and diseases associated poverty and psychiatric disorders. The kind of thing that causes unrest and causes dissatisfaction is what tips the balance where one rare individual or a small team will do something that otherwise it would be unthinkable for even them. But if they’re sociopaths or they are representing a disadvantaged category of people then they feel justified.

So we have to get at some of those core things. It would also be helpful if we were more isolated. Right now we are very well mixed pot, which puts us both at risk for natural, as well as engineered diseases. So if some of us lived in sealed environments on Earth that are very similar to the sealed environments that we would need in space, that would both prepare us for going into space. And some of them would actually be in space. And so the further we are away from the mayhem of our wonderful current society, the better. If we had a significant fraction of population that was isolated, either on earth or elsewhere, it would lower the risk of all of us dying.

Lucas Perry: That makes sense. What are your intuitions about the offense/defense balance on synthetic bio risk? Like if we have 95% to 98% synthetic bio do gooders and a small percentage of malevolent actors or actors who want more power, how do you see the relative strength and weakness of offense versus defense?

George Church: I think as usual it’s a little easier to do offense. It can go back and forth. Certainly it seems easier to defend yourself from a ICBM than from something that could be spread in a cough. And we’re seeing that in spades right now. I think the fraction of white hats versus black hats is much better than 98% and it has to be. It has to be more like a billion to one. And even then it’s very risky. But yeah, it’s not easy to protect.

Now you can do surveillance so that you can restrict research as best you can, but it’s a numbers game. It’s combination of removing incentives, adding strong surveillance, whistleblowers that are not fearful of false positives. The suspicious package in the airport should be something you look at, even though most of them are not actually bombs. We should tolerate a very high rate of false positives. But yes, surveillance is not something we’re super good at it. It falls in the category of preventative medicine. And we would far prefer to do reactive, is to wait until somebody releases some pathogen and then say, “Oh, yeah, yeah, we can prevent that from happening again in the future.”

Lucas Perry: Is there a opportunity for boosting or beefing a human immune system or a public early warning detection systems of powerful and deadly synthetic bio agents?

George Church: Well so, yes is the simple answer. If we boost our immune systems in a public way — which it almost would have to be, there’d be much discussion about how to do that — then pathogens that get around those boosts might become more common. In terms of surveillance, I proposed in 2004 that we had an opportunity and still do of doing surveillance on all synthetic DNA. I think that really should be 100% worldwide. Right now it’s 80% or so. That is relatively inexpensive to fully implement. I mean the fact that we’ve done 80% already closer to this.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. So, funny enough I was actually just about to ask you about that paper that I think you’re referencing. So in 2004 you wrote A Synthetic Biohazard Non-proliferation Proposal, in anticipation of a growing dual use risk of synthetic biology, which proposed in part the sale and registry of certain synthesis machines to verified researchers. If you were to write a similar proposal today, are there some base elements of it you would consider including, especially since the ability to conduct synthetic biology research has vastly proliferated since then? And just generally, are you comfortable with the current governance of dual use research?

George Church: I probably would not change that 2004 white paper very much. Amazingly the world has not changed that much. There still are a very limited number of chemistries and devices and companies, so that’s a bottleneck which you can regulate and is being regulated by the International Gene Synthesis Consortium, IGSC. I did advocate back then and I’m still advocating that we get closer to an international agreement. Two sectors generally in the United Nations have said casually that they would be in favor of that, but we need essentially every level from the UN all the way down to local governments.

There’s really very little pushback today. There was some pushback back in 2004 where the company’s lawyers felt that they would be responsible or there would be an invasion of privacy of their customers. But I think eventually the rationale of high risk avoidance won out, so now it’s just a matter of getting full compliance.

One of these unfortunate things that the better you are at avoiding an existential risk, the less people know about it. In fact, we did so well on Y2K makes it uncertain as to whether we needed to do anything about Y2K at all, and I think hopefully the same thing will be true for a number of disasters that we avoid without most of the population even knowing how close we were.

Lucas Perry: So the main surveillance intervention here would be heavy monitoring and regulation and tracking of the synthesis machines? And then also a watch dog organization which would inspect the products of said machines?

George Church: Correct.

Lucas Perry: Okay.

George Church: Right now most of the DNA is ordered. You’ll send on the internet your order. They’ll send back the DNA. Those same principles have to apply to desktop devices. It has to get some kind of approval to show that you are qualified to make a particular DNA before the machine will make that DNA. And it has to be protected against hardware and software hacking which is a challenge. But again, it’s a numbers game.

Lucas Perry: So on the topic of biological risk, we’re currently in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. What do you think humanity should take as lessons from COVID-19?

George Church: Well, I think the big one is testing. Testing is probably the fastest way out of it right now. The geographical locations that have pulled out of it fastest were the ones that were best at testing and isolation. If your testing is good enough, you don’t even have to have very good contact tracing, but that’s also valuable. The longer shots are cures and vaccines and those are not entirely necessary and they are long-term and uncertain. There’s no guarantee that we will come up with a cure or a vaccine. For example, HIV, TB and malaria do not have great vaccines, and most of them don’t have great stable cures. HIV is a full series of cures over time. But not even cures. They’re more maintenance, management.

I sincerely hope that coronavirus is not in that category of HIV, TB, and malaria. But we can’t do public health based on hopes alone. So testing. I’ve been requesting a bio weather map and working towards improving the technology to do so since around 2002, which was before the SARS 2003, as part of the inspiration for the personal genome project, was this bold idea of bio weather map. We should be at least as interested in what biology is doing geographically as we are about what the low pressure fronts are doing geographically. It could be extremely inexpensive, certainly relative to the multi-trillion dollar cost for one disease.

Lucas Perry: So given the ongoing pandemic, what has COVID-19 demonstrated about human global systems in relation to existential and global catastrophic risk?

George Church: I think it’s a dramatic demonstration that we’re more fragile than we would like to believe. It’s a demonstration that we tend to be more reactive than proactive or preventative. And it’s a demonstration that we’re heterogeneous. That there are geographical reasons and political systems that are better prepared. And I would say at this point the United States is probably among the least prepared, and that was predictable by people who thought about this in advance. Hopefully we will be adequately prepared that we will not emerge from this as a third world nation. But that is still a possibility.

I think it’s extremely important to make our human systems, especially global systems more resilient. It would be nice to take as examples the countries that did the best or even towns that did the best. For example, the towns of Vo, Italy and I think Bolinas, California, and try to spread that out to the regions that did the worst. Just by isolation and testing, you can eliminate it. That sort of thing is something that we should have worldwide. To make the human systems more resilient we can alter our bodies, but I think very effective is altering our social structures so that we are testing more frequently, we’re constantly monitoring both zoonotic sources and testing bushmeat and all the places where we’re getting too close to the animals. But also testing our cities and all the environments that humans are in so that we have a higher probability of seeing patient zero before they become a patient.

Lucas Perry: The last category that you brought up at the very beginning of this podcast was preventative measures and part of that was not having all of our eggs in the same basket. That has to do with say Mars colonization or colonization of other moons which are perhaps more habitable and then eventually to Alpha Centauri and beyond. So with advanced biology and advanced artificial intelligence, we’ll have better tools and information for successful space colonization. What do you see as the main obstacles to overcome for colonizing the solar system and beyond?

George Church: So we’ll start with the solar system. Most of the solar system is not pleasant compared to Earth. It’s a vacuum and it’s cold, including Mars and many of the moons. There are moons that have more water, more liquid water than Earth, but it requires some drilling to get down to it typically. There’s radiation. There’s low gravity. And we’re not adaptive.

So we might have to do some biological changes. They aren’t necessarily germline but they’ll be the equivalent. There are things that you could do. You can simulate gravity with centrifuges and you can simulate the radiation protection we have on earth with magnetic fields and thick shielding, equivalent of 10 meters of water or dirt. But there will be a tendency to try to solve those problems. There’ll be issues of infectious disease, which ones we want to bring with us and which ones we want to quarantine away from. That’s an opportunity more than a uniquely space related problem.

A lot of the barriers I think are biological. We need to practice building colonies. Right now we have never had a completely recycled human system. We have completely recycled plant and animal systems but none that are humans, and that is partly having to do with social issues, hygiene and eating practices and so forth. I think that can be done, but it should be tested on Earth because the consequences of failure on a moon or non-earth planet is much more severe than if you test it out on Earth. We should have thousands, possibly millions of little space colonies on Earth since one of my pet projects is making that so that it’s economically feasible on Earth. Only by heavy testing at that scale will we find the real gotchas and failure modes.

And then final barrier, which is more in the category that people think about is the economies of, if you do the physics calculation how much energy it takes to raise a kilogram into orbit or out of orbit, it’s much, much less than the cost per kilogram, orders of magnitude than what we currently do. So there’s some opportunity for improvement there. So that’s in the solar system.

Outside of the solar system let’s say Proxima B, Alpha Centauri and things of that range, there’s nothing particularly interesting between here and there, although there’s nothing to stop us from occupying the vacuum of space. To get to four and a half light years either requires a revolution in propulsion and sustainability in a very small container, or a revolution in the size of the container that we’re sending.

So, one pet project that I’m working on is trying to make a nanogram size object that would contain the information sufficiently for building a civilization or at least building a communication device that’s much easier to accelerate and decelerate a nanogram than it is to do any of the scale of space probes we currently use.

Lucas Perry: Many of the issues that human beings will face within the solar system and beyond machines or synthetic computation that exist today seems more robust towards. Again, there are the things which you’ve already talked about like the computational efficiency and precision for self-repair and other kinds of things that modern computers may not have. So I think just a little bit of perspective on that would be useful, like why we might not expect that machines would take the place of humans in many of these endeavors.

George Church: Well, so for example, we would be hard pressed to even estimate, I haven’t seen a good estimate yet, of a self-contained device that could make a copy of itself from dirt or whatever, the chemicals that are available to it on a new planet. But we do know how to do that with humans or hybrid systems.

Here’s a perfect example of a hybrid system. Is a human can’t just go out into space. It needs a spaceship. A spaceship can’t go out into space either. It needs a human. So making a replicating system seems like a good idea, both because we are replicating systems and it lowers the size of the package you need to send. So if you want to have a million people in the Alpha Centauri system, it might be easier just to send a few people and a bunch of frozen embryos or something like that.

Sending a artificial general intelligence is not sufficient. It has to also be able to make a copy of itself, which I think is a much higher hurdle than just AGI. I think AGI, we will achieve before we achieve AGI plus replication. It may not be much before, it will be probably be before.

In principle, a lot of organisms, including humans, start from single cells and mammals tend to need more support structure than most other vertebrates. But in principle if you land a vertebrate fertilized egg in an aquatic environment, it will develop and make copies of itself and maybe even structures.

So my speculation is that there exist a nanogram cell that’s about the size of a lot of vertebrate eggs. There exists a design for a nanogram that would be capable of dealing with a wide variety of harsh environments. We have organisms that thrive everywhere between the freezing point of water and the boiling point or 100 plus degrees at high pressure. So you have this nanogram that is adapted to a variety of different environments and can reproduce, make copies of itself, and built into it is a great deal of know-how about building things. The same way that building a nest is built into a bird’s DNA, you could have programmed into an ability to build computers or a radio or laser transmitters so it could communicate and get more information.

So a nanogram could travel at close the speed of light and then communicate at close the speed of light once it replicates. I think that illustrates the value of hybrid systems, within this particular case a high emphasis on the biochemical, biological components that’s capable of replicating as the core thing that you need for efficient transport.

Lucas Perry: If your claim about hybrid systems is true, then if we extrapolate it to say the deep future, then if there’s any other civilizations out there, then the form in which we will meet them will likely also be hybrid systems.

And this point brings me to reflect on something that Nick Bostrom talks about, the great filters which are supposed points in the evolution and genesis of life throughout the cosmos that are very difficult for life to make it through those evolutionary leaps, so almost all things don’t make it through the filter. And this is hypothesized to be a way of explaining the Fermi paradox, why is it that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies and we don’t see any alien superstructures or we haven’t met anyone yet?

So, I’m curious to know if you have any thoughts or opinions on what the main great filters to reaching interstellar civilization might be?

George Church: Of all the questions you’ve asked, this is the one where i’m most uncertain. I study among other things how life originated, in particular how we make complex biopolymers, so ribosomes making proteins for example, the genetic code. That strikes me as a pretty difficult thing to have arisen. That’s one filter. Maybe much earlier than many people would think.

Another one might be lack of interest that once you get to a certain level of sophistication, you’re happy with your life, your civilization, and then typically you’re overrun by someone or something that is more primitive from your perspective. And then they become complacent, and the cycle repeats itself.

Or the misunderstanding of resources. I mean we’ve seen a number of island civilizations that have gone extinct because they didn’t have a sustainable ecosystem, or they might turn inward. You know, like Easter Island, they got very interested in making statutes and tearing down trees in order to do that. And so they ended up with an island that didn’t have any trees. They didn’t use those trees to build ships so they could populate the rest of the planet. They just miscalculated.

So all of those could be barriers. I don’t know which of them it is. There probably are many planets and moons where if we transplanted life, it would thrive there. But it could be that just making life in the first place is hard and then making intelligence and civilizations that care to grow outside of their planet. It might be hard to detect them if they’re growing in a subtle way.

Lucas Perry: I think the first thing you brought up might be earlier than some people expect, but I think for many people thinking about great filters it is not like abiogenesis, if that’s the right word, seems really hard getting the first self-replicating things in the ancient oceans going. There seemed to be loss of potential filters from there to multi-cellular organisms and then general intelligences like people and beyond.

George Church: But many empires have just become complacent and they’ve been overtaken by perfectly obvious technology that they could’ve at least kept up with by spying, if not by invention. But they became complacent. They seem to plateau at roughly the same place. We’re plateauing more or less the same place the Easter Islanders and the Roman Empire plateaued. Today I mean the slight differences that we are maybe space faring civilization now.

Lucas Perry: Barely.

George Church: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: So, climate change has been something that you’ve been thinking about a bunch it seems. You have the Woolly Mammoth Project which we don’t need to necessarily get into here. But are you considering or are you optimistic about other methods of using genetic engineering for combating climate change?

George Church: Yeah, I think genetic engineering has potential. Most of the other things we talk about putting in LEDs or slightly more efficient car engines, solar power and so forth. And these are slowing down the inevitable rather than reversing it. To reverse it we need to take carbon out of the air, and a really, great way to do that is with photosynthesis, partly because it builds itself. So if we just allow the Arctic to do the photosynthesis the way it used to, we could get a net loss of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and put it into the ground rather than releasing a lot.

That’s part of the reason that I’m obsessed with Arctic solutions and the Arctic Ocean is also similar. It’s the place where you get upwelling of nutrients, and so you get a natural, very high rate of carbon fixation. It’s just you also have a high rate of carbon consumption back into carbon dioxide. So if you could change that cycle a little bit. So that I think both Arctic land and ocean is a very good place to reverse carbon and accumulation in the atmosphere, and I think that that is best done with synthetic biology.

Now the barriers have historically been release of recombinant DNA into the wild. We now have salmon which are essentially in the wild, the humans that are engineered that are in the wild, and we have golden rice is now finally after more than a decade of tussle being used in the Philippines.

So I think we’re going to see more and more of that. To some extent even the plants of agriculture are in the wild. This is one of the things that was controversial, was that the pollen was going all over the place. But I think there’s essentially zero examples of recombinant DNA causing human damage. And so we just need to be cautious about our environmental decision making.

Lucas Perry: All right. Now taking kind of a sharp pivot here. In the philosophy of consciousness there is a distinction between the hard problem of consciousness and the easy problem. The hard problem is why is it that computational systems have something that it is like to be that system? Why is there a first person phenomenal perspective and experiential perspective filled with what one might call qualia. Some people reject the hard problem as being an actual thing and prefer to say that consciousness is an illusion or is not real. Other people are realists about consciousness and they believe phenomenal consciousness is substantially real and is on the same ontological or metaphysical footing as other fundamental forces of nature, or that perhaps consciousness discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical.

And then the easy problems are how is that we see, how is that light enters the eyes and gets computed, how is it that certain things are computationally related to consciousness?

David Chalmers calls another problem here, the meta problem of consciousness, which is why is it that we make reports about consciousness? Why is that we even talk about consciousness? Particularly if it’s an illusion? Maybe it’s performing some kind of weird computational efficiency. And if it is real, there seems to be some tension between the standard model of physics, being pretty complete feeling, and then how is it that we would be making reports about something that doesn’t have real causal efficacy if there’s nothing real to add to the standard model?

Now you have the Human Connectome Project which would seem to help a lot with the easy problems of consciousness and maybe might have something to say about the meta problem. So I’m curious to know if you have particular views on consciousness or how the Human Connectome Project might relate to that interest?

George Church: Okay. So I think that consciousness is real and it has selective advantage. Part of reality to a biologist is evolution, and I think it’s somewhat coupled to free will. I think of them as even though they are real and hard to think about, they may be easier than we often lay on, and this is when you think of it from an evolutionary standpoint or also from a simulation standpoint.

I can really only evaluate consciousness and the qualia by observations. I can only imagine that you have something similar to what I feel by what you do. And from that standpoint it wouldn’t be that hard to make a synthetic system that displayed consciousness that would be nearly impossible to refute. And as that system replicated and took on a life of its own, let’s say it’s some hybrid biological, non-biological system that displays consciousness, to really convincingly display consciousness it would also have to have some general intelligence or at least pass the Turing test.

But it would have evolutionary advantage in that it could think or could reason about itself. It recognizes the difference between itself and something else. And this has been demonstrated already in robots. There are admittedly kind of proof of concept demos. Like you have robots that can tell themselves in a reflection in a mirror from other people to operate upon their own body by removing dirt from their face, which is only demonstrated in a handful of animal species and recognize their own voice.

So you can see how these would have evolutionary advantages and they could be simulated to whatever level of significance is necessarily to convince an objective observer that they are conscious as far as you know, to the same extent that I know that you are.

So I think the hard problem is a worthy one. I think it is real. It has evolutionary consequences. And free will is related in that free will I think is a game theory which is if you behave in a completely deterministic predictable way, all the organisms around you have an advantage over you. They know that you are going to do a certain thing and so they can anticipate that, they can steal your food, they can bite you, they can do whatever they want. But if you’re unpredictable, which is essentially free will, in this case it can be a random number generator or dice, you now have a selective advantage. And to some extent you could have more free will than the average human, though the average human is constrained by all sorts of social mores and rules and laws and things like that, that something with more free will might not be.

Lucas Perry: I guess I would just want to tease a part self-consciousness from consciousness in general. I think that one can have a first person perspective without having a sense of self or being able to reflect on one’s own existence as a subject in the world. I also feel a little bit confused about why consciousness would provide an evolutionary advantage, where consciousness is the ability to experience things, I guess I have some intuitions about it not being causal like having causal efficacy because the standard model doesn’t seem to be missing anything essentially.

And then your point on free will makes sense. I think that people mean very different things here. I think within common discourse, there is a much more spooky version of free will which we can call libertarian free will, which says that you could’ve done otherwise and it’s more closely related to religion and spirituality, which I reject and I think most people listening to this would reject. I just wanted to point that out. Your take on free will makes sense and is the more scientific and rational version.

George Church: Well actually, I could say they could’ve done otherwise. If you consider that religious, that is totally compatible with flipping the coin. That helps you do otherwise. If you could take the same scenario, you could do something differently. And that ability to do otherwise is of selective advantage. As indeed religions can be of a great selective advantage in certain circumstances.

So back to consciousness versus self-consciousness, I think they’re much more intertwined. I’d be cautious about trying to disentangle them too much. I think your ability to reason about your own existence as being separate from other beings is very helpful for say self-grooming, for self-protection, so forth. And I think that maybe consciousness that is not about oneself may be a byproduct of that.

The greater your ability to reason about yourself versus others, your hand versus the piece of wood in your hands makes you more successful. Even if you’re not super intelligent, just the fact that you’re aware that you’re different from the entity that you’re competing with is a advantage. So I find it not terribly useful to make a giant rift between consciousness and self-consciousness.

Lucas Perry: Okay. So I’m becoming increasingly mindful of your time. We have five minutes left here so I’ve just got one last question for you and I need just a little bit to set it up. You’re vegan as far as I understand.

George Church: Yes.

Lucas Perry: And the effective altruism movement is particularly concerned with animal suffering. We’ve talked a lot about genetic engineering and its possibilities. David Pearce has written something called The Hedonistic Imperative which outlines a methodology and philosophy for using genetic engineering for voluntarily editing out suffering. So that can be done both for wild animals and it could be done for the human species and our descendants.

So I’m curious to know what your view is on animal suffering generally in the world, and do you think about or have thoughts on genetic engineering for wild animal suffering in places outside of human civilization? And then finally, do you view a role for genetic engineering and phasing out human suffering, making it biologically impossible by re-engineering people to operate on gradients of intelligent bliss?

George Church: So I think this kind of difficult problem, a technique that I employ is I imagine what this would be like on another planet and in the future, and whether given that imagined future, we would be willing to come back to where we are now. Rather than saying whether we’re willing to go forward, they ask whether you’re willing to come back. Because there’s a great deal of appropriate respect for inertia and the way things have been. Sometimes it’s called natural, but I think natural includes the future and everything that’s manmade, as well, we’re all part of nature. So I think it’s more of the way things were. So if you go to the future and ask whether we’d be willing to come back is a different way of looking.

I think in going to another planet, we might want to take a limited set of organisms with us, and we might be tempted to make them so that they don’t suffer, including humans. There is a certain amount of let’s say pain which could be a little red light going off on your dashboard. But the point of pain is to get your attention. And you could reframe that. People are born with chronic insensitivity to pain, CIPA, genetically, and they tend to get into problems because they will chew their lips and other body parts and get infected, or they will jump from high places because it doesn’t hurt and break things they shouldn’t break.

So you need some kind of alarm system that gets your attention that cannot be ignored. But I think it could be something that people would complain about less. It might even be more effective because you could prioritize it.

I think there’s a lot of potential there. By studying people that have chronic insensitivity to pain, you could even make that something you could turn on and off. SCNA9 for example is a channel in human neuro system that doesn’t cause the dopey effects of opioids. You can be pain-free without being compromised intellectually. So I think that’s a very promising direction to think about this problem.

Lucas Perry: Just summing that up. You do feel that it is technically feasible to replace pain with some other kind of informationally sensitive thing that could have the same function for reducing and mitigating risk and signaling damage?

George Church: We can even do better. Right now we’re unaware of certain physiological states can be quite hazardous and we’re blind to for example all the pathogens in the air around us. These could be new signaling. It wouldn’t occur to me to make every one of those painful. It would be better just to see the pathogens and have little alarms that go off. It’s much more intelligent.

Lucas Perry: That makes sense. So wrapping up here, if people want to follow your work, or follow you on say Twitter or other social media, where is the best place to check out your work and to follow what you do?

George Church: My Twitter is @geochurch. And my website is easy to find just by google, but it’s Those are two best places.

Lucas Perry: All right. Thank you so much for this. I think that a lot of the information you provided about the skillfulness and advantages of biology and synthetic computation will challenge many of the intuitions of our usual listeners and people in general. I found this very interesting and valuable, and yeah, thanks so much for coming on.

George Church: Okay. Great. Thank you.

FLI Podcast: Distributing the Benefits of AI via the Windfall Clause with Cullen O’Keefe

As with the agricultural and industrial revolutions before it, the intelligence revolution currently underway will unlock new degrees and kinds of abundance. Powerful forms of AI will likely generate never-before-seen levels of wealth, raising critical questions about its beneficiaries. Will this newfound wealth be used to provide for the common good, or will it become increasingly concentrated in the hands of the few who wield AI technologies? Cullen O’Keefe joins us on this episode of the FLI Podcast for a conversation about the Windfall Clause, a mechanism that attempts to ensure the abundance and wealth created by transformative AI benefits humanity globally.

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • What the Windfall Clause is and how it might function
  • The need for such a mechanism given AGI generated economic windfall
  • Problems the Windfall Clause would help to remedy 
  • The mechanism for distributing windfall profit and the function for defining such profit
  • The legal permissibility of the Windfall Clause 
  • Objections and alternatives to the Windfall Clause


0:00 Intro

2:13 What is the Windfall Clause? 

4:51 Why do we need a Windfall Clause? 

06:01 When we might reach windfall profit and what that profit looks like

08:01 Motivations for the Windfall Clause and its ability to help with job loss

11:51 How the Windfall Clause improves allocation of economic windfall 

16:22 The Windfall Clause assisting in a smooth transition to advanced AI systems

18:45 The Windfall Clause as assisting with general norm setting

20:26 The Windfall Clause as serving AI firms by generating goodwill, improving employee relations, and reducing political risk

23:02 The mechanism for distributing windfall profit and desiderata for guiding it’s formation 

25:03 The windfall function and desiderata for guiding it’s formation 

26:56 How the Windfall Clause is different from being a new taxation scheme

30:20 Developing the mechanism for distributing the windfall 

32:56 The legal permissibility of the Windfall Clause in the United States

40:57 The legal permissibility of the Windfall Clause in China and the Cayman Islands

43:28 Historical precedents for the Windfall Clause

44:45 Objections to the Windfall Clause

57:54 Alternatives to the Windfall Clause

01:02:51 Final thoughts


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Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today’s conversation is with Cullen O’Keefe about a recent report he was the lead author on called The Windfall Clause: Distributing the Benefits of AI for the Common Good. For some quick background, the agricultural and industrial revolutions unlocked new degrees and kinds of abundance, and so too should the intelligence revolution currently underway. Developing powerful forms of AI will likely unlock levels of abundance never before seen, and this comes with the opportunity of using such wealth in service of the common good of all humanity and life on Earth but also with the risks of increasingly concentrated power and resources in the hands of the few who wield AI technologies. This conversation is about one possible mechanism, the Windfall Clause, which attempts to ensure that the abundance and wealth likely to be created by transformative AI systems benefits humanity globally.

For those not familiar with Cullen, Cullen is a policy researcher interested in improving the governance of artificial intelligence using the principles of Effective Altruism.  He currently works as a Research Scientist in Policy at OpenAI and is also a Research Affiliate with the Centre for the Governance of AI at the Future of Humanity Institute.

The Future of Life Institute is a non-profit and this podcast is funded and supported by listeners like you. So if you find what we do on this podcast to be important and beneficial, please consider supporting the podcast by donating at You can also follow us on your preferred listening platform, like on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, by searching for us directly or following the links on the page for this podcast found in the description.

And with that, here is Cullen O’Keefe on the Windfall Clause.

We’re here today to discuss this recent paper, that you were the lead author on called the Windfall Clause: Distributing the Benefits of AI for the Common Good. Now, there’s a lot there in the title, so we can start of pretty simply here with, what is the Windfall Clause and how does it serve the mission of distributing the benefits of AI for the common good?

Cullen O’Keefe: So the Windfall Clause is a contractual commitment AI developers can make, that basically stipulates that if they achieve windfall profits from AI, that they will donate some percentage of that to causes that benefit everyone.

Lucas Perry: What does it mean to achieve windfall profits?

Cullen O’Keefe: The answer that we give is that when a firm’s profits grow in excess of 1% of gross world product, which is just the sum of all countries GDP, then that firm has hit windfall profits. We use this slightly weird measurement of profits is a percentage of gross world product, just to try to convey the notion that the thing that’s relevant here is not necessarily the size of profits, but really the relative size of profits, relative to the global economy.

Lucas Perry: Right. And so an important background framing and assumption here seems to be the credence that one may have in transformative AI or in artificial general intelligence or in superintelligence, creating previously unattainable levels of wealth and value and prosperity. I believe that in terms of Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence, this work in particular is striving to serve the common good principal, that superintelligence or AGI should be created in the service of and the pursuit of the common good of all of humanity and life on Earth. Is there anything here that you could add about the background to the inspiration around developing the Windfall Clause.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. That’s exactly right. The phrase Windfall Clause actually comes from Bostrom’s book. Basically, the idea was something that people inside of FHI were excited about for a while, but really hadn’t done anything with because of some legal uncertainties. Basically, the fiduciary duty question that I examined in the third section of the report. When I was an intern there in the summer of 2018, I was asked to do some legal research on this, and ran away with it from there. My legal research pretty convincingly showed that it should be legal as a matter of corporate law, for a corporation to enter in to such a contract. In fact, I don’t think it’s a particularly hard case. I think it looks like things that operations do a lot already. And I think some of the bigger questions were around the implications and design of the Windfall Clause, which is also addressed in the report.

Lucas Perry: So, we have this common good principal, which serves as the moral and ethical foundation. And then the Windfall Clause it seems, is an attempt at a particular policy solution for AGI and superintelligence, serving the common good. With this background, could you expand a little bit more on why is that we need a Windfall Clause?

Cullen O’Keefe: I guess I wouldn’t say that we need a Windfall Clause. The Windfall Clause might be one mechanism that would solve some of these problems. The primary way in which cutting edge AI is being develop is currently in private companies. And the way that private companies are structured is perhaps not maximally conducive to the common good principal. This is not due to corporate greed or anything like that. It’s more just a function of the roles of corporations in our society, which is that they’re primarily vehicles for generating returns to investors. One might think that those tools that we currently have for taking some of the returns that are generated for investors and making sure that they’re distributed in a more equitable and fair way, are inadequate in the face of AGI. And so that’s kind of the motivation for the Windfall Clause.

Lucas Perry: Maybe if you could speak a little bit to the surveys of researchers of credence’s and estimates about when we might get certain kinds of AI. And then what windfall in the context of an AGI world actually means.

Cullen O’Keefe: The surveys of AGI timelines, I think this is an area with high uncertainty. We cite Katja Grace’s survey of AI experts, which is a few years old at this point. I believe that the median timeline that AI experts gave in that was somewhere around 2060, of attaining AGI as defined in a specific way by that paper. I don’t have opinions on whether that timeline is realistic or unrealistic. We just take it as a baseline, as the best specific timeline that has at least some evidence behind it. And what was the second question?

Lucas Perry: What other degrees of wealth might be brought about via transformative AI.

Cullen O’Keefe: The short and unsatisfying answer to this, is that we don’t really know. I think that the amount of economic literature really focusing on AGI in particular is pretty minimal. Some more research on this would be really valuable. A company earning profits that are defined as windfall via the report, would be pretty unprecedented in history, so it’s a very hard situation to imagine. Forecasts about the way that AI will contribute to growth are pretty variable. I think we don’t really have a good idea of what that might mean. And I think especially because the interface between economists and people thinking about AGI has been pretty minimal. A lot of the thinking has been more focused on more mainstream issues. If the strongest version of AGI were to come, the economic gains could be pretty huge. There’s a lot on the line that circumstance.

Part of what motivated the Windfall Clause, is trying to think of mechanisms that could withstand this uncertainty about what the actual economics of AGI will be like. And that’s kind of what the contingent commitment and progressively scaling commitment of the Windfall Clause is supposed to accomplish.

Lucas Perry: All right. So, now I’m going to explore here some of these other motivations that you’ve written in your report. There is the need to address loss of job opportunities. The need to improve the allocation of economic windfall, which if we didn’t do anything right now, there would actually be no way of doing that other than whatever system of taxes we would have around that time. There’s also this need to smooth the transition to advanced AI. And then there is this general norm setting strategy here, which I guess is an attempt to imbue and instantiate a kind of benevolent ethics based on the common good principle. Let’s start of by hitting on addressing the loss of job opportunities. How might transformative AI lead to the loss of job opportunities and how does the Windfall Clause help to remedy that?

Cullen O’Keefe: So I want to start of with a couple of caveats. So number one, I’m not an economist. Second is, I’m very wary of promoting Luddite views. It’s definitely true that in the past, technological innovation has been pretty universally positive in the long run, notwithstanding short term problems with transitions. So, it’s definitely by no means inevitable that advances in AI will lead to joblessness or decreased earnings. That said, I do find it pretty hard to imagine a scenario in which we achieve very general purpose AI systems, like AGI. And there are still bountiful opportunities for human employment. I think there might be some jobs which have human only employment or something like that. It’s kind of unclear, in an economy with AGI or something else resembling it, why there would be a demand for humans. There might be jobs I guess, in which people are inherently uncomfortable having non-humans. Good examples of this would be priests or clergy, probably most religions will not want to automate their clergy.

I’m not a theologian, so I can’t speak to the proper theology of that, but that’s just my intuition. People also mentioned things like psychiatrists, counselors, teachers, child care, stuff like that. That doesn’t look as automatable. And then the human meaning aspect of this, John Danaher, philosopher, recently released a book called Automation and Utopia, talking about how for most people work is the primary source of meaning. It’s certainly what they do with the great plurality of their waking hours. And I think for people like me and you, we’re lucky enough to like our jobs a lot, but for many people work is mostly a source of drudgery. Often unpleasant, unsafe, etcetera. But if we find ourselves in world in which work is largely automated, not only will we have to deal with the economic issues relating to how people who can no longer offer skills for compensation, will feed themselves and their families. But also how they’ll find meaning in life.

Lucas Perry: Right. If the category and meaning of jobs changes or is gone altogether, the Windfall Clause is also there to help meet fundamental universal basic human needs, and then also can potentially have some impact on this question of value and meaning. If the Windfall Clause allows you to have access to hobbies and nice vacations and other things that give human beings meaning.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. I would hope so. It’s not a problem that we explicitly address in the paper. I think this is kind of in the broader category of what to actually do with the windfall, once it’s donated. You can think of this as like the bottom of the funnel. Whereas the Windfall Clause report is more focused at the top of the funnel, getting companies to actually commit to such a thing. And I think there’s a huge rich area of work to think about, what do we actually do with the surplus from AGI, once it manifests. And assuming that we can get it in to the coffers of a public minded organization. It’s something that I’m lucky enough to think about in my current job at OpenAI. So yeah, making sure that both material needs and psychological higher needs are taken care of. That’s not something I have great answers for yet.

Lucas Perry: So, moving on here to the second point. We also need a Windfall Clause or function or mechanism, in order to improve the allocation of economic windfall. So, could you explain that one?

Cullen O’Keefe: You can imagine a world in which employment kind of looks the same as it is today. Most people have jobs, but a lot of the gains are going to a very small group of people, namely shareholders. I think this is still a pretty sub-optimal world. There are diminishing returns on money for happiness. So all else equal and ignoring incentive effects, progressively distributing money seems better than not. Primarily firms looking to develop the AI are based in a small set of countries. In fact, within those countries, the group of people who are heavily invested in those companies is even smaller. And so in a world, even where employment opportunities for the masses are pretty normal, we could still expect to see pretty concentrated accrual of benefits, both within nations, but I think also very importantly, across nations. This seems pretty important to address and the Windfall Clause aims to do just that.

Lucas Perry: A bit of speculation here, but we could have had a kind of Windfall Clause for the industrial revolution, which probably would have made much of the world better off and there wouldn’t be such unequal concentrations of wealth in the present world.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. I think that’s right. I think there’s sort of a Rawlsian or Harsanyian motivation there, that if we didn’t know whether we would be in an industrial country or a country that is later to develop, we would probably want to set up a system that has a more equal distribution of economic gains than the one that we have today.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. By Rawlsian, you meant the Rawls’ veil of ignorance, and then what was the other one you said?

Cullen O’Keefe: Harsanyi is another philosopher who is associated with the veil of ignorance idea and he argues, I think pretty forcefully, that actually the agreement that you would come to behind the veil of ignorance, is one that maximizes expected utility, just due to classic axioms of rationality. What you would actually want to do is maximize expected utility, whereas John Rawls has this idea that you would want to maximize the lot of the worst off, which Harsanyi argues doesn’t really follow from the veil of ignorance, and decision theoretic best practices.

Lucas Perry: I think that the veil of ignorance, which for listeners who don’t know what that is, it’s if you can imagine yourself not knowing how you were going to be born as in the world. You should make ethical and political and moral and social systems, with that view in mind. And if you do that, you will pretty honestly and wholesomely come up with something to your best ability, that is good for everyone. From behind that veil of ignorance, of knowing who you might be in the world, you can produce good ethical systems. Now this is relevant to the Windfall Clause, because going through your paper, there’s the tension between arguing that this is actually something that is legally permissible and that institutions and companies would want to adopt, which is in clear tension with maximizing profits for shareholders and the people with wealth and power in those companies. And so there’s this fundamental tension behind the Windfall Clause, between the incentives of those with power to maintain and hold on to the power and wealth, and the very strong and important ethical and normative views and compunctions, that say that this ought to be distributed to the welfare and wellbeing of all sentient beings across the planet.

Cullen O’Keefe: I think that’s exactly right. I think part of why I and others at the Future of Humanity Institute were interested in this project, is that we know a lot of people working in AI at all levels. And I think a lot of them do want to do the genuinely good thing. But feel the constraints of economics but also of fiduciary duties. We didn’t have any particular insights in to that with this piece, but I think part of the motivation is just that we want to put resources out there for any socially conscious AI developers to say, “We want to make this commitment and we feel very legally safe doing so,” for the reasons that I lay out.

It’s a separate question whether it’s actually in their economic interest to do that or not. But at least we think they have the legal power to do so.

Lucas Perry: Okay. So maybe we can get in to and explore the ethical aspect of this more. I think we’re very lucky to have people like you and your fellow colleagues who have the ethical compunction to follow through and be committed to something like this. But for the people that don’t have that, I’m interested in discussing more later about what to do with them. So, in terms of more of the motivations here, the Windfall Clause is also motivated by this need for a smooth transition to transformative AI or AGI or superintelligence or advanced AI. So what does that mean?

Cullen O’Keefe: As I mentioned, it looks like economic growth from AI will probably be a good thing if we manage to avoid existential and catastrophic risks. That’s almost tautological I suppose. But just as in the industrial revolution where you had a huge spur of economic growth, but also a lot of turbulence. So part of the idea of the Windfall Clause is basically to funnel some of that growth in to a sort of insurance scheme that can help make that transition smoother. An un-smooth transition would be something like a lot of countries are worried they’re not going to see any appreciable benefit from AI and indeed, might lose out a lot because a lot of their industries would be off shored or re-shored and a lot of their people would no longer be economically competitive for jobs. So, that’s the kind of stability that I think we’re worried about. And the Windfall Clause is basically just a way of saying, you’re all going to gain significantly from this advance. Everyone has a stake in making this transition go well.

Lucas Perry: Right. So I mean there’s a spectrum here and on one end of the spectrum there is say a private AI lab or company or actor, who is able to reach AGI or transformative AI first and who can muster or occupy some significant portion of the world GDP. That could be anywhere from one to 99 percent. And there could or could not be mechanisms in place for distributing that to the citizens of the globe. And so one can imagine, as power is increasingly concentrated in the hands of the few, that there could be quite a massive amount of civil unrest and problems. It could create very significant turbulence in the world, right?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. Exactly. And it’s our hypothesis that having credible mechanisms ex-ante to make sure that approximately everyone gains from this, will make people and countries less likely to take destabilizing actions. It’s also a public good of sorts. You would expect that it would be in everyone’s interest for this to happen, but it’s never individually rational to commit that much to making it happen. Which is why it’s a traditional role for governments and for philanthropy to provide those sort of public goods.

Lucas Perry: So that last point here then on the motivations for why we need a Windfall Clause, would be general norm setting. So what do you have to say about general norm setting?

Cullen O’Keefe: This one is definitely a little more vague than some of the others. But if you think about what type of organization you would like to see develop AGI, it seems like one that has some legal commitment to sharing those benefits broadly is probably correlated with good outcomes. And in that sense, it’s useful to be able to distinguish between organizations that are credibly committed to that sort of benefit, from ones that say they want that sort of broad benefit but are not necessarily committed to making it happen. And so in the Windfall Clause report, we are basically trying to say, it’s very important to take norms about the development of AI seriously. One of the norms that we’re trying to develop is the common good principal. And even better is when you and develop those norms through high cost or high signal value mechanisms. And if we’re right that a Windfall Clause can be made binding, then the Windfall Clause is exactly one of them. It’s a pretty credible way for an AI developer to demonstrate their commitment to the common good principal and also show that they’re worthy of taking on this huge task of developing AGI.

The Windfall Clause makes the performance or adherence to the common good principal a testable hypothesis. It’s sets kind of a base line against which commitments to the common good principal can be measured.

Lucas Perry: Now there are also here in your paper, firm motivations. So, incentives for adopting a Windfall Clause from the perspective of AI labs or AI companies, or private institutions which may develop AGI or transformative AI. And your three points here for firm motivations are that it can generate general goodwill. It can improve employee relations and it could reduce political risk. Could you hit on each of these here for why firms might be willing to adopt the Windfall Clause?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. So just as a general note, we do see private corporations giving money to charity and doing other pro-social actions that are beyond their legal obligations, so nothing here is particularly new. Instead, it’s just applying traditional explanations for why companies engage in, what’s sometimes called corporate social responsibility or CSR. And see whether that’s a plausible explanation for why they might be amenable to a Windfall Clause. The first one that we mentioned in the report, is just generating general goodwill, and I think it’s plausible that companies will want to sign a Windfall Clause because it brings some sort of reputational benefit with consumers or other intermediary businesses.

The second one we talk about is managing employee relationships. In general, we see that tech employees have had a lot of power to shape the behavior of their employers. Fellow FLI podcast guest Haydn Belfield just wrote a great paper, saying AI specifically. Tech talent is in very high demand and therefore they have a lot of bargaining power over what their firms do and I think it’s potentially very promising that tech employers lobby for commitments like the Windfall Clause.

The third is termed in a lot of legal and investment circles, as political risk, so that’s basically the risk of governments or activists doing things that hurt you, such as tighter regulation or expropriation, taxation, things like that. And corporate social responsibility, including philanthropy, is just a very common way for firms to manage that. And could be the case for AI firms as well.

Lucas Perry: How strong do you think these motivations listed here are, and what do you think will be the main things that drive firms or institutions or organizations to adopt the Windfall Clause?

Cullen O’Keefe: I think it varies from firm to firm. I think a big one that’s not listed here is how management likes the idea of a Windfall Clause. Obviously, they’re the ones ultimately making the decisions, so that makes sense. I think employee buy-in and enthusiasm about the Windfall Clause or similar ideas will ultimately be a pretty big determinate about whether this actually gets implemented. That’s why I would love to hear and see engagement around this topic from people in the technology industry.

Lucas Perry: Something that we haven’t talked about yet is the distribution mechanism. And in your paper, you come up with desiderata and important considerations for an effective and successful distribution mechanism. Philanthropic effectiveness, security from improper influences, political legitimacy and buy in from AI labs. So, these are just guiding principals for helping to develop the mechanism for distribution. Could you comment on what the mechanism for distribution is or could be and how these desiderata will guide the formation of that mechanism?

Cullen O’Keefe: A lot of this thinking is guided by a few different things. One is just involvement in the effective altruism community. I as a member of that community, spend a lot of time thinking about how to make philanthropy work well. That said, I think that the potential scale of the Windfall Clause requires thinking about factors other than effectiveness, in the way that effectiveness altruists think of that. Just because the scale of potential resources that you’re dealing here, begins to look less and less like traditional philanthropy and more and more like psuedo or para-government institution. And so that’s why I think things like accountability and legitimacy become extra important in the Windfall Clause context. And then firm buy-in I mentioned, just because part of the actual process of negotiating an eventual Windfall Clause would presumably be coming up with distribution mechanism that advances some of the firms objectives of getting positive publicity or goodwill from agreeing to the Windfall Clause, both with their consumers and also with employers and governments.

And so they’re key stakeholders in coming up with that process as well. This all happens in the backdrop of a lot of popular discussion about the role of philanthropy in society, such as recent criticism of mega-philanthropy. I take those criticisms pretty seriously and want to come up with a Windfall Clause distribution mechanism that manages those better than current philanthropy. It’s a big task in itself and one that needs to be taken pretty seriously.

Lucas Perry: Is the windfall function synonymous with the windfall distribution mechanism?

Cullen O’Keefe: No. So, the windfall function, it’s the mathematical function that determines how much money, signatories to the Windfall Clause are obligated to give.

Lucas Perry: So, the windfall function will be part of the windfall contract, and the windfall distribution mechanism is the vehicle or means or the institution by which that output of the function is distributed?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. That’s exactly right. Again, I like to think of this as top of the funnel, bottom of the funnel. So the windfall function is kind of the top of the funnel. It defines how much money has to go in to the Windfall Clause system and then the bottom of the funnel is like the output, what actually gets done with the windfall, to advance the goals of the Windfall Clause.

Lucas Perry: Okay. And so here you have some desiderata for this function, in particular transparency, scale sensitivity, adequacy, pre-windfall commitment, incentive alignment and competitiveness. Are there any here that you want to comment on with regards to the windfall function.

Cullen O’Keefe: Sure. If you look at the windfall function, it looks kind of like a progressive tax system. You fall in to some bracket and the bracket that you’re in determines the marginal percentage of money that you owe. So, in a normal income tax scheme, the bracket is determined by your gross income. In the Windfall Clause scheme, the bracket is determined by a slightly modified thing, which is profits as a percent of gross world product, which we started off talking about.

We went back and forth for a few different ways that this could look, but we ultimately decided upon a simpler windfall function that looks much like an income tax scheme, because we thought it was pretty transparent and easy to understand. And for a project as potentially important as the Windfall Clause, we thought that was pretty important that people be able to understand the contract that’s being negotiated, not just the signatories.

Lucas Perry: Okay. And you’re bringing up this point about taxes. One thing that someone might ask is, “Why do we need a whole Windfall Clause when we could just have some kind of tax on benefits accrued from AI?” But the very important feature to be mindful here, about the Windfall Clause, is that it does something that taxing cannot do, which is redistribute funding from tech heavy first world countries to people around the world, rather than just to the government of the country able to tax them. So that also seems to be a very important consideration here for why the Windfall Clause is important, rather than just some new tax scheme.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. Absolutely. And in talking to people about the Windfall Clause, this is one of the top concerns that comes up. So, you’re right to emphasize it. I agree that the potential for international distribution is one of the main reasons that I personally are more excited about the Windfall Clause than standard corporate taxation. Other reasons are just that it seems just more tractable to negotiate this individually with firms, a number of firms potentially in a position of developing advanced AI is pretty small now and might continue to be small for the foreseeable future. So the number of potential entities that you have persuaded to agree to this might be pretty small.

There’s also the possibility that we mention, but don’t propose an exact mechanism for in the paper of allowing taxation to supersede the Windfall Clause. So, if a government came up with a better taxation scheme, you might either release the signatories from the Windfall Clause or just have the windfall function compensate for that by reducing or eliminating total obligation. Of course, it gets tricky because then you would have to decide which types of taxes would you do that for, if you want to maintain the international motivations of the Windfall Clause. And you would also have to kind of figure out what the optimal tax rate is, which is obviously no small task. So those are definitely complicated questions, but at least in theory, there’s the possibility for accommodating those sorts of ex-post taxation efforts in a way that doesn’t burden firms too much.

Lucas Perry: Do you have any more insights or positives or negatives to comment here about the windfall function. It seems like in the paper, it is as you mention, open for a lot more research. Do you have directions for further investigation of the windfall function?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. It’s one of the things that we lead out with, and it’s actually as you’re saying. This is primarily supposed illustrative and not the right windfall function. I’d be very surprised if this was ultimately the right way to do this. Just because the possibility in this space is so big and we’ve explored so little of it. One of the ideas that I am particularly excited about, and I think more and more might ultimately be the right thing to do, is instead of having a profits based trigger for the windfall function, instead having a market tap based trigger. And there are just basic accounting reasons why I’m more excited about this. Tracking profits is not as straight forward as it seems, because firms can do stuff with their money. They can spend more of it and reallocate it in certain ways. Whereas it’s much harder and they have less incentive to downward manipulate their stock price or market capitalization. So I’d be interested in potentially coming up with more value based approaches to the windfall function rather than our current one, which is based on profits.

That said, there is a ton of other variables that you could tweak here, and would be very excited to work with people or see other proposals of what this could look like.

Lucas Perry: All right. So this is an open question about how the windfall function will exactly look. Can you provide any more clarity on the mechanism for distribution, keeping mind here the difficulty of creating an effective way of distributing the windfall, which you list as the issues of effectiveness, accountability, legitimacy and firm buy-in?

Cullen O’Keefe: One concrete idea that I actually worked closely with FLI on, specifically with Anthony Aguirre and Jared Brown, was the windfall trust idea, which is basically to create a trust or kind of psuedo-trust that makes every person in world or as many people as we can, reach equal beneficiaries of a trust. So, in this structure, which is on page 41 of the report if people are interested in seeing it. It’s pretty simple. The idea is that the successful developer would satisfy their obligations by paying money to a body called the Windfall Trust. For people who don’t know what trust is, it’s a specific type of legal entity. And then all individuals would be either or actual or potential beneficiaries of the Windfall Trust, and would receive equal funding flows from that. And could even receive equal input in to how the trust is managed, depending on how the trust was set up.

Trusts are also exciting because they are very flexible mechanisms that you can arrange the governance of in many different ways. And then to make this more manageable, obviously a single trust with eight billion beneficiaries seems hard to manage, so you take a single trust for every 100,000 people or whatever number you think is manageable. I’m kind of excited about that idea, I think it hits a lot of the desiderata pretty well and could be a way in which a lot of people could see benefit from the windfall.

Lucas Perry: Are there any ways of creating proto-windfall clauses or proto-windfall trusts to sort of test the idea before transformative AI comes on the scene?

Cullen O’Keefe: I would be very excited to do that. I guess one thing I should say, OpenAI where I currently work, has a structure called a capped-profit structure, which is similar in many ways to the Windfall Clause. Our structure is such that profits above a certain cap that can be returned to investors, go to a non-profit, which is the OpenAI non-profit, which then has to use those funds for charitable purposes. But I would be very excited to see new companies and potentially companies aligned with the mission of the FLI podcast, to experiment with structures like this. In the fourth section of the report, we talk all about different precedents that exist already, and some of these have different features that are close to the Windfall Clause. And I’d be interested in someone putting all those together for their start-up or their company and making a kind of pseudo-windfall clause.

Lucas Perry: Let’s get in to the legal permissibility of the Windfall Clause. Now you said that this is actually one of the reasons why you first got in to this, was because it got tabled because people were worried about the fiduciary responsibilities that companies would have. Let’s start by reflecting on whether or not this is legally permissible in America, and then think about China, because these are the two biggest AI players today.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. There’s actually a slight wrinkle there that we might also have to talk about, the Cayman Islands. But we’ll get to that. I guess one interesting fact about the Windfall Clause report, is that it’s slightly weird that I’m the person that ended up writing this. You might think an economist should be the person writing this, since it deals so much with labor economics and inequality, etcetera, etcetera. And I’m not an economist by any means. The reason that I got swept up in this is because of the legal piece. So I’ll first give a quick crash course in corporate law, because I think it’s an area than not a lot of people understand and it’s also important for this.

Corporations are legal entities. They are managed by a board of directors for the benefit of the shareholders, who are the owners of the firm. And accordingly, since the directors have the responsibility of managing a thing which is owned in part by other people, they owe certain duties to the shareholders. There are known as fiduciary duties. The two primary ones are the duty of loyalty and the duty of care. So, duty of loyalty, we don’t really talk about a ton in this piece, just the duty to manage the corporation for the benefit of the corporation itself, and not for the personal gain of the directors.

The duty of care is kind of what it sounds like, just the duty to take adequate care that the decisions made for the corporation by the board of directors will benefit the corporation. The reason that this is important for the purposes of a Windfall Clause and also for the endless speculation of corporate law professors and theorists, is when you engage in corporate philanthropy, it kind of looks like you’re doing something that is not for the benefit of the corporation. By definition, giving money to charity is primarily a philanthropic act or at least that’s kind of the prima facie case for why that might be a problem from the standpoint of corporate law. Because this is other people’s money largely, and the corporation is giving it away, seemingly not for the benefit of the corporation itself.

There actually hasn’t been that much case law, so actual court decisions on this issue. I found some of them across the US. As a side note, we primarily talk about Delaware law, because Delaware is the state in which the plurality of American corporations are incorporated for historical reasons. Their corporate law is by far the most influential in the United States. So, even though you have this potential duty of care issue, with making corporate donations, the standard by which directors are judged is the business judgment rule. Quoting from the American Law Institute, a summary of the business judgment rule is, “A director or officer who makes a business judgment in good faith, fulfills the duty of care if the director or officer, one, is not interested,” that means there is no conflict of interest, “In the subject of the business judgment. Two, is informed with respect to the business judgment to the extent that the director or officer reasonably believes to be appropriate under the circumstances. And three, rationally believes that the business judgment is in the best interests of the corporation.” So this is actually a pretty forgiving standard. It’s basically just use your best judgement standard, which is why it’s very hard for shareholders to successfully make a case that a judgement was a violation of the business judgement rules. It’s very rare for such challenges to actually succeed.

So a number of cases have examined the relationship of the business judgement rule to corporate philanthropy. They basically universally held that this is a permissible invocation or permissible example of the business judgement rule. That there are all these potential benefits that philanthropy could give to the corporation, therefore corporate directors decision to authorize corporate donations would be generally upheld under the business judgement rule, provided all these other things are met.

Lucas Perry: So these firm motivations that we touched on earlier were generating goodwill towards the company, improving employee relations and then reducing political risk I guess is also like having good faith with politicians who are, at the end of the day, hopefully being held accountable by their constituencies.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah, exactly. So these are all things that could plausibly, financially benefit the corporation in some form. So in this sense, corporate philanthropy looks less like a donation and more like an investment in the firm’s long term profitability, given all these soft factors like political support and employee relations. Another interesting wrinkle to this, if you read the case law of these corporate donation cases, they’re actually quite funny. The only case I quote from would be Sullivan v. Hammer. A corporate director wanted to make a corporate donation to an art museum, that had his name and kind of served basically as his personal art collection, more or less. And the court kind of said, this is still okay under business judgement rule. So, that was a pretty shocking example of how lenient this standard is.

Lucas Perry: So then they synopsis version here, is that the Windfall Clause is permissible in the United States, because philanthropy in the past has been seen as still being in line with fiduciary duties. And the Windfall Clause would do the same.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah, exactly. The one interesting wrinkle about the Windfall Clause that might distinguish it from most corporate philanthropy but though definitely not all, is that it has this potentially very high ex-post cost, even though it’s ex-ante cost might be quite low. So in a situation which a firm actually has to pay out the Windfall Clause, it’s very, very costly to the firm. But the business judgement rule, there’s actually a post to protect these exact types of decisions, because the things that courts don’t want to do is be second guessing every single corporate decision with the benefit of hindsight. So instead, they just instruct people to look at the ex-ante cost benefit analysis, and defer to that, even if ex-post it turns out to have been a bad decision.

There’s an analogy that we draw to stock option compensation, which is very popular, where you give an employee a block of stock options, that at the time is not very valuable because it’s probably just in line with the current value of the stock. But ex-post might be hugely valuable and this how a lot of early employees of companies get wildly rich, well beyond what they would have earned at fair market and cash value ex-ante. That sort of ex-ante reasoning is really the important thing, not the fact that it could be worth a lot ex-post.

One of the interesting things about the Windfall Clause is that it is a contract through time, and potentially over a long time. A lot of contracts that we make are pretty short term focus. But the Windfall Clause is in agreement now to do stuff, is stuff happens in the future, potentially in the distant future, which is part of the way the windfall function is designed. It’s designed to be relevant over a long period of time especially given the uncertainty that we started off talking about, with AI timelines. The important thing that we talked about was the ex-ante cost which means the cost to the firm in expected value right now. Which is basically the probability that this ever gets triggered, and if it does get triggered, how much will it be worth, all discounted by the time value of money etcetera.

One thing that I didn’t talk about is that there’s some language in some court cases about limiting the amount of permissible corporate philanthropy to a reasonable amount, which is obviously not a very helpful guide. But there’s a court case saying that this should be determined by looking to the charitable giving deduction, which is I believe about 10% right now.

Lucas Perry: So sorry, just to get the language correct. It’s the ex-post cost is very high because after the fact you have to pay huge percentages of your profit?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: But it still remains feasible that a court might say that this violates fiduciary responsibilities right?

Cullen O’Keefe: There’s always the possibility that a Delaware court would invent or apply new doctrine in application to this thing, that looks kind of weird from their perspective. I mean, this is a general question of how binding precedent is, which is an endless topic of conversation for lawyers. But if they were doing what I think they should do and just straight up applying precedent, I don’t see a particular reason why this would be decided differently than any of the other corporate philanthropy cases.

Lucas Perry: Okay. So, let’s talk a little bit now about the Cayman Islands and China.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. So a number of significant Chinese tech companies are actually incorporated in the Cayman Islands. It’s not exactly clear to me why this is the case, but it is.

Lucas Perry: Isn’t it for hiding money off-shore?

Cullen O’Keefe: So I’m not sure if that’s why. I think even if taxation is a part of that, I think it also has to do with capital restrictions in China, and also they want to attract foreign investors which is hard if they’re incorporated in China. Investors might not trust Chinese corporate law very much. This is just my speculation right now, I don’t actually know the answer to that.

Lucas Perry: I guess the question then just is, what is the US and China relationship with the Cayman Islands? What is it used for? And then is the Windfall Clause permissible in China?

Cullen O’Keefe: Right. So, the Cayman Islands is where the big three Chinese tech firms, Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent are incorporated. I’m not a Caymanian lawyer by any means, nor am I an expert in China law, but basically from my outsider reading of this law, applying my general legal knowledge, it appears that similar principals of corporate law apply in the Cayman Islands which is why it might be a popular spot for incorporation. They have a rule that looks like the business judgement rule. This is in footnote 120 if anyone wants to dig in to it in the report. So, for the Caymanian corporations, it looks like it should be okay for the same reason. China being a self proclaimed socialist country, also has a pretty interesting corporate law that actually not only allows but appears to encourage firms to engage in corporate philanthropy. From the perspective of their law, at least it looks potentially more friendly than even Delaware law, so kind of a-fortiori should be permissible there.

That said, obviously there’s potential political reality to be considered there, especially also the influence of the Chinese government on state owned enterprises, so I don’t want to be naïve as to just thinking what the law says is what is actually politically feasible there. But all that caveating aside, as far as the law goes, the People’s Republic of China looks potentially promising for a Windfall Clause.

Lucas Perry: And that again matter, because China is currently second to the US in AI and are thus also likely potentially able to reach windfall via transformative AI in the future.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. I think that’s the general consensus, is that after the United States, China seems to be the most likely place to develop AGI for transformative AI. You can listen and read a lot of the work by my colleague Jeff Ding on this, who recently appeared on 80,000 Hours podcast, talking about China’s AI dream and has a report by the same name, from FHI, that I would highly encourage everyone to read.

Lucas Perry: All right. Is it useful here to talk about historical precedents?

Cullen O’Keefe: Sure. I think one that’s potentially interesting is that a lot of sovereign nations have actually dealt with this problem of windfall governance before. It’s actually like natural resource based states. So Norway is kind of the leading example of this. They had a ton of wealth from oil, and had to come up with a way of distributing that wealth in a fair way. And as a sovereign wealth fund as a result, as do a lot of countries and provides for all sorts of socially beneficial applications.

Google actually when it IPO’d, gave one percent of its equity to it’s non-profit arm, the Google Foundation. So that’s actually significantly like the Windfall Clause in the sense that it gave a commitment that would grow in value as the firm’s prospects engaged. And therefore had low ex-ante costs but potentially higher ex-post-cost. Obviously, in personal philanthropy, a lot of people will be familiar with pledges like Founders Pledge or the Giving What We Can Pledge, where people pledge a percentage of their personal income to charity. The Founders Pledge kind of most resembles the Windfall Clause in this respect. People pledge a percentage of equity from their company upon exit or upon liquidity events and in that sense, it looks a lot like a Windfall Clause.

Lucas Perry: All right. So let’s get in to objections, alternatives and limitations here. First objection to the Windfall Clause, would be that the Windfall Clause will never be triggered.

Cullen O’Keefe: That certainly might be true. There’s a lot of reasons why that might be true. So, one is that we could all just be very wrong about the promise of AI. Also AI development could unfold in some other ways. So it could be a non-profit or an academic institution or a government that develops windfall generating AI and no one else does. Or it could just be that the windfall from AI is spread out sufficiently over a large number of firms, such that no one firm earns windfall, but collectively the tech industry does or something. So, that’s all certainly true. I think that those are all scenarios worth investing in addressing. You could potentially modify the Windfall Clause to address some of those scenarios.

hat said, I think there’s a significant non-trivial possibility that such a windfall occurs in a way that would trigger a Windfall Clause, and if it does, it seems worth investing in solutions that could mitigate any potential downside to that or share the benefits equally. Part of the benefit of the Windfall Clause is that if nothing happens, it doesn’t have any obligations. So, it’s quite low cost in that sense. From a philanthropic perspective, there’s a cost in setting this up and promoting the idea, etcetera, and those are definitely non-trivial costs. But the actual costs, signing the clause, only manifests upon actually triggering it.

Lucas Perry: This next one is that firms will find a way to circumvent their commitments under the clause. So it could never trigger because they could just keep moving money around in skillful ways such that the clause never ends up getting triggered. Some sub-points here are that firms will evade the clause by nominally assigning profits to subsidiary, parent or sibling corporations. That firms will evade the clause by paying out profits in dividends. That firms will sell all windfall generating AI assets to a firm that is not bound by the clause. Any thoughts on these here.

Cullen O’Keefe: First of all, a lot of these were raised by early commentators on the idea, and so I’m very thankful to those people for helping raise this. I think we probably haven’t exhausted the list of potential ways in which firms could evade their commitments, so in general I would want to come up with solutions that are not just patch work solutions, but also more like general incentive alignment solutions. That said, I think most of these problems are mitigable by careful contractual drafting. And then potentially also searching to other forms of the Windfall Clause like something based on firm share price. But still, I think there are probably a lot of ways to circumvent the clause in its kind of early form that we’ve proposed. And we would want to make sure that we’re pretty careful about drafting it and simulating potential ways that signatory could try to wriggle out of its commitment.

Cullen O’Keefe: I think it’s also worth noting that a lot of those potential actions would be pretty clear violations of general legal obligations that signatories to a contract have. Or could be mitigated with pretty easy contractual clauses.

Lucas Perry: Right. The solution to these would be foreseeing them and beefing up the actual windfall contract to not allow for these methods of circumvention.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah.

Lucas Perry: So now this next one I think is quite interesting. No firm with a realistic chance of developing windfall generating AI would sign the clause. How would you respond to that?

Cullen O’Keefe: I mean, I think that’s certainly a possibility, and if that’s the case, then that’s the case. It seems like our ability to change that might be pretty limited. I would hope that most firms in the potential position to be generating windfall, would take that opportunity as also carrying with it responsibility to follow the common good principle. And I think that a lot of people in those companies, both in leadership and the rank and file employee positions, do take that seriously. We do also think that the Windfall Clause could bring non-trivial benefits as we spent a lot of time talking about.

Lucas Perry: All right. The next one here is that quote, “If the public benefits of the Windfall Clause are supposed to be large, that is inconsistent with stating that the cost to firms will be small enough, that they would be willing to sign the clause.” This has a lot to do with this distinction with the ex-ante and the ex-post differences in cost. And also how there is probabilities and time involved here. So, your response to this objection.

Cullen O’Keefe: I think there’s some a-symmetries between the costs and benefit. Some of the costs are things that would happen in the future. So from a firms perspective, they should probably discount the costs of the Windfall Clause because if they earn windfall, it would be in future. From a public policy perspective, a lot of those benefits might not be as time sensitive. So you might no super-care when exactly those costs happen and therefore not really discount them from a present value standpoint.

Lucas Perry: You also probably wouldn’t want to live in the world in which there was no distribution mechanism or windfall function for allocating the windfall profits from one of your competitors.

Cullen O’Keefe: That’s an interesting question though, because a lot of corporate law principals suggest that firms should want to behave in a risk neutral sense, and then allow investors to kind of spread their bets according to their own risk tolerances. So, I’m not sure that this risks spreading between firms argument works that well.

Lucas Perry: I see. Okay. The next is that the Windfall Clause reduces incentives to innovate.

Cullen O’Keefe: So, I think it’s definitely true that it will probably have some effect on the incentive to innovate. That almost seems like kind of necessary or something. That said, I think people in our community are kind of the opinion that there are significant externalities to innovation and not all innovation towards AGI is strictly beneficial in that sense. So, making sure that those externalities are balanced seems important. And the Windfall Clause is one way to do that. In general, I think that the disincentive is probably just outweighed by the benefits of the Windfall Clause, but I would be open to reanalysis of that exact calculus.

Lucas Perry: Next objection is, the Windfall Clause will shift investment to competitive non-signatory firms.

Cullen O’Keefe: This was another particularly interesting comment and it has a potential perverse effect actually. Suppose you have two types of firms, you have nice firms and less nice firms. And all the nice firms sign the Windfall Clause. And therefore their future profit streams are taxed more heavily than the bad firms. And this is bad, because now investors will probably want to go to bad firms because they offer potentially more attractive return on investment. Like the previous objection, this is probably true to some extent. It kind of depends on the empirical case about how many firms you think are good and bad, and also what the exact calculus is regarding how much this disincentives investors from giving to good firms and causes the good firms to act better.

We do talk a little bit about different ways in which you could potentially mitigate this with careful mechanism design. So you could have the Windfall Clause consist in subordinated obligations but the firm could raise senior equity or senior debt to the Windfall Clause such that new investors would not be disadvantaged by investing in a firm that has signed the Windfall Clause. Those are kind of complicated mechanisms, and again, this is another point where thinking through this from a very careful micro-economic point in modeling this type of development dynamic would be very valuable.

Lucas Perry: All right. So we’re starting to get to the end here of objections or at least objections in the paper. The next is, the Windfall Clause draws attention to signatories in an undesirable way.

Cullen O’Keefe: I think the motivation for this objection is something like, imagine that tomorrow Boeing came out and said, “If we built a Death Star, we’ll only use it for good.” What are you talking about, building a Death Star? Why do you even have to talk about this? I think that’s kind of the motivation, is talking about earning windfall is itself drawing attention to the firm in potentially undesirable ways. So, that could potentially be the case. I guess the fact that we’re having this conversation suggests that this is not a super-taboo subject. I think a lot of people are generally aware of the promise of artificial intelligence. So the idea that the gains could be huge and concentrated in one firm, doesn’t seem that worrying to me. Also, if a firm was super close to AGI or something, it would actually be much harder for them to sign on to the Windfall Clause, because the costs would be so great to them in expectation, that they probably couldn’t justify it from a fiduciary duty standpoint.

So in that sense, signing on to the Windfall Clause at least from a purely rational standpoint, is kind of negative evidence that a firm is close to AGI. That said, there is certainly psychological elements that complicate that. It’s very cheap for me to just make a commitment that says, oh sure if I get a trillion dollars, I’ll give 75% of it some charity. Sure, why not? I’ll make that commitment right now in fact.

Lucas Perry: It’s kind of more efficacious if we get firms to adopt this sooner rather than later, because as time goes on, their credences in who will hit AI windfall will increase.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. That’s exactly right. Assuming timelines are constant, the clock is ticking on stuff like this. Every year that goes by, committing to this gets more expensive to firms, and therefore rationally, less likely.

Lucas Perry: All right. I’m not sure that I understand this next one, but it is, the Windfall Clause will lead to moral licensing. What does that mean?

Cullen O’Keefe: So moral licensing is a psychological concept, that if you do certain actions that either are good or appear to be good, that you’re more like to do bad things later. So you have a license to act immorally because of the times that you acted morally. I think a lot of times this is a common objection to corporate philanthropy. People call this ethics washing or green washing, in the context of environmental stuff specifically. I think you should again, do pretty careful cost benefit analysis here to see whether the Windfall Clause is actually worth the potential licensing effect that it has. But of course, one could raise this objection to pretty much any pro-social act. Given that we think the Windfall Clause could actually have legally enforceable teeth, it seems kind of less likely unless you think that the licensing effects would just be so great that they’ll overcome the benefits of actually having an enforceable Windfall Clause. It seems kind of intuitively implausible to me.

Lucas Perry: Here’s another interesting one. The rule of law might not hold if windfall profits are achieved. Human greed and power really kicks in and the power structures which are meant to enforce the rule of law no longer are able to, in relation to someone with AGI or superintelligence. How do you feel about this objection?

Cullen O’Keefe: I think it’s a very serious one. I think it’s something that perhaps the AI safety maybe should be investing more in. I’m also having an interesting discussion, asynchronously on this with Rohin Shah on the EA Forum. I do think there’s a significant chance that if you have an actor that is potentially as powerful as a corporation with AGI and all the benefits that come with that at its disposal, could be such that it would be very hard to enforce the Windfall Clause against it. That said, I think we do kind of see Davids beating Goliaths in the law. People do win lawsuits against the United States government or very large corporations. So it’s certainly not the case that size is everything, though it would be naïve to suppose that it’s not correlated with the probability of winning.

Other things to worry about, are the fact that this corporation will have very powerful AI that could potentially influence the outcome of cases in some way or perhaps hide ways in which it was evading the Windfall Clause. So, I think that’s worth taking seriously. I guess just in general, I think this issue is worth a lot of investment from the AI safety and AI policy communities, for reasons well beyond the Windfall Clause. And it seems like a problem that we’ll have to figure out how to address.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. That makes sense. You brought up the rule of law not holding up because of its power to win over court cases. But the kind of power that AGI would give, would also potentially far extend beyond just winning court cases right? In your ability to not be bound by the law.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. You could just act as a thug and be beyond the law, for sure.

Lucas Perry: It definitely seems like a neglected point, in terms of trying to have a good future with beneficial AI.

Cullen O’Keefe: I’m kind of the opinion that this is pretty important. It just seems like that this is just also a thing in general, that you’re going to want of a post-AGI world. You want the actor with AGI to be accountable to something other than its own will.

Lucas Perry: Yeah.

Cullen O’Keefe: You want agreements you make before AGI to still have meaning post-AGI and not just depend on the beneficence of the person with AGI.

Lucas Perry: All right. So the last objection here is, the Windfall Clause undesirably leaves control of advanced AI in private hands.

Cullen O’Keefe: I’m somewhat sympathetic to the argument that AGI is just such an important technology that it ought to be governed in a pro-social way. Basically, this project doesn’t have a good solution to that, other than to the extent that you could use Windfall Clause funds to perhaps purchase share stock from the company or have a commitment in shares of stock rather than in money. On the other hand, private companies are doing a lot of very important work right now, in developing AI technologies and are kind of the current leading developers of advanced AI. It seems to me like their behaving pretty responsibility overall. I’m just not sure what the ultimate ideal arrangement of ownership of AI will look like and want to leave that open for other discussion.

Lucas Perry: All right. So we’ve hit on all of these objections, surely there are more objections, but this gives a lot for listeners and others to consider and think about. So in terms of alternatives for the Windfall Clause, you list four things here. They are windfall profits should just be taxed. We should rely on anti-trust enforcement instead. We should establish a sovereign wealth fund for AI. We should implement a universal basic income instead. So could you just go through each of these sequentially and give us some thoughts and analysis on your end?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. We talked about taxes already, so is it okay if I just skip that?

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I’m happy to skip taxes. The point there being that they will end up only serving the country in which they are being taxed, unless that country has some other mechanism for distributing certain kinds of taxes to the world.

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. And it also just seems much more tractable right now to work on, private commitments like the Windfall Clause rather than lobbying for pretty robust tax code.

Lucas Perry: Sure. Okay, so number two.

Cullen O’Keefe: So number two is about anti-trust enforcement. This was largely spurred by a conversation with Haydn Belfield. The idea here is that in this world, the AI developer will probably be a monopoly or at least extremely powerful in its market, and therefore we should consider anti-trust enforcement against it. I guess my points are two-fold. Number one is that just under American law, it is pretty clear that merely possessing monopoly power is not itself a reason to take anti-trust action. You have to have acquired that monopoly power in some illegal way. And if some of the stronger hypothesis about AI are right, AI could be a natural monopoly and so it seems pretty plausible that an AI monopoly could develop without any illegal actions taken to gain that monopoly.

I guess second, the Windfall Clause addresses some of the harms from monopoly, though not all of them, by transferring some wealth from shareholders to everyone and therefore transferring some wealth from shareholders to consumers.

Lucas Perry: Okay. Could focusing on anti-trust enforcement alongside the Windfall Clause be beneficial?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. It certainty could be. I don’t want to suggest that we ought not to consider anti-trust, especially if there’s a natural reason to break up firms or if there’s a natural violation of anti-trust law going on. I guess I’m pretty sympathetic to the anti-trust orthodoxy that monopoly is not in itself a reason in itself to break up a firm. But I certainly think that we should continue to think about anti-trust as a potential response to these situations.

Lucas Perry: All right. And number three is we should establish a sovereign wealth fund for AI.

Cullen O’Keefe: So this is an idea that actually came out of FLI. Anthony Aguirre has been thinking about this. The idea is to set up something that looks like the sovereign wealth funds that I alluded to earlier, that places like Norway and other resource rich countries have. Some better and some worse governed, I should say. And I think Anthony’s suggestion was to set this up as a fund that held shares of stock of the corporation, and redistributed wealth in that way. I am sympathetic to this idea overall as I mentioned, I think stock based Windfall Clause could be potentially be an improvement over the cash based one that we suggest. That said, I think there are significant legal problems here if that’s kind of make this harder to imagine working. For one thing, it’s hard to imagine the government buying up all these shares of stock companies, just to acquire a significant portion of them so that you have a good probability of capturing a decent percentage of future windfall, you would have to just spend a ton of money.

Secondly, they couldn’t expropriate the shares of stock, but it would require just compensation under the US Constitution. Third, there are ways that corporations can prevent from accumulating a huge share of its stock if they don’t want it to, the poison pills, the classic example. So if the firms didn’t want a sovereign automation fund to buy up significant shares of their fund, which they might not want to since it might not govern in the best interest of other shareholders, they could just prevent it from acquiring a controlling stake. So all those seem like pretty powerful reasons why contractual mechanisms might be preferable to that kind of sovereign automation fund.

Lucas Perry: All right. And the last one here is, we should implement a universal basic income instead.

Cullen O’Keefe: Saving kind of one of the most popular suggestions for last. This isn’t even really an alternative to the Windfall Clause, it’s just one way that the Windfall Clause could look. And ultimately I think UBI is a really promising idea that’s been pretty well studied. Seems to be pretty effective. It’s obviously quite simple, has widespread appeal. And I would be probably pretty sympathetic to a Windfall Clause that ultimately implements a UBI. That said, I think there are some reasons that you might you prefer other forms of windfall distribution. So one is just that UBI doesn’t seem to target people particularly harmed by AI for example, if we’re worried about a future with a lot of automation of jobs. UBI might not be the best way to compensate those people that are harmed.

Others address that it might not be the best opportunity for providing public goods, if you thought that that’s something that the Windfall Clause should do, but I think it could be a very promising part of the Windfall Clause distribution mechanism.

Lucas Perry: All right. That makes sense. And so wrapping up here, are there any last thoughts you’d like to share with anyone particularly interested in the Windfall Clause or people in policy in government who may be listening or anyone who might find themselves at a leading technology company or AI lab?

Cullen O’Keefe: Yeah. I would encourage them to get in touch with me if they’d like. My email address is listed in the report. I think just in general, this is going to be a major challenge for society in the next century. At least it could be. As I said, I think there’s substantial uncertainty about a lot of this, so I think there’s a lot of potential opportunities to do research, not just in economics and law, but also in political science and thinking about how we can govern the windfall that artificial intelligence brings, in a way that’s universally beneficial. So I hope that other people will be interested in exploring that question. I’ll be working with the Partnership on AI to help think through this as well and if you’re interested in those efforts and have expertise to contribute, I would very much appreciate people getting touch, so they can get involved in that.

Lucas Perry: All right. Wonderful. Thank you and everyone else who helped to help work on this paper. It’s very encouraging and hopefully we’ll see widespread adoption and maybe even implementation of the Windfall Clause in our lifetime.

Cullen O’Keefe: I hope so too, thank you so much Lucas.

FLI Podcast: On Consciousness, Morality, Effective Altruism & Myth with Yuval Noah Harari & Max Tegmark

Neither Yuval Noah Harari nor Max Tegmark need much in the way of introduction. Both are avant-garde thinkers at the forefront of 21st century discourse around science, technology, society and humanity’s future. This conversation represents a rare opportunity for two intellectual leaders to apply their combined expertise — in physics, artificial intelligence, history, philosophy and anthropology — to some of the most profound issues of our time. Max and Yuval bring their own macroscopic perspectives to this discussion of both cosmological and human history, exploring questions of consciousness, ethics, effective altruism, artificial intelligence, human extinction, emerging technologies and the role of myths and stories in fostering societal collaboration and meaning. We hope that you’ll join the Future of Life Institute Podcast for our final conversation of 2019, as we look toward the future and the possibilities it holds for all of us.

Topics discussed include:

  • Max and Yuval’s views and intuitions about consciousness
  • How they ground and think about morality
  • Effective altruism and its cause areas of global health/poverty, animal suffering, and existential risk
  • The function of myths and stories in human society
  • How emerging science, technology, and global paradigms challenge the foundations of many of our stories
  • Technological risks of the 21st century


0:00 Intro

3:14 Grounding morality and the need for a science of consciousness

11:45 The effective altruism community and it’s main cause areas

13:05 Global health

14:44 Animal suffering and factory farming

17:38 Existential risk and the ethics of the long-term future

23:07 Nuclear war as a neglected global risk

24:45 On the risks of near-term AI and of artificial general intelligence and superintelligence

28:37 On creating new stories for the challenges of the 21st century

32:33 The risks of big data and AI enabled human hacking and monitoring

47:40 What does it mean to be human and what should we want to want?

52:29 On positive global visions for the future

59:29 Goodbyes and appreciations

01:00:20 Outro and supporting the Future of Life Institute Podcast


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You can listen to the podcast above or read the transcript below. 

Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today, I’m excited to be bringing you a conversation between professor, philosopher, and historian Yuval Noah Harari and MIT physicist and AI researcher, as well as Future of Life Institute president, Max Tegmark.  Yuval is the author of popular science best sellers, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and of 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. Max is the author of Our Mathematical Universe and Life 3.0: Being human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. 

This episode covers a variety of topics related to the interests and work of both Max and Yuval. It requires some background knowledge for everything to make sense and so i’ll try to provide some necessary information for listeners unfamiliar with the area of Max’s work in particular here in the intro. If you already feel well acquainted with Max’s work, feel free to skip ahead a minute or use the timestamps in the description for the podcast. 

Topics discussed in this episode include: morality, consciousness, the effective altruism community, animal suffering, existential risk, the function of myths and stories in our world, and the benefits and risks of emerging technology. For those new to the podcast or effective altruism, effective altruism or EA for short is a philosophical and social movement that uses evidence and reasoning to determine the most effective ways of benefiting and improving the lives of others. And existential risk is any risk that has the potential to eliminate all of humanity or, at the very least, to kill large swaths of the global population and leave the survivors unable to rebuild society to current living standards. Advanced emerging technologies are the most likely source of existential risk in the 21st century, for example through unfortunate uses of synthetic biology, nuclear weapons, and powerful future artificial intelligence misaligned with human values and objectives.

The Future of Life Institute is a non-profit and this podcast is funded and supported by listeners like you. So if you find what we do on this podcast to be important and beneficial, please consider supporting the podcast by donating at

These contributions make it possible for us to bring you conversations like these and to develop the podcast further. You can also follow us on your preferred listening platform by searching for us directly or following the links on the page for this podcast found in the description. 

And with that, here is our conversation between Max Tegmark and Yuval Noah Harari.

Max Tegmark: Maybe to start at a place where I think you and I both agree, even though it’s controversial, I get the sense from reading your books that you feel that morality has to be grounded on experience, subjective experience. It’s just what I like to call consciousness. I love this argument you’ve given, for example, that people who think consciousness is just bullshit and irrelevant. You challenge them to tell you what’s wrong with torture if it’s just a bunch of electrons and quarks moving around this way rather than that way.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yeah. I think that there is no morality without consciousness and without subjective experiences. At least for me, this is very, very obvious. One of my concerns, again, if I think about the potential rise of AI, is that AI will be super superintelligence but completely non-conscious, which is something that we never had to deal with before. There’s so much of the philosophical and theological discussions of what happens when there is a greater intelligence in the world. We’ve been discussing this for thousands of years with God of course as the object of discussion, but the assumption always was that this greater intelligence would be A) conscious in some sense, and B) good, infinitely good.

And therefore I think that the question we are facing today is completely different and to a large extent is I suspect that we are really facing philosophical bankruptcy that what we’ve done for thousands of years didn’t really prepare us for the kind of challenge that we have now.

Max Tegmark: I certainly agree that we have a very urgent challenge there. I think there is an additional risk which comes from the fact that, I’m embarrassed as a scientist that we actually don’t know for sure which kinds of information processing are conscious and which are not. For many, many years, I’ve been told for example that it’s okay to put lobsters in hot water to boil them but alive before we eat them because they don’t feel any suffering. And then I guess some guy asked the lobster does this hurt? And it didn’t say anything and it was a self serving argument. But then there was a recent study out that showed that actually lobsters do feel pain and they banned lobster boiling in Switzerland now.

I’m very nervous whenever we humans make these very self serving arguments saying, don’t worry about the slaves. It’s okay. They don’t feel, they don’t have a soul, they won’t suffer or women don’t have a soul or animals can’t suffer. I’m very nervous that we’re going to make the same mistake with machines just because it’s so convenient. When I feel the honest truth is, yeah, maybe future superintelligent machines won’t have any experience, but maybe they will. And I think we really have a moral imperative there to do the science to answer that question because otherwise we might be creating enormous amounts of suffering that we don’t even know exists.

Yuval Noah Harari: For this reason and for several other reasons, I think we need to invest as much time and energy in researching consciousness as we do in researching and developing intelligence. If we develop sophisticated artificial intelligence before we really understand consciousness, there is a lot of really big ethical problems that we just don’t know how to solve. One of them is the potential existence of some kind of consciousness in these AI systems, but there are many, many others.

Max Tegmark: I’m so glad to hear you say this actually because I think we really need to distinguish between artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness. Some people just take for granted that they’re the same thing.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yeah, I’m really amazed by it. I’m having quite a lot of discussions about these issues in the last two or three years and I’m repeatedly amazed that a lot of brilliant people just don’t understand the difference between intelligence and consciousness, and when it comes up in discussions about animals, but it also comes up in discussions about computers and about AI. To some extent the confusion is understandable because in humans and other mammals and other animals, consciousness and intelligence, they really go together, but we can’t assume that this is the law of nature and that it’s always like that. In a very, very simple way, I would say that intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Consciousness is the ability to feel things like pain and pleasure and love and hate.

Now in humans and chimpanzees and dogs and maybe even lobsters, we solve problems by having feelings. A lot of the problems we solve, who to mate with and where to invest our money and who to vote for in the elections, we rely on our feelings to make these decisions, but computers make decisions a completely different way. At least today, very few people would argue that computers are conscious and still they can solve certain types of problems much, much better than we.

They have high intelligence in a particular field without having any consciousness and maybe they will eventually reach superintelligence without ever developing consciousness. And we don’t know enough about these ideas of consciousness and superintelligence, but it’s at least feasible that you can solve all problems better than human beings and still have zero consciousness. You just do it in a different way. Just like airplanes fly much faster than birds without ever developing feathers.

Max Tegmark: Right. That’s definitely one of the reasons why people are so confused. There are two other reasons I noticed also among even very smart people why they are utterly confused on this. One is there’s so many different definitions of consciousness. Some people define consciousness in a way that’s almost equivalent intelligence, but if you define it the way you did, the ability to feel things simply having subjective experience. I think a lot of people get confused because they have always thought of subjective experience and intelligence for that matter as something mysterious. That can only exist in biological organisms like us. Whereas what I think we’re really learning from the whole last of century of progress in science is that no, intelligence and consciousness are all about information processing.

People fall prey to this carbon chauvinism idea that it’s only carbon or meat that can have these traits. Whereas in fact it really doesn’t matter whether the information is processed by a carbon atom and a neuron in the brain or by the silicon atom in a computer.

Yuval Noah Harari: I’m not sure I completely agree. I mean, we still don’t have enough data on that. There doesn’t seem to be any reason that we know of that consciousness would be limited to carbon based life forms, but so far this is the case. So maybe we don’t know something. My hunch is that it could be possible to have non-organic consciousness, but until we have better evidence, there is an open possibility that maybe there is something about organic biochemistry, which is essential and we just don’t understand.

And also with the other open case, we are not really sure that’s consciousness is just about information processing. I mean, at present, this is the dominant view in the life sciences, but we don’t really know because we don’t understand consciousness. My personal hunch is that nonorganic consciousness is possible, but I wouldn’t say that we know that for certain. And the other point is that really if you think about it in the broadest sense possible, I think that there is an entire potential universe of different conscious states and we know just a tiny, tiny bit of it.

Max Tegmark: Yeah.

Yuval Noah Harari: Again, thinking a little about different life forms, so human beings are just one type of life form and there are millions of other life forms that existed and billions of potential life forms that never existed but might exist in the future. And it’s a bit like that with consciousness that we really know just human consciousness, we don’t understand even the consciousness of other animals and beyond that potentially there is an infinite number of conscious states or traits that never existed and might exist in the future.

Max Tegmark: I agree with all of that. And I think if you can have nonorganic consciousness, artificial consciousness, which would be my guess, although we don’t know it, I think it’s quite clear then that the mind space of possible artificial consciousness is vastly larger than anything that evolution has given us, so we have to have a very open mind.

If we simply take away from this that we should understand which entities biological and otherwise are conscious and can experience suffering, pleasure and so on, and we try to base our morality on this idea that we want to create more positive experiences and eliminate suffering, then this leads straight into what I find very much at the core of the so called effective altruism community, which we with the Future of Life Institute view ourselves as part of where the idea is we want to help do what we can to make a future that’s good in that sense. Lots of positive experiences, not negative ones and we want to do it effectively.

We want to put our limited time and money and so on into those efforts which will make the biggest difference. And the EA community has for a number of years been highlighting a top three list of issues that they feel are the ones that are most worth putting effort into in this sense. One of them is global health, which is very, very non-controversial. Another one is animal suffering and reducing it. And the third one is preventing life from going extinct by doing something stupid with technology.

I’m very curious whether you feel that the EA movement has basically picked out the correct three things to focus on or whether you have things you would subtract from that list or add to it. Global health, animal suffering, X-risk.

Yuval Noah Harari: Well, I think that nobody can do everything, so whether you’re an individual or an organization, it’s a good idea to pick a good cause and then focus on it and not spend too much time wondering about all the other things that you might do. I mean, these three causes are certainly some of the most important in the world. I would just say that about the first one. It’s not easy at all to determine what are the goals. I mean, as long as health means simply fighting illnesses and sicknesses and bringing people up to what is considered as a normal level of health, then that’s not very problematic.

But in the coming decades, I think that the healthcare industry would focus and more, not on fixing problems but rather on enhancing abilities, enhancing experiences, enhancing bodies and brains and minds and so forth. And that’s much, much more complicated both because of the potential issues of inequality and simply that we don’t know where to aim for. One of the reasons that when you ask me at first about morality, I focused on suffering and not on happiness is that suffering is a much clearer concept than happiness and that’s why when you talk about health care, if you think about this image of the line of normal health, like the baseline of what’s a healthy human being, it’s much easier to deal with things falling under this line than things that potentially are above this line. So I think even this first issue, it will become extremely complicated in the coming decades.

Max Tegmark: And then for the second issue on animal suffering, you’ve used some pretty strong words before. You’ve said that industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history and you’ve called the fate of industrially farmed animals one of the most pressing ethical questions of our time. A lot of people would be quite shocked when they hear you using strong words about this since they routinely eat factory farmed meat. How do you explain to them?

Yuval Noah Harari: This is quite straightforward. I mean, we are talking about billions upon billions of animals. The majority of large animals today in the world are either humans or are domesticated animals, cows and pigs and chickens and so forth. And so we’re talking about a lot of animals and we are talking about a lot of pain and misery. The industrially farmed cow and chicken are probably competing for the title of the most miserable creature that ever existed. They are capable of experiencing a wide range of sensations and emotions and in most of these industrial facilities they are experiencing the worst possible sensations and emotions.

Max Tegmark: In my case, you’re preaching to the choir here. I find this so disgusting that my wife and I just decided to mostly be vegan. I don’t go preach to other people about what they should do, but I just don’t want to be a part of this. It reminds me so much also things you’ve written about yourself, about how people used to justify having slaves before by saying, “It’s the white man’s burden. We’re helping the slaves. It’s good for them”. And much of the same way now, we make these very self serving arguments for why we should be doing this. What do you personally take away from this? Do you eat meat now, for example?

Yuval Noah Harari: Personally I define myself as vegan-ish. I mean I’m not strictly vegan. I don’t want to make kind of religion out of it and start thinking in terms of purity and whatever. I try to limit as far as possible mindful movement with industries that harm animals for no good reason and it’s not just meat and dairy and eggs, it can be other things as well. The chains of causality in the world today are so complicated that you cannot really extricate yourself completely. It’s just impossible. So for me, and also what I tell other people is just do your best. Again, don’t make it into a kind of religious issue. If somebody comes and tells you that you, I’m now thinking about this animal suffering and I decided to have one day a week without meat then don’t start blaming this person for eating meat the other six days. Just congratulate them on making one step in the right direction.

Max Tegmark: Yeah, that sounds not just like good morality but also good psychology if you actually want to nudge things in the right direction. And then coming to the third one, existential risk. There, I love how Nick Bostrom asks us to compare these two scenarios one in which some calamity kills 99% of all people and another where it kills 100% of all people and then he asks how much worse is the second one. The point being obviously is you know that if we kill everybody we might actually forfeit having billions or quadrillions or more of future minds in the future experiencing these amazing things for billions of years. This is not something I’ve seen you talk as much about in you’re writing it. So I’m very curious how you think about this morally? How you weigh future experiences that could exist versus the ones that we know exist now?

Yuval Noah Harari: I don’t really know. I don’t think that we understand consciousness and experience well enough to even start making such calculations. In general, my suspicion, at least based on our current knowledge, is that it’s simply not a mathematical entity that can be calculated. So we know all these philosophical riddles that people sometimes enjoy so much debating about whether you have five people have this kind and a hundred people of that kind and who should you save and so forth and so on. It’s all based on the assumption that experience is a mathematical entity that can be added and subtracted. And my suspicion is that it’s just not like that.

To some extent, yes, we make these kinds of comparison and calculations all the time, but on a deeper level, I think it’s taking us in the wrong direction. At least at our present level of knowledge, it’s not like eating ice cream is one point of happiness. Killing somebody is a million points of misery. So if by killing somebody we can allow 1,000,001 persons to enjoy ice cream, it’s worth it.

I think the problem here is not that we given the wrong points to the different experiences, it’s just it’s not a mathematical entity in the first place. And again, I know that in some cases we have to do these kinds of calculations, but I will be extremely careful about it and I would definitely not use it as the basis for building entire moral and philosophical projects.

Max Tegmark: I certainly agree with you that it’s an extremely difficult set of questions you get into if you try to trade off positives against negatives, like you mentioned in the ice cream versus murder case there. But I still feel that all in all, as a species, we tend to be a little bit too sloppy and flippant about the future and maybe partly because we haven’t evolved to think so much about what happens in billions of years anyway, and if we look at how reckless we’ve been with nuclear weapons, for example, I recently was involved with our organization giving this award to honor Vasily Arkhipov who quite likely prevented nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union, and most people hadn’t even heard about that for 40 years. More people have heard of Justin Bieber, than Vasily Arkhipov even though I would argue that that would really unambiguously had been a really, really bad thing and that we should celebrate people who do courageous acts that prevent nuclear war, for instance.

In the same spirit, I often feel concerned that there’s so little attention, even paid to risks that we drive ourselves extinct or cause giants catastrophes compared to how much attention we pay to the Kardashians or whether we can get 1% less unemployment next year. So I’m curious if you have some sympathy for my angst here or whether you think I’m overreacting.

Yuval Noah Harari: I completely agree. I often define it that we are now kind of irresponsible gods. Certainly with regard to the other animals and the ecological system and with regard to ourselves, we have really divine powers of creation and destruction, but we don’t take our job seriously enough. We tend to be very irresponsible in our thinking, and in our behavior. On the other hand, part of the problem is that the number of potential apocalypses is growing exponentially over the last 50 years. And as a scholar and as a communicator, I think it’s part of our job to be extremely careful in the way that we discuss these issues with the general public. And it’s very important to focus the discussion on the more likely scenarios because if we just go on bombarding people with all kinds of potential scenarios of complete destruction, very soon we just lose people’s attention.

They become extremely pessimistic that everything is hopeless. So why worry about all that? So I think part of the job of the scientific community and people who deal with these kinds of issues is to really identify the most likely scenarios and focus the discussion on that. Even if there are some other scenarios which have a small chance of occurring and completely destroying all of humanity and maybe all of life, but we just can’t deal with everything at the same time.

Max Tegmark: I completely agree with that. With one caveat, I think it’s very much in the spirit of effective altruism, what you said. We want to focus on the things that really matter the most and not turn everybody into hypochondriac, paranoid, getting worried about everything. The one caveat I would give is, we shouldn’t just look at the probability of each bad thing happening but we should look at the expected damage it will do so the probability of times how bad it is.

Yuval Noah Harari: I agree.

Max Tegmark: Because nuclear war for example, maybe the chance of having an accidental nuclear war between the US and Russia is only 1% per year or 10% per year or one in a thousand per year. But if you have the nuclear winter caused by that by soot and smoke in the atmosphere, you know, blocking out the sun for years, that could easily kill 7 billion people. So most people on Earth and mass starvation because it would be about 20 Celsius colder. That means that on average if it’s 1% chance per year, which seems small, you’re still killing on average 70 million people. That’s the number that sort of matters I think. That means we should make it a higher priority to reduce that more.

Yuval Noah Harari: With nuclear war, I would say that we are not concerned enough. I mean, too many people, including politicians have this weird impression that well, “Nuclear war, that’s history. No, that was in the 60s and 70s people worried about it.”

Max Tegmark: Exactly.

Yuval Noah Harari: “It’s not a 21st century issue.” This is ridiculous. I mean we are now in even greater danger, at least in terms of the technology than we were in the Cuban missile crisis. But you must remember this in Stanley Kubrick, Dr Strange Love-

Max Tegmark: One of my favorite films of all time.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yeah. And so the subtitle of the film is “How I Stopped Fearing and Learned to Love the Bomb.”

Max Tegmark: Exactly.

Yuval Noah Harari: And the funny thing is it actually happened. People stopped fearing them. Maybe they don’t love it very much, but compared to the 50s and 60s people just don’t talk about it. Like you look at the Brexit debate in Britain and Britain is one of the leading nuclear powers in the world and it’s not even mentioned. It’s not part of the discussion anymore. And that’s very problematic because I think that this is a very serious existential threat. But I’ll take a counter example, which is in the field of AI, even though I understand the philosophical importance of discussing the possibility of general AI emerging in the future and then rapidly taking over the world and you know all the paperclips scenarios and so forth.

I think that at the present moment it really distracts attention of people from the immediate dangers of the AI arms race, which has a far, far higher chance of materializing in the next, say, 10, 20, 30 years. And we need to focus people’s minds on these short term dangers. And I know that there is a small chance that general AI would be upon us say in the next 30 years. But I think it’s a very, very small chance, whereas the chance that kind of primitive AI will completely disrupt the economy, the political system and human life in the next 30 years is about a 100%. It’s bound to happen.

Max Tegmark: Yeah.

Yuval Noah Harari: And I worry far more about what primitive AI will do to the job market, to the military, to people’s daily lives than about a general AI appearing in the more distant future.

Max Tegmark: Yeah, there are a few reactions to this. We can talk more about artificial general intelligence and superintelligence later if we get time. But there was a recent survey of AI researchers around the world asking what they thought and I was interested to note that actually most of them guessed that we will get artificial general intelligence within decades. So I wouldn’t say that the chance is small, but I would agree with you, that is certainly not going to happen tomorrow.

But if we eat our vitamins, you and I and meditate, go to the gym, it’s quite likely we will actually get to experience it. But more importantly, coming back to what you said earlier, I see all of these risks as really being one in the same risk in the sense that what’s happened is of course that science has kept getting ever more powerful. And science definitely gives us ever more powerful technology. And I love technology. I’m a nerd. I work at a university that has technology in its name and I’m optimistic we can create an inspiring high tech future for life if we win what I like to call the wisdom race.

The race between the growing power of the technology and the growing wisdom with which we manage it or putting it in your words, that you just used there, if we can basically learn to take more seriously our job as stewards of this planet, you can look at every science and see exactly the same thing happening. So we physicists are kind of proud that we gave the world cell phones and computers and lasers, but our problem child has been nuclear energy obviously, nuclear weapons in particular. Chemists are proud that they gave the world all these great new materials and their problem child is climate change. Biologists in my book actually have done the best so far, they actually got together in the 70s and persuaded leaders to ban biological weapons and draw a clear red line more broadly between what was acceptable and unacceptable uses of biology.

And that’s why today most people think of biology as really a force for good, something that cures people or helps them live healthier lives. And I think AI is right now lagging a little bit in time. It’s finally getting to the point where they’re starting to have an impact and they’re grappling with the same kind of question. They haven’t had big disasters yet, so they’re in the biology camp there, but they’re trying to figure out where do they draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable uses so you don’t get a crazy military AI arms race in lethal autonomous weapons, so you don’t create very destabilizing income inequality so that AI doesn’t create 1984 on steroids, et cetera.

And I wanted to ask you about what sort of new story as a society you feel we need in order to tackle these challenges. And I’ve been very, very persuaded by your arguments that stories are so central to society for us to collaborate and accomplish stuff, but you’ve also made a really compelling case. I think that’s the most popular recent stories are all getting less powerful or popular. Communism, now there’s a lot of disappointment, and this liberalism and it feels like a lot of people are kind of craving for a new story that involves technology somehow and that can help us get our act together and also help us feel meaning and purpose in this world. But I’ve never in your books seen a clear answer to what you feel that this new story should be.

Yuval Noah Harari: Because I don’t know. If I knew the new story, I will tell it. I think we are now in a kind of double bind, we have to fight on two different fronts. On the one hand we are witnessing in the last few years the collapse of the last big modern story of liberal democracy and liberalism more generally, which has been, I would say as a story, the best story humans ever came up with and it did create the best world that humans ever enjoyed. I mean the world of the late 20th century and early 21st century with all its problems, it’s still better for humans, not for cows or chickens for humans, it’s still better than it’s any previous moment in history.

There are many problems, but anybody who says that this was a bad idea, I would like to hear which year are you thinking about as a better year? Now in 2019, when was it better? In 1919, in 1719, in 1219? I mean, for me, it’s obvious this has been the best story we have come up with.

Max Tegmark: That’s so true. I have to just admit that whenever I read the news for too long, I start getting depressed. But then I always cheer myself up by reading history and reminding myself it was always worse in the past.

Yuval Noah Harari: That never fails. I mean, the last four years have been quite bad, things are deteriorating, but we are still better off than in any previous era, but people are losing faith. In this story, we are reaching really a situation of zero story. All the big stories of the 20th century have collapsed or are collapsing and the vacuum is currently filled by nostalgic fantasies, nationalistic and religious fantasies, which simply don’t offer any real solutions to the problems of the 21st century. So on the one hand we have the task of supporting or reviving the liberal democratic system, which is so far the only game in town. I keep listening to the critics and they have a lot of valid criticism, but I’m waiting for the alternative and the only thing I hear is completely unrealistic nostalgic fantasies about going back to some past golden era that as a historian I know was far, far worse, and even if it was not so far worse, you just can’t go back there. You can’t recreate the 19th century or the middle ages under the conditions of the 21st century. It’s impossible.

So we have this one struggle to maintain what we have already achieved, but then at the same time, on a much deeper level, my suspicion is that the liberal stories we know it at least is really not up to the challenges of the 21st century because it’s built on foundations that the new science and especially the new technologies of artificial intelligence and bioengineering are just destroying the belief we are inherited in the autonomous individual, in free will, in all these basically liberal mythologies. They will become increasingly untenable in contact with new powerful bioengineering and artificial intelligence.

To put it in a very, very concise way, I think we are entering the era of hacking human beings, not just hacking smartphones and bank accounts, but really hacking homo sapiens which was impossible before. I mean, AI gives us the computing power necessary and biology gives us the necessary biological knowledge and when you combine the two you get the ability to hack human beings and if you continue to try, and build society on the philosophical ideas of the 18th century about the individual and freewill and then all that in a world where it’s feasible technically to hack millions of people systematically, it’s just not going to work. And we need an updated story, I’ll just finish this thought. And our problem is that we need to defend the story from the nostalgic fantasies at the same time that we are replacing it by something else. And it’s just very, very difficult.

When I began writing my books like five years ago, I thought the real project was to really go down to the foundations of the liberal story, expose the difficulties and build something new. And then you had all these nostalgic populous eruption of the last four or five years, and I personally find myself more and more engaged in defending the old fashioned liberal story instead of replacing it. Intellectually, it’s very frustrating because I think the really important intellectual work is finding out the new story, but politically it’s far more urgent. If we allow the emergence of some kind of populist authoritarian regimes, then whatever comes out of it will not be a better story.

Max Tegmark: Yeah, unfortunately I agree with your assessment here. I love to travel. I work in basically the United Nations like environment at my university with students from all around the world, and I have this very strong sense that people are feeling increasingly lost around the world today because the stories that used to give them a sense of purpose and meaning and so on are sort of dissolving in front of their eyes. And of course, we don’t like to feel lost then likely to jump on whatever branches are held out for us. And they are often just retrograde things. Let’s go back to the good old days and all sorts of other unrealistic things. But I agree with you that the rise in population we’re seeing now is not the cause. It’s a symptom of people feeling lost.

So I think I was a little bit unfair to ask you in a few minutes to answer the toughest question of our time, what should our new story be? But maybe we could break it into pieces a little bit and say what are at least some elements that we would like the new story to have? For example, it should accomplish, of course, multiple things. It has to incorporate technology in a meaningful way, which our past stories did not and has to incorporate AI progress in biotech, for example. And it also has to be a truly global story, I think this time, which isn’t just a story about how America is going to get better off or China is going to get better off, but one about how we’re all going to get better off together.

And we can put up a whole bunch of other requirements. If we start maybe with this part about the global nature of the story, people disagree violently about so many things around world, but are there any ingredients at all of the story that you think people around the world, would already agreed to some principles or ideas?

Yuval Noah Harari: Again to, I don’t really know. I mean, I don’t know what the new story would look like. Historically, these kinds of really grand narratives, they aren’t created by two, three people having a discussion and thinking, okay, what new stories should we tell? It’s far deeper and more powerful forces that come together to create these new stories. I mean, even trying to say, okay, we don’t have the full view, but let’s try to put a few ingredients in place. The whole thing about the story is that the whole comes before the parts. The narrative is far more important than the individual facts that build it up.

So I’m not sure that we can start creating the story by just, okay, let’s put the first few sentences and who knows how it will continue. You wrote books. I write books, we know that the first few sentences are the last sentences that you usually write.

Max Tegmark: That’s right.

Yuval Noah Harari: Only when you know how the whole book is going to look like, but then you go back to the beginning and you write the first few sentences.

Max Tegmark: Yeah. And sometimes the very last thing you write is the new title.

Yuval Noah Harari: So I agree that whatever the new story is going to be, it’s going to be global. The world is now too small and too interconnected to have just a story for one part of the world. It won’t work. And also it will have to take very seriously both the most updated science and the most updated technology. Something that liberal democracy as we know it, it’s basically still in the 18th century. It’s taking an 18th century story and simply following it to its logical conclusions. For me, maybe the most amazing thing about liberal democracy is it really completely disregarded all the discoveries of the life sciences over the last two centuries.

Max Tegmark: And of the technical sciences!

Yuval Noah Harari: I mean, as if Darwin never existed and we know nothing about evolution. I mean, you can basically meet these folks from the middle of the 18th century, whether it’s Rousseau, Jefferson, and all these guys, and they will be surprised by some of the conclusions we have drawn for the basis they provided us. But fundamentally it’s nothing has changed. Darwin didn’t really change anything. Computers didn’t really change anything. And I think the next story won’t have that luxury of being able to ignore the discoveries of science and technology.

The number one thing it we’ll have to take into account is how do humans live in a world when there is somebody out there that knows you better than you know yourself, but that somebody isn’t God, that somebody is a technological system, which might not be a good system at all. That’s a question we never had to face before. We could always comfort yourself with the idea that we are kind of a black box with the rest of humanity. Nobody can really understand me better than I understand myself. The king, the emperor, the church, they don’t really know what’s happening within me. Maybe God knows. So we had a lot of discussions about what to do with that, the existence of a God who knows us better than we know ourselves, but we didn’t really have to deal with a non-divine system that can hack us.

And this system is emerging. I think it will be in place within our lifetime in contrast to generally artificial intelligence that I’m skeptical whether I’ll see it in my lifetime. I’m convinced we will see, if we live long enough, a system that knows us better than we know ourselves and the basic premises of democracy, of free market capitalism, even of religion just don’t work in such a world. How does democracy function in a world when somebody understands the voter better than the voter understands herself or himself? And the same with the free market. I mean, if the customer is not right, if the algorithm is right, then we need a completely different economic system. That’s the big question that I think we should be focusing on. I don’t have the answer, but whatever story will be relevant to the 21st century, will have to answer this question.

Max Tegmark: I certainly agree with you that democracy has totally failed to adapt to the developments in the life sciences and I would add to that to the developments in the natural sciences too. I watched all of the debates between Trump and Clinton in the last election here in the US and I didn’t know what is artificial intelligence getting mentioned even a single time, not even when they talked about jobs. And the voting system we have, with an electoral college system here where it doesn’t even matter how people vote except in a few swing states where there’s so little influence from the voter to what actually happens. Even though we now have blockchain and could easily implement technical solutions where people will be able to have much more influence. Just reflects that we basically declared victory on our democratic system hundreds of years ago and haven’t updated it.

And I’m very interested in how we can dramatically revamp it if we believe in some form of democracy so that we actually can have more influence on how our society is run as individuals and how we can have good reason to actually trust the system. If it is able to hack us. That is actually working in our best interest. There’s a key tenant in religions that you’re supposed to be able to trust the God as having your best interest in mind. And I think many people in the world today do not trust that their political leaders actually have their best interest in mind.

Yuval Noah Harari: Certainly, I mean that’s the issue. You give a really divine powers to far from divine systems. We shouldn’t be too pessimistic. I mean, the technology is not inherently evil either. And what history teaches us about technology is that technology is also never deterministic. You can use the same technologies to create very different kinds of societies. We saw that in the 20th century when the same technologies were used to build communist dictatorships and liberal democracies, there was no real technological difference between the USSR and the USA. It was just people making different decisions what to do with the same technology.

I don’t think that the new technology is inherently anti-democratic or inherently anti-liberal. It really is about choices that people make even in what kind of technological tools to develop. If I think about, again, AI and surveillance, at present we see all over the world that corporations and governments are developing AI tools to monitor individuals, but technically we can do exactly the opposite. We can create tools that monitor and survey government and corporations in the service of individuals. For instance, to fight corruption in the government as an individual. It’s very difficult for me to say monitor nepotism, politicians appointing all kinds of family members to lucrative positions in the government or in the civil service, but it should be very easy to build an AI tool that goes over the immense amount of information involved. And in the end you just get a simple application on your smartphone you enter the name of a politician and you immediately see within two seconds who he appointed or she appointed from their family and friends to what positions. It should be very easy to do it. I don’t see the Chinese government creating such an application anytime soon, but people can create it.

Or if you think about the fake news epidemic, basically what’s happening is that corporations and governments are hacking us in their service, but the technology can work the other way around. We can develop an antivirus for the mind, the same way we developed antivirus for the computer. We need to develop an antivirus for the mind, an AI system that serves me and not a corporation or a government, and it gets to know my weaknesses in order to protect me against manipulation.

At present, what’s happening is that the hackers are hacking me. they get to know my weaknesses and that’s how they are able to manipulate me. For instance, with fake news. If they discover that I already have a bias against immigrants, they show me one fake news story, maybe about a group of immigrants raping local women. And I easily believe that because I already have this bias. My neighbor may have an opposite bias. She may think that anybody who opposes immigration is a fascist and the same hackers will find that out and will show her a fake news story about, I don’t know, right wing extremists murdering immigrants and she will believe that.

And then if I meet my neighbor, there is no way we can have a conversation about immigration. Now we can and should, develop an AI system that serves me and my neighbor and alerts us. Look, somebody is trying to hack you, somebody trying to manipulate you. And if we learn to trust this system that it serves us, it doesn’t serve any corporation or government. It’s an important tool in protecting our minds from being manipulated. Another tool in the same field, we are now basically feeding enormous amounts of mental junk food to our minds.

We spend hours every day basically feeding our hatred, our fear, our anger, and that’s a terrible and stupid thing to do. The thing is that people discovered that the easiest way to grab our attention is by pressing the hate button in the mind or the fear button in the mind, and we are very vulnerable to that.

Now, just imagine that somebody develops a tool that shows you what’s happening to your brain or to your mind as you’re watching these YouTube clips. Maybe it doesn’t block you, it’s not Big Brother, that blocks, all these things. It’s just like when you buy a product and it shows you how many calories are in the product and how much saturated fat and how much sugar there is in the product. So at least in some cases you learn to make better decisions. Just imagine that you have this small window in your computer which tells you what’s happening to your brain as your watching this video and what’s happening to your levels of hatred or fear or anger and then make your own decision. But at least you are more aware of what kind of food you’re giving to your mind.

Max Tegmark: Yeah. This is something I am also very interested in seeing more of AI systems that empower the individual in all the ways that you mentioned. We are very interested at the Future of Life Institute actually in supporting this kind of thing on the nerdy technical side and I think this also drives home this very important fact that technology is not good or evil. Technology is an amoral tool that can be used both for good things and for bad things. That’s exactly why I feel it’s so important that we develop the wisdom to use it for good things rather than bad things. So in that sense, AI is no different than fire, which can be used for good things and for bad things and but we as a society have developed a lot of wisdom now in fire management. We educate our kids about it. We have fire extinguishers and fire trucks and with artificial intelligence and other powerful tech, I feel we need to do better in similarly developing the wisdom that can steer the technology towards better uses.

Now we’re reaching the end of the hour here. I’d like to just finish with two more questions. One of them is about what we wanted to ultimately mean to be human as we get ever more tech. You put it so beautifully and I think it was Sapiens that tech progress is gradually taking us beyond the asking what we want to ask instead what we want to want and I guess even more broadly how we want to brand ourselves, how we want to think about ourselves as humans in the high tech future.

I’m quite curious. First of all, you personally, if you think about yourself in 30 years, 40 years, what do you want to want and what sort of society would you like to live in say 2060 if you could have it your way?

Yuval Noah Harari: It’s a profound question. It’s a difficult question. My initial answer is that I would really like not just to know the truth about myself but to want to know the truth about myself. Usually the main obstacle in knowing the truth about yourself is that you don’t want to know it. It’s always accessible to you. I mean, we’ve been told for thousands of years by, all the big names in philosophy and religion. Almost all say the same thing. Get to know yourself better. It’s maybe the most important thing in life. We haven’t really progressed much in the last thousands of years and the reason is that yes, we keep getting this advice but we don’t really want to do it.

Working on our motivation in this field I think would be very good for us. It will also protect us from all the naive utopias which tend to draw far more of our attention. I mean, especially as technology will give us all, at least some of us more and more power, the temptations of naive utopias are going to be more and more irresistible and I think the really most powerful check on these naive utopias is really getting to know yourself better.

Max Tegmark: Would you like what it means to be, Yuval 2060 to be more on the hedonistic side that you have all these blissful experiences and serene meditation and so on, or would you like there to be a lot of challenges in there that gives you a sense of meaning or purpose? Would you like to be somehow upgraded with technology?

Yuval Noah Harari: None of the above. I mean at least if I think deeply enough about these issues and yes, I would like to be upgraded but only in the right way and I’m not sure what the right way is. I’m not a great believer in blissful experiences in meditation or otherwise, they tend to be traps that this is what we’ve been looking for all our lives and for millions of years all the animals they just constantly look for blissful experiences and after a couple of millions of years of evolution, it doesn’t seem that it brings us anywhere and especially in meditation you learn these kinds of blissful experiences can be the most deceptive because you fall under the impression that this is the goal that you should be aiming at.

This is a really good meditation. This is a really deep meditation simply because you’re very pleased with yourself and then you spend countless hours later on trying to get back there or regretting that you are not there and in the end it’s just another experience. What we experience with right now when we are now talking on the phone to each other and I feel something in my stomach and you feel something in your head, this is as special and amazing as the most blissful experience of meditation. The only difference is that we’ve gotten used to it so we are not amazed by it, but right now we are experiencing the most amazing thing in the universe and we just take it for granted. Partly because we are distracted by this notion that out there, there is something really, really special that we should be experiencing. So I’m a bit suspicious of blissful experiences.

Again, I would just basically repeat that to really understand yourself also means to really understand the nature of these experiences and if you really understand that, then so many of these big questions will be answered. Similarly, the question that we dealt with in the beginning of how to evaluate different experiences and what kind of experiences should we be creating for humans or for artificial consciousness. For that you need to deeply understand the nature of experience. Otherwise, there’s so many naive utopias that can tempt you. So I would focus on that.

When I say that I want to know the truth about myself, it’s really also it means to really understand the nature of these experiences.

Max Tegmark: To my very last question, coming back to this story and ending on a positive inspiring note. I’ve been thinking back about when new stories led to very positive change. And then I started thinking about a particular Swedish story. So the year was 1945, people were looking at each other all over Europe saying, “We screwed up again”. How about we, instead of using all this technology, people were saying then to build ever more powerful weapons. How about we instead use it to create a society that benefits everybody where we can have free health care, free university for everybody, free retirement and build a real welfare state. And I’m sure there were a lot of curmudgeons around who said “awe you know, that’s just hopeless naive dreamery, go smoke some weed and hug a tree because it’s never going to work.” Right?

But this story, this optimistic vision was sufficiently concrete and sufficiently both bold and realistic seeming that it actually caught on. We did this in Sweden and it actually conquered the world. Not like when the Vikings tried and failed to do it with swords, but this idea conquered the world. So now so many rich countries have copied this idea. I keep wondering if there is another new vision or story like this, some sort of welfare 3.0 which incorporates all of the exciting new technology that has happened since ’45 on the biotech side, on the AI side, et cetera, to envision a society which is truly bold and sufficiently appealing to people around the world that people could rally around this.

I feel that the shared positive experience is something that more than anything else can really help foster collaboration around the world. And I’m curious what you would say in terms of, what do you think of as a bold, positive vision for the planet now going away from what you spoke about earlier with yourself personally, getting to know yourself and so on.

Yuval Noah Harari: I think we can aim towards what you define as welfare 3.0 which is again based on a better understanding of humanity. The welfare state, which many countries have built over the last decades have been an amazing human achievement and it achieved many concrete results in fields that we knew what to aim for, like in health care. So okay, let’s vaccinate all the children in the country and let’s make sure everybody has enough to eat. We succeeded in doing that and the kind of welfare 3.0 program would try to expand that to other fields in which our achievements are far more moderate simply because we don’t know what to aim for. We don’t know what we need to do.

If you think about mental health, it’s much more difficult than providing food to people because we have a very poor understanding of the human mind and of what mental health is. Even if you think about food, one of the scandals of science is that we still don’t know what to eat, so we basically solve the problem of enough food. Now actually we have the opposite problem of people eating too much and not too little, but beyond the medical quantity, it’s I think one of the biggest scandals of science that after centuries we still don’t know what we should eat. And mainly because so many of these miracle diets, they are a one size fits all as if everybody should eat the same thing. Whereas obviously it should be tailored to individuals.

So if you harness the power of AI and big data and machine learning and biotechnology, you could create the best dietary system in the world that tell people individually what would be good for them to eat. And this will have enormous side benefits in reducing medical problems, in reducing waste of food and resources, helping the climate crisis and so forth. So this is just one example.

Max Tegmark: Yeah. Just on that example, I would argue also that part of the problem is beyond that we just don’t know enough that actually there are a lot of lobbyists who are telling people what to eat, knowing full well that that’s bad for them just because that way they’ll make more of a profit. Which gets back to your question of hacking, how we can prevent ourselves from getting hacked by powerful forces that don’t have our best interest in mind. But the things you mentioned seemed like a little bit of first world perspective which it’s easy to get when we live in Israel or Sweden, but of course there are many people on the planet who still live in pretty miserable situations where we actually can quite easily articulate how to make things at least a bit better.

But then also in our societies, I mean you touched on mental health. There’s a significant rise in depression in the United States. Life expectancy in the US has gone down three years in a row, which does not suggest the people are getting happier here. I’m wondering if you also in your positive vision of the future that we can hopefully end on here. We’d want to throw in some ingredients about the sort of society where we don’t just have the lowest rung of the Maslow pyramid taken care of food and shelter and stuff, but also feel meaning and purpose and meaningful connections with our fellow lifeforms.

Yuval Noah Harari: I think it’s not just a first world issue. Again, even if you think about food, even in developing countries, more people today die from diabetes and diseases related to overeating or to overweight than from starvation and mental health issues are certainly not just the problem for the first world. People are suffering from that in all countries. Part of the issue is that mental health is far, far more expensive. Certainly if you think in terms of going to therapy once or twice a week than just giving vaccinations or antibiotics. So it’s much more difficult to create a robust mental health system in poor countries, but we should aim there. It’s certainly not just for the first world. And if we really understand humans better, we can provide much better health care, both physical health and mental health for everybody on the planet, not just for Americans or Israelis or Swedes.

Max Tegmark: In terms of physical health, it’s usually a lot cheaper and simpler to not treat the diseases, but to instead prevent them from happening in the first place by reducing smoking, reducing people eating extremely unhealthy foods, et cetera. And the same way with mental health, presumably a key driver of a lot of the problems we have is that we have put ourselves in a human made environment, which is incredibly different from the environment that we evolved to flourish in. And I’m wondering rather than just trying to develop new pills to help us live in this environment, which is often optimized for the ability to produce stuff, rather than for human happiness. If you think that by deliberately changing our environment to be more conducive to human happiness might improve our happiness a lot without having to treat it, treat mental health disorders.

Yuval Noah Harari: It will demand the enormous amounts of resources and energy. But if you are looking for a big project for the 21st century, then yeah, that’s definitely a good project to undertake.

Max Tegmark: Okay. That’s probably a good challenge from you on which to end this conversation. I’m extremely grateful for having had this opportunity talk with you about these things. These are ideas I will continue thinking about with great enthusiasm for a long time to come and I very much hope we can stay in touch and actually meet in person, even, before too long.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yeah. Thank you for hosting me.

Max Tegmark: I really can’t think of anyone on the planet who thinks more profoundly about the big picture of the human condition here than you and it’s such an honor.

Yuval Noah Harari: Thank you. It was a pleasure for me too. Not a lot of opportunities to really go deeply about these issues. I mean, usually you get pulled away to questions about the 2020 presidential elections and things like that, which is important. But, we still have also to give some time to the big picture.

Max Tegmark: Yeah. Wonderful. So once again, todah, thank you so much.

Lucas Perry: Thanks so much for tuning in and being a part of our final episode of 2019. Many well and warm wishes for a happy and healthy new year from myself and the rest of the Future of Life Institute team. This podcast is possible because of the support of listeners like you. If you found this conversation to be meaningful or valuable consider supporting it directly by donating at Contributions like yours make these conversations possible.

FLI Podcast: Existential Hope in 2020 and Beyond with the FLI Team

As 2019 is coming to an end and the opportunities of 2020 begin to emerge, it’s a great time to reflect on the past year and our reasons for hope in the year to come. We spend much of our time on this podcast discussing risks that will possibly lead to the extinction or the permanent and drastic curtailing of the potential of Earth-originating intelligent life. While this is important and useful, much has been done at FLI and in the broader world to address these issues in service of the common good. It can be skillful to reflect on this progress to see how far we’ve come, to develop hope for the future, and to map out our path ahead. This podcast is a special end of the year episode focused on meeting and introducing the FLI team, discussing what we’ve accomplished and are working on, and sharing our feelings and reasons for existential hope going into 2020 and beyond.

Topics discussed include:

  • Introductions to the FLI team and our work
  • Motivations for our projects and existential risk mitigation efforts
  • The goals and outcomes of our work
  • Our favorite projects at FLI in 2019
  • Optimistic directions for projects in 2020
  • Reasons for existential hope going into 2020 and beyond


0:00 Intro

1:30 Meeting the Future of Life Institute team

18:30 Motivations for our projects and work at FLI

30:04 What we strive to result from our work at FLI

44:44 Favorite accomplishments of FLI in 2019

01:06:20 Project directions we are most excited about for 2020

01:19:43 Reasons for existential hope in 2020 and beyond

01:38:30 Outro


You can listen to the podcast above, or read the full transcript below. All of our podcasts are also now on Spotify and iHeartRadio! Or find us on SoundCloudiTunesGoogle Play and Stitcher.

Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today’s episode is a special end of the year episode structured as an interview with members of the FLI core team. The purpose of this episode is to introduce the members of our team and their roles, explore the projects and work we’ve been up to at FLI throughout the year, and discuss future project directions we are excited about for 2020. Some topics we explore are the motivations behind our work and projects, what we are hoping will result from them, favorite accomplishments at FLI in 2019, and general trends and reasons we see for existential hope going into 2020 and beyond.

If you find this podcast interesting and valuable, you can follow us on your preferred listening platform like on itunes, soundcloud, google play, stitcher, and spotify

If you’re curious to learn more about the Future of Life Institute, our team, our projects, and our feelings about the state and ongoing efforts related to existential risk mitigation, then I feel you’ll find this podcast valuable. So, to get things started, we’re going to have the team introduce ourselves, and our role(s) at the Future of life Institute

Jared Brown: My name is Jared Brown, and I’m the Senior Advisor for Government Affairs at the Future of Life Institute. I help inform and execute FLI’s strategic advocacy work on governmental policy. It’s sounds a little bit behind the scenes because it is, but I primarily work in the U.S. and in global forums like the United Nations.

Kirsten Gronlund: My name is Kirsten and I am the Editorial Director for The Future of Life Institute. Basically, I run the website. I also create new content and manage the content that’s being created to help communicate the issues that FLI works on. I have been helping to produce a lot of our podcasts. I’ve been working on getting some new long form articles written; we just came out with one about CRISPR and gene drives. Right now I’m actually working on putting together a book list for recommended reading for things related to effective altruism and AI and existential risk. I also do social media, and write the newsletter, and a lot of things. I would say that my job is to figure out what is most important to communicate about what FLI does, and then to figure out how it’s best to communicate those things to our audience. Experimenting with different forms of content, experimenting with different messaging. Communication, basically, and writing and editing.

Meia Chita-Tegmark: I am Meia Chita-Tegmark. I am one of the co-founders of the Future of Life Institute. I am also the treasurer of the Institute, and recently I’ve been focusing many of my efforts on the Future of Life website and our outreach projects. For my day job, I am a postdoc in the human-robot interaction lab at Tufts University. My training is in social psychology, so my research actually focuses on the human end of the human-robot interaction. I mostly study uses of assistive robots in healthcare and I’m also very interested in ethical implications of using, or sometimes not using, these technologies. Now, with the Future of Life Institute, as a co-founder, I am obviously involved in a lot of the decision-making regarding the different projects that we are pursuing, but my main focus right now is the FLI website and our outreach efforts.

Tucker Davey: I’m Tucker Davey. I’ve been a member of the FLI core team for a few years. And for the past few months, I’ve been pivoting towards focusing on projects related to FLI’s AI communication strategy, various projects, especially related to advanced AI and artificial general intelligence, and considering how FLI can best message about these topics. Basically these projects are looking at what we believe about the existential risk of advanced AI, and we’re working to refine our core assumptions and adapt to a quickly changing public understanding of AI. In the past five years, there’s been much more money and hype going towards advanced AI, and people have new ideas in their heads about the risk and the hope from AI. And so, our communication strategy has to adapt to those changes. So that’s kind of a taste of the questions we’re working on, and it’s been really interesting to work with the policy team on these questions.

Jessica Cussins Newman: My name is Jessica Cussins Newman, and I am an AI policy specialist with the Future of Life Institute. I work on AI policy, governance, and ethics, primarily. Over the past year, there have been significant developments in all of these fields, and FLI continues to be a key stakeholder and contributor to numerous AI governance forums. So it’s been exciting to work on a team that’s helping to facilitate the development of safe and beneficial AI, both nationally and globally. To give an example of some of the initiatives that we’ve been involved with this year, we provided comments to the European Commission’s high level expert group on AI, to the Defense Innovation Board’s work on AI ethical principles, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, which developed a plan for federal engagement on technical AI standards.

We’re also continuing to participate in several multi-stakeholder initiatives, such as the Partnership on AI, the CNAS AI Task Force, and the UN Secretary General’s high level panel, and additional cooperation among others. I think all of this is helping to lay the groundwork for a more trustworthy AI, and we’ve also been engaged with direct policy engagement. Earlier this year we co-hosted an AI policy briefing at the California state legislature, and met with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Lastly, on the educational side of this work, we maintain an online resource for global AI policy. So this includes information about national AI strategies and provides background resources and policy recommendations around some of the key issues.

Ian Rusconi: My name is Ian Rusconi and I edit and produce these podcasts. Since FLI’s podcasts aren’t recorded in a controlled studio setting, the interviews often come with a host of technical issues, so some of what I do for these podcasts overlaps with forensic audio enhancement, removing noise from recordings; removing as much of the reverb as possible from recordings, which works better sometimes than others; removing clicks and pops and sampling errors and restoring the quality of clipping audio that was recorded too loudly. And then comes the actual editing, getting rid of all the breathing and lip smacking noises that people find off-putting, and cutting out all of the dead space and vocal dithering, um, uh, like, you know, because we aim for a tight final product that can sometimes end up as much as half the length of the original conversation even before any parts of the conversation are cut out.

Part of working in an audio only format is keeping things to the minimum amount of information required to get your point across, because there is nothing else that distracts the listener from what’s going on. When you’re working with video, you can see people’s body language, and that’s so much of communication. When it’s audio only, you can’t. So a lot of the time, if there is a divergent conversational thread that may be an interesting and related point, it doesn’t actually fit into the core of the information that we’re trying to access, and you can construct a more meaningful narrative by cutting out superfluous details.

Emilia Javorsky: My name’s Emilia Javorsky and at the Future of Life Institute, I work on the topic of lethal autonomous weapons, mainly focusing on issues of education and advocacy efforts. It’s an issue that I care very deeply about and I think is one of the more pressing ones of our time. I actually come from a slightly atypical background to be engaged in this issue. I’m a physician and a scientist by training, but what’s conserved there is a discussion of how do we use AI in high stakes environments where life and death decisions are being made. And so when you are talking about the decisions to prevent harm, which is my field of medicine, or in the case of lethal autonomous weapons, the decision to enact lethal harm, there’s just fundamentally different moral questions, and also system performance questions that come up.

Key ones that I think about a lot are system reliability, accountability, transparency. But when it comes to thinking about lethal autonomous weapons in the context of the battlefield, there’s also this inherent scalability issue that arises. When you’re talking about scalable weapon systems, that quickly introduces unique security challenges in terms of proliferation and an ability to become what you could quite easily define as weapons of mass destruction. 

There’s also the broader moral questions at play here, and the question of whether we as a society want to delegate the decision to take a life to machines. And I personally believe that if we allow autonomous weapons to move forward and we don’t do something to really set a stake in the ground, it could set an irrecoverable precedent when we think about getting ever more powerful AI aligned with our values in the future. It is a very near term issue that requires action.

Anthony Aguirre: I’m Anthony Aguirre. I’m a professor of physics at the University of California at Santa Cruz, and I’m one of FLI’s founders, part of the core team, and probably work mostly on the policy related aspects of artificial intelligence and a few other topics. 

I’d say there are two major efforts that I’m heading up. One is the overall FLI artificial intelligence policy effort. That encompasses a little bit of our efforts on lethal autonomous weapons, but it’s mostly about wider issues of how artificial intelligence development should be thought about, how it should be governed, what kind of soft or hard regulations might we contemplate about it. Global efforts which are really ramping up now, both in the US and Europe and elsewhere, to think about how artificial intelligence should be rolled out in a way that’s kind of ethical, that keeps with the ideals of society, that’s safe and robust and in general is beneficial, rather than running into a whole bunch of negative side effects. That’s part of it.

And then the second thing is I’ve been thinking a lot about what sort of institutions and platforms and capabilities might be useful for society down the line that we can start to create, and nurture and grow now. So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about… let’s imagine that we’re in some society 10 or 20 or 30 years from now that’s working well, how did it solve some of the problems that we see on the horizon? If we can come up with ways that this fictitious society in principle solved those problems, can we try to lay the groundwork for possibly actually solving those problems by creating new structures and institutions now that can grow into things that could help solve those problems in the future?

So an example of that is Metaculus. This is a prediction platform that I’ve been involved with in the last few years. So this is an effort to create a way to better predict what’s going to happen and make better decisions, both for individual organizations and FLI itself, but just for the world in general. This is kind of a capability that it would be good if the world had, making better predictions about all kinds of things and making better decisions. So that’s one example, but there are a few others that I’ve been contemplating and trying to get spun up.

Max Tegmark: Hi, I’m Max Tegmark, and I think of myself as having two jobs. During the day, I do artificial intelligence research at MIT, and on nights and weekends, I help lead the Future of Life Institute. My day job at MIT used to be focused on cosmology, because I was always drawn to the very biggest questions. The bigger the better, and studying our universe and its origins seemed to be kind of as big as it gets. But in recent years, I’ve felt increasingly fascinated that we have to understand more about how our own brains work, how our intelligence works, and building better artificial intelligence. Asking the question, how can we make sure that this technology, which I think is going to be the most powerful ever, actually becomes the best thing ever to happen to humanity, and not the worst.

Because all technology is really a double-edged sword. It’s not good or evil, it’s just a tool that we can do good or bad things with. If we think about some of the really horrible things that have happened because of AI systems, so far, it’s largely been not because of evil, but just because people didn’t understand how the system worked, and it did something really bad. So what my MIT research group is focused on is exactly tackling that. How can you take today’s AI systems, which are often very capable, but total black boxes… So that if you ask your system, “Why should this person be released on probation, but not this one?” You’re not going to get any better answer than, “I was trained on three terabytes of data and this is my answer. Beep, beep. Boop, boop.” Whereas, I feel we really have the potential to make systems that are just as capable, and much more intelligible. 

Trust should be earned and trust should be built based on us actually being able to peek inside the system and say, “Ah, this is why it works.” And the reason we have founded the Future of Life Institute was because all of us founders, we love technology, and we felt that the reason we would prefer living today rather than any time in the past, is all because of technology. But, for the first time in cosmic history, this technology is also on the verge of giving us the ability to actually self-destruct as a civilization. If we build AI, which can amplify human intelligence like never before, and eventually supersede it, then just imagine your least favorite leader on the planet, and imagine them having artificial general intelligence so they can impose their will on the rest of Earth.

How does that make you feel? It does not make me feel great, and I had a New Year’s resolution in 2014 that I was no longer allowed to complain about stuff if I didn’t actually put some real effort into doing something about it. This is why I put so much effort into FLI. The solution is not to try to stop technology, it just ain’t going to happen. The solution is instead win what I like to call the wisdom race. Make sure that the wisdom with which we manage our technology grows faster than the power of the technology.

Lucas Perry: Awesome, excellent. As for me, I’m Lucas Perry, and I’m the project manager for the Future of Life Institute. I’ve been with FLI for about four years now, and have focused on enabling and delivering projects having to do with existential risk mitigation. Beyond basic operations tasks at FLI that help keep things going, I’ve seen my work as having three cornerstones, these being supporting research on technical AI alignment, on advocacy relating to existential risks and related issues, and on direct work via our projects focused on existential risk. 

In terms of advocacy related work, you may know me as the host of the AI Alignment Podcast Series, and more recently the host of the Future of Life Institute Podcast. I see my work on the AI Alignment Podcast Series as promoting and broadening the discussion around AI alignment and AI safety to a diverse audience of both technical experts and persons interested in the issue.

There I am striving to include a diverse range of voices from many different disciplines, in so far as they can inform the AI alignment problem. The Future of Life Institute Podcast is a bit more general, though often dealing with related issues. There I strive to have conversations about avant garde subjects as they relate to technological risk, existential risk, and cultivating the wisdom with which to manage powerful and emerging technologies. For the AI Alignment Podcast, our most popular episode of all time so far is On Becoming a Moral Realist with Peter Singer, and a close second and third were On Consciousness, Qualia, and Meaning with Mike Johnson and Andres Gomez Emilsson, and An Overview of Technical AI Alignment with Rohin Shah. There are two parts to that podcast. These were really great episodes, and I suggest you check them out if they sound interesting to you. You can do that under the podcast tab on our site or by finding us on your preferred listening platform.

As for the main FLI Podcast Series, our most popular episodes have been an interview with FLI President Max Tegmark called Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial intelligence. A podcast similar to this one last year, called Existential Hope in 2019 and Beyond was the second most listened to FLI podcast. And then the third is a more recent podcast called The Climate Crisis As An Existential Threat with Simon Beard and Hayden Belfield. 

In so far as the other avenue of my work, my support of research can be stated quite simply as fostering review of grant applications, and also reviewing interim reports for dispersing funds related to AGI safety grants. And then just touching again on my direct work around our projects, often if you see some project put out by the Future of Life Institute, I usually have at least some involvement with it from a logistics, operations, execution, or ideation standpoint related to it.

And moving into the next line of questioning here for the team, what would you all say motivates your interest in existential risk and the work that you do at FLI? Is there anything in particular that is motivating this work for you?

Ian Rusconi: What motivates my interest in existential risk in general I think is that it’s extraordinarily interdisciplinary. But my interest in what I do at FLI is mostly that I’m really happy to have a hand in producing content that I find compelling. But it isn’t just the subjects and the topics that we cover in these podcasts, it’s how you and Ariel have done so. One of the reasons I have so much respect for the work that you two have done and consequently enjoy working on it so much is the comprehensive approach that you take in your lines of questioning.

You aren’t afraid to get into the weeds with interviewees on very specific technical details, but still seek to clarify jargon and encapsulate explanations, and there’s always an eye towards painting a broader picture so we can contextualize a subject’s placement in a field as a whole. I think that FLI’s podcasts often do a tightrope act, walking the line between popular audience and field specialists in a way that doesn’t treat the former like children, and doesn’t bore the latter with a lack of substance. And that’s a really hard thing to do. And I think it’s a rare opportunity to be able to help create something like this.

Kirsten Gronlund: I guess really broadly, I feel like there’s sort of this sense generally that a lot of these technologies and things that we’re coming up with are going to fix a lot of issues on their own. Like new technology will help us feed more people, and help us end poverty, and I think that that’s not true. We already have the resources to deal with a lot of these problems, and we haven’t been. So I think, really, we need to figure out a way to use what is coming out and the things that we’re inventing to help people. Otherwise we’re going to end up with a lot of new technology making the top 1% way more wealthy, and everyone else potentially worse off.

So I think for me that’s really what it is, is to try to communicate to people that these technologies are not, on their own, the solution, and we need to all work together to figure out how to implement them, and how to restructure things in society more generally so that we can use these really amazing tools to make the world better.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I’m just thinking about how technology enables abundance and how it seems like there are not limits to human greed, and there are limits to human greed. Human greed can potentially want infinite power, but also there’s radically diminishing returns on one’s own happiness and wellbeing as one gains more access to more abundance. It seems like there’s kind of a duality there. 

Kirsten Gronlund: I agree. I mean, I think that’s a very effective altruist way to look at it. That those same resources, if everyone has some power and some money, people will on average be happier than if you have all of it and everyone else has less. But I feel like people, at least people who are in the position to accumulate way more money than they could ever use, tend to not think of it that way, which is unfortunate.

Tucker Davey: In general with working with FLI, I think I’m motivated by some mix of fear and hope. And I would say the general fear is that, if we as a species don’t figure out how to cooperate on advanced technology, and if we don’t agree to avoid certain dangerous paths, we’ll inevitably find some way to destroy ourselves, whether it’s through AI or nuclear weapons or synthetic biology. But then that’s also balanced by a hope that there’s so much potential for large scale cooperation to achieve our goals on these issues, and so many more people are working on these topics as opposed to five years ago. And I think there really is a lot of consensus on some broad shared goals. So I have a hope that through cooperation and better coordination we can better tackle some of these really big issues.

Emilia Javorsky: Part of the reason as a physician I went into the research side of it is this idea of wanting to help people at scale. I really love the idea of how do we use science and translational medicine, not just to help one person, but to help whole populations of people. And so for me, this issue of lethal autonomous weapons is the converse of that. This is something that really has the capacity to both destroy lives at scale in the near term, and also as we think towards questions like value alignment and longer term, more existential questions, it’s something that for me is just very motivating. 

Jared Brown: This is going to sound a little cheesy and maybe even a little selfish, but my main motivation is my kids. I know that they have a long life ahead of them, hopefully, and there’s various different versions of the future that’ll better or worse for them. And I know that emerging technology policy is going to be key to maximizing the benefit of their future and everybody else’s, and that’s ultimately what motivates me. I’ve been thinking about tech policy basically ever since I started researching and reading Futurism books when my daughter was born about eight years ago, and that’s what really got me into the field and motivated to work on it full-time.

Meia Chita-Tegmark: I like to think of my work as being ultimately about people. I think that one of the most interesting aspects of this human drama is our relationship with technology, which recently has become evermore promising and also evermore dangerous. So, I want to study that, and I feel crazy lucky that there are universities willing to pay me to do it. And also to the best of my abilities, I want to try to nudge people in the technologies that they develop in more positive directions. I’d like to see a world where technology is used to save lives and not to take lives. I’d like to see technologies that are used for nurture and care rather than power and manipulation. 

Jessica Cussins Newman: I think the integration of machine intelligence into the world around us is one of the most impactful changes that we’ll experience in our lifetimes. I’m really excited about the beneficial uses of AI, but I worry about its impacts, and the questions of not just what we can build, but what we should build. And how we could see these technologies being destabilizing, or that won’t be sufficiently thoughtful about ensuring that the systems aren’t developed or used in ways that expose us to new vulnerabilities, or impose undue burdens on particular communities.

Anthony Aguirre: I would say it’s kind of a combination of things. Everybody looks at the world and sees that there are all kinds of problems and issues and negative directions that lots of things are going, and it feels frustrating and depressing. And I feel that given that I’ve got a particular day job that’ll affords me a lot of freedom, given that I have this position at Future of Life Institute, that there are a lot of talented people around who I’m able to work with, there’s a huge opportunity, and a rare opportunity to actually do something.

Who knows how effective it’ll actually be in the end, but to try to do something and to take advantage of the freedom, and standing, and relationships, and capabilities that I have available. I kind of see that as a duty in a sense, that if you find in a place where you have a certain set of capabilities, and resources, and flexibility, and safety, you kind of have a duty to make use of that for something beneficial. I sort of feel that, and so try to do so, but I also feel like it’s just super interesting, thinking about the ways that you can create things that can be effective, it’s just a fun intellectual challenge. 

There are certainly aspects of what I do at Future of Life Institute that are sort of, “Oh, yeah, this is important so I should do it, but I don’t really feel like it.” Those are occasionally there, but mostly it feels like, “Ooh, this is really interesting and exciting, I want to get this done and see what happens.” So in that sense it’s really gratifying in both ways, to feel like it’s both potentially important and positive, but also really fun and interesting.

Max Tegmark: What really motivates me is this optimistic realization that after 13.8 billion years of cosmic history, we have reached this fork in the road where we have these conscious entities on this little spinning ball in space here who, for the first time ever, have the future in their own hands. In the stone age, who cared what you did? Life was going to be more or less the same 200 years later regardless, right? Whereas now, we can either develop super powerful technology and use it to destroy life on earth completely, go extinct and so on. Or, we can create a future where, with the help of artificial intelligence amplifying our intelligence, we can help life flourish like never before. And I’m not talking just about the next election cycle, I’m talking about for billions of years. And not just here, but throughout much of our amazing universe. So I feel actually that we have a huge responsibility, and a very exciting one, to make sure we don’t squander this opportunity, don’t blow it. That’s what lights me on fire.

Lucas Perry: So I’m deeply motivated by the possibilities of the deep future. I often take cosmological or macroscopic perspectives when thinking about my current condition or the condition of life on earth. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and our short lives of only a few decades are couched within the context of this ancient evolving system of which we are a part. As far as we know, consciousness has only really exploded and come onto the scene in the past few hundred million years, at least in our sector of space and time, and the fate of the universe is uncertain but it seems safe to say that we have at least billions upon billions of years left before the universe perishes in some way. That means there’s likely longer than the current lifetime of the universe for earth originating intelligent life to do and experience amazing and beautiful things beyond what we can even know or conceive of today.

It seems very likely to me that the peaks and depths of human consciousness, from the worst human misery to the greatest of joy, peace, euphoria, and love, represent only a very small portion of a much larger and higher dimensional space of possible conscious experiences. So given this, I’m deeply moved by the possibility of artificial intelligence being the next stage in the evolution of life and the capacities for that intelligence to solve existential risk, for that intelligence to explore the space of consciousness and optimize the world, for super-intelligent and astronomical degrees of the most meaningful and profound states of consciousness possible. So sometimes I ask myself, what’s a universe good for if not ever evolving into higher and more profound and intelligent states of conscious wellbeing? I’m not sure, and this is still an open question for sure, but this deeply motivates me as I feel that the future can be unimaginably good to degrees and kinds of wellbeing that we can’t even conceive of today. There’s a lot of capacity there for the future to be something that is really, really, really worth getting excited and motivated about.

And moving along in terms of questioning again here, this question is again for the whole team: do you have anything more specifically that you hope results from your work, or is born of your work at FLI?

Jared Brown: So, I have two primary objectives, the first is sort of minor but significant. A lot of what I do on a day-to-day basis is advocate for relatively minor changes to existing and future near term policy on emerging technology. And some of these changes won’t make a world of difference unto themselves, but the small marginal benefits to the future can cumulate rather significantly overtime. So, I look for as many small wins as possible in different policy-making environments, and try and achieve those on a regular basis.

And then more holistically in the long-run, I really want to help destigmatize the discussion around global catastrophic and existential risk, and Traditional National Security, and International Security policy-making. It’s still quite an obscure and weird thing to say to people, I work on global catastrophic and existential risk, and it really shouldn’t be. I should be able talk to most policy-makers in security related fields, and have it not come off as a weird or odd thing to be working on. Because inherently what we’re talking about is the very worst of what could happen to you or humanity or even life as we know it on this planet. And there should be more people who work on these issues both from an effective altruistic perspective and other perspectives going forward.

Jessica Cussins Newman: I want to raise awareness about the impacts of AI and the kinds of levers that we have available to us today to help shape these trajectories. So from designing more robust machine learning models, to establishing the institutional procedures or processes that can track and monitor those design decisions and outcomes and impacts, to developing accountability and governance mechanisms to ensure that those AI systems are contributing to a better future. We’ve built a tool that can automate decision making, but we need to retain human control and decide collectively as a society where and how to implement these new abilities.

Max Tegmark: I feel that there’s a huge disconnect right now between our potential, as the human species, and the direction we’re actually heading in. We are spending most of our discussions in news media on total BS. You know, like country A and country B are squabbling about something which is quite minor, in the grand scheme of things, and people are often treating each other very badly in the misunderstanding that they’re in some kind of zero-sum game, where one person can only get better off if someone else gets worse off. Technology is not a zero-sum game. Everybody wins at the same time, ultimately, if you do it right. 

Why are we so much better off now than 50,000 years ago or 300 years ago? It’s because we have antibiotics so we don’t die of stupid diseases all the time. It’s because we have the means to produce food and keep ourselves warm, and so on, with technology, and this is nothing compared to what AI can do.

I’m very much hoping that this mindset that we all lose together or win together is something that can catch on a bit more as people gradually realize the power of this tech. It’s not the case that either China is going to win and the U.S. is going to lose, or vice versa. What’s going to happen is either we’re both going to lose because there’s going to be some horrible conflict and it’s going to ruin things for everybody, or we’re going to have a future where people in China are much better off, and people in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world are also much better off, and everybody feels that they won. There really is no third outcome that’s particularly likely.

Lucas Perry: So, in the short term, I’m hoping that all of the projects we’re engaging with help to nudge the trajectory of life on earth in a positive direction. I’m hopeful that we can mitigate an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons. I see that as being a crucial first step in coordination around AI issues such that, if that fails, it may likely be much harder to coordinate in the future on making sure that beneficial AI takes place. I am also hopeful that we can promote beneficial AI alignment and AI safety research farther and mainstream its objectives and understandings about the risks posed by AI and what it means to create beneficial AI. I’m hoping that we can maximize the wisdom with which we handle technology through projects and outreach, which explicitly cultivate ethics and coordination and governance in ways which help to direct and develop technologies in ways that are beneficial.

I’m also hoping that we can promote and instantiate a culture and interest in existential risk issues and the technical, political, and philosophical problems associated with powerful emerging technologies like AI. It would be wonderful if the conversations that we have on the podcast and at FLI and in the surrounding community weren’t just something for us. These are issues that are deeply interesting and will ever become more important as technology becomes more powerful. And so I’m really hoping that one day discussions about existential risk and all the kinds of conversations that we have on the podcast are much more mainstream, are normal, that there are serious institutions in government and society which explore these, is part of common discourse as a society and civilization.

Emilia Javorsky: In an ideal world, all of FLI’s work in this area, a great outcome would be the realization of the Asilomar principle that an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons must be avoided. I hope that we do get there in the shorter term. I think the activities that we’re doing now on increasing awareness around this issue, better understanding and characterizing the unique risks that these systems pose across the board from a national security perspective, a human rights perspective, and an AI governance perspective, are a really big win in my book.

Meia Chita-Tegmark: When I allow myself to unreservedly daydream about how I want my work to manifest itself into the world, I always conjure up fantasy utopias in which people are cared for and are truly inspired. For example, that’s why I am very committed to fighting against the development of lethal autonomous weapons. It’s precisely because a world with such technologies would be one in which human lives would be cheap, killing would be anonymous, our moral compass would likely be very damaged by this. I want to start work on using technology to help people, maybe to heal people. In my research, I tried to think of various disabilities and how technology can help with those, but that is just one tiny aspect of a wealth of possibilities for using technology, and in particular, AI for good.

Anthony Aguirre: I’ll be quite gratified if I can find that some results of some of the things that I’ve done help society be better and more ready, and to wisely deal with challenges that are unfolding. There are a huge number of problems in society, but there are a particular subset that are just sort of exponentially growing problems, because they have to do with exponentially advancing technology. And the set of people who are actually thinking proactively of the problems that those technologies are going to create, rather than just creating the technologies or sort of dealing with the problems when they arise, it’s quite small.

FLI is a pretty significant part of that tiny community of people who are thinking about that. But I also think it’s very important. Problems are better solved in advance, if possible. So I think anything that we can do to nudge things in the right direction, taking the relatively high point of leverage I think the Future of Life Institute has, will feel useful and worthwhile. Any of these projects being successful, I think will have a significant positive impact, and it’s just a question of buckling down and trying to get them to work.

Kirsten Gronlund: A big part of this field, not necessarily, but sort of just historically has been that it’s very male, and it’s very white, and in and of itself is a pretty privileged group of people, and something that I personally care about a lot is to try to expand some of these conversations around the future, and what we want it to look like, and how we’re going to get there, and involve more people and more diverse voices, more perspectives.

It goes along with what I was saying, that if we don’t figure out how to use these technologies in better ways, we’re just going to be contributing to people who have historically been benefiting from technology, and so I think bringing some of the people who have historically not been benefiting from technology and the way that our society is structured into these conversations, can help us figure out how to make things better. I’ve definitely been trying, while we’re doing this book guide thing, to make sure that there’s a good balance of male and female authors, people of color, et cetera and same with our podcast guests and things like that. But yeah, I mean I think there’s a lot more to be done, definitely, in that area.

Tucker Davey: So with the projects related to FLI’s AI communication strategy, I am hopeful that as an overall community, as an AI safety community, as an effective altruism community, existential risk community, we’ll be able to better understand what our core beliefs are about risks from advanced AI, and better understand how to communicate to different audiences, whether these are policymakers that we need to convince that AI is a problem worth considering, or whether it’s just the general public, or shareholders, or investors. Different audiences have different ideas of AI, and if we as a community want to be more effective at getting them to care about this issue and understand that it’s a big risk, we need to figure out better ways to communicate with them. And I’m hoping that a lot of this communications work will help the community as a whole, not just FLI, communicate with these different parties and help them understand the risks.

Ian Rusconi: Well, I can say that I’ve learned more since I started working on these podcasts about more disparate subjects than I had any idea about. Take lethal autonomous weapon systems, for example, I didn’t know anything about that subject when I started. These podcasts are extremely educational, but they’re conversational, and that makes them accessible, and I love that. And I hope that as our audience increases, other people find the same thing and keep coming back because we learn something new every time. I think that through podcasts, like the ones that we put out at FLI, we are enabling that sort of educational enrichment.

Lucas Perry: Cool. I feel the same way. So, you actually have listened to more FLI podcasts than perhaps anyone, since you’ve listened to all of them. Of all of these podcasts, do you have any specific projects, or a series that you have found particularly valuable? Any favorite podcasts, if you could mention a few, or whatever you found most valuable?

Ian Rusconi: Yeah, a couple of things. First, back in February, Ariel and Max Tegmark did a two part conversation with Matthew Meselson in advance of FLI awarding him in April, and I think that was probably the most fascinating and wide ranging single conversation I’ve ever heard. Philosophy, science history, weapons development, geopolitics, the value of the humanities from a scientific standpoint, artificial intelligence, treaty development. It was just such an incredible amount of lived experience and informed perspective in that conversation. And, in general, when people ask me what kinds of things we cover on the FLI podcast, I point them to that episode.

Second, I’m really proud of the work that we did on Not Cool, A Climate Podcast. The amount of coordination and research Ariel and Kirsten put in to make that project happen was staggering. I think my favorite episodes from there were those dealing with the social ramifications of climate change, specifically human migration. It’s not my favorite topic to think about, for sure, but I think it’s something that we all desperately need to be aware of. I’m oversimplifying things here, but Kris Ebi’s explanations of how crop failure and malnutrition and vector borne diseases can lead to migration, Cullen Hendrix touching on migration as it relates to the social changes and conflicts born of climate change, Lindsay Getschel’s discussion of climate change as a threat multiplier and the national security implications of migration.

Migration is happening all the time and it’s something that we keep proving we’re terrible at dealing with, and climate change is going to increase migration, period. And we need to figure out how to make it work and we need to do it in a way that ameliorates living standards and prevents this extreme concentrated suffering. And there are questions about how to do this while preserving cultural identity, and the social systems that we have put in place, and I know none of these are easy. But if instead we’d just take the question of, how do we reduce suffering? Well, we know how to do that and it’s not complicated per se: have compassion and act on it. We need compassionate government and governance. And that’s a thing that came up a few times, sometimes directly and sometimes obliquely, in Not Cool. The more I think about how to solve problems like these, the more I think the intelligent answer is compassion.

Lucas Perry: So, do you feel like you just learned a ton about climate change from the Not Cool podcast that you just had no idea about?

Ian Rusconi: Yeah, definitely. And that’s really something that I can say about all of FLI’s podcast series in general, is that there are so many subtopics on the things that we talk about that I always learn something new every time I’m putting together one of these episodes. 

Some of the actually most thought provoking podcasts to me are the ones about the nature of intelligence and cognition, and what it means to experience something, and how we make decisions. Two of the AI Alignment Podcast episodes from this year stand out to me in particular. First was the one with Josh Green in February, which did an excellent job of explaining the signal grounding problem and grounded cognition in an understandable and engaging way. And I’m also really interested in his lab’s work using the veil of ignorance. And second was the episode with Mike Johnson and Andres Gomez Emilsson of the Qualia Research Institute in May, where I particularly liked the discussion of electromagnetic harmony in the brain, and the interaction between the consonance and dissonance of it’s waves, and how you can basically think of music as a means by which we can hack our brains. Again, it gets back to the fabulously, extraordinarily interdisciplinary aspect of everything that we talk about here.

Lucas Perry: Kirsten, you’ve also been integral to the podcast process. What are your favorite things that you’ve done at FLI in 2019, and are there any podcasts in particular that stand out for you?

Kirsten Gronlund: The Women For The Future campaign was definitely one of my favorite things, which was basically just trying to highlight the work of women involved in existential risk, and through that try to get more women feeling like this is something that they can do and to introduce them to the field a little bit. And then also the Not Cool Podcast that Ariel and I did. I know climate isn’t the major focus of FLI, but it is such an important issue right now, and it was really just interesting for me because I was much more closely involved with picking the guests and stuff than I have been with some of the other podcasts. So it was just cool to learn about various people and their research and what’s going to happen to us if we don’t fix the climate. 

Lucas Perry: What were some of the most interesting things that you learned from the Not Cool podcast? 

Kirsten Gronlund: Geoengineering was really crazy. I didn’t really know at all what geoengineering was before working on this podcast, and I think it was Alan Robock in his interview who was saying even just for people to learn about the fact that one of the solutions that people are considering to climate change right now being shooting a ton of crap into the atmosphere and basically creating a semi nuclear winter, would hopefully be enough to kind of freak people out into being like, “maybe we should try to fix this a different way.” So that was really crazy.

I also thought it was interesting just learning about some of the effects of climate change that you wouldn’t necessarily think of right away. The fact that they’ve shown the links between increased temperature and upheaval in government, and they’ve shown links between increased temperature and generally bad mood, poor sleep, things like that. The quality of our crops is going to get worse, so we’re going to be eating less nutritious food.

Then some of the cool things, I guess this ties in as well with artificial intelligence, is some of the ways that people are using some of these technologies like AI and machine learning to try to come up with solutions. I thought that was really cool to learn about, because that’s kind of like what I was saying earlier where if we can figure out how to use these technologies in productive ways. They are such powerful tools and can do so much good for us. So it was cool to see that in action in the ways that people are implementing automated systems and machine learning to reduce emissions and help out with the climate.

Lucas Perry: From my end, I’m probably most proud of our large conference, Beneficial AGI 2019, we did to further mainstream AGI safety thinking and research and then the resulting projects which were a result of conversations which took place there were also very exciting and encouraging. I’m also very happy about the growth and development of our podcast series. This year, we’ve had over 200,000 listens to our podcasts. So I’m optimistic about the continued growth and development of our outreach through this medium and our capacity to inform people about these crucial issues.

Everyone else, other than podcasts, what are some of your favorite things that you’ve done at FLI in 2019?

Tucker Davey: I would have to say the conferences. So the beneficial AGI conference was an amazing start to the year. We gathered such a great crowd in Puerto Rico, people from the machine learning side, from governance, from ethics, from psychology, and really getting a great group together to talk out some really big questions, specifically about the long-term future of AI, because there’s so many conferences nowadays about the near term impacts of AI, and very few are specifically dedicated to thinking about the long term. So it was really great to get a group together to talk about those questions and that set off a lot of good thinking for me personally. That was an excellent conference. 

And then a few months later, Anthony and a few others organized a conference called the Augmented Intelligence Summit, and that was another great collection of people from many different disciplines, basically thinking about a hopeful future with AI and trying to do world building exercises to figure out what that ideal world with AI would look like. These conferences and these events in these summits do a great job of bringing together people from different disciplines in different schools of thought to really tackle these hard questions, and everyone who attends them is really dedicated and motivated, so seeing all those faces is really inspiring.

Jessica Cussins Newman: I’ve really enjoyed the policy engagement that we’ve been able to have this year. You know, looking back to last year, we did see a lot of successes around the development of ethical principles for AI, and I think this past year, there’s been significant interest in actually implementing those principles into practice. So seeing many different governance forums, both within the U.S. and around the world, look to that next level, and so I think one of my favorite things has just been seeing FLI become a trusted resource for so many of those governance and policies processes that I think will significantly shape the future of AI.

I think the thing that I continue to value significantly about FLI is its ability as an organization to just bring together an amazing network of AI researchers and scientists, and to be able to hold events, and networking and outreach activities, that can merge those communities with other people thinking about issues around governance or around ethics or other kinds of sectors and disciplines. We have been playing a key role in translating some of the technical challenges related to AI safety and security into academic and policy spheres. And so that continues to be one of my favorite things that FLI is really uniquely good at.

Jared Brown: A recent example here, Future of Life Institute submitted some comments on a regulation that the Department of Housing and Urban Development put out in the U.S. And essentially the regulation is quite complicated, but they were seeking comment about how to integrate artificial intelligence systems into the legal liability framework surrounding something called ‘the Fair Housing Act,’ which is an old, very important civil rights legislation and protection to prevent discrimination in the housing market. And their proposal was essentially to grant users, such as a mortgage lender, or the banking system seeking loans, or even a landlord, if they were to use an algorithm to decide who they rent out a place to, or who to give a loan, that met certain technical standards, they’d be given liability protection. And this stems from the growing use of AI in the housing market. 

Now, in theory, there’s nothing wrong with using algorithmic systems so long as they’re not biased, and they’re accurate, and well thought out. However, if you grant it like HUD wanted to, blanket liability protection, you’re essentially telling that bank officer or that landlord that they should only exclusively use those AI systems that have the liability protection. And if they see a problem in those AI systems, and they’ve got somebody sitting across from them, and think this person really should get a loan, or this person should be able to rent my apartment because I think they’re trustworthy, but the AI algorithm says “no,” they’re not going to dispute what the AI algorithm tells them too, because to do that, they take on liability of their own, and could potentially get sued. So, there’s a real danger here in moving too quickly in terms of how much legal protection we give these systems. And so, the Future of Life Institute, as well as many other different groups, commented on this proposal and pointed out these flaws to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. That’s an example of just one of many different things that the Future of Life has done, and you can actually go online and see our public comments for yourself, if you want to.

Lucas Perry:Wonderful.

Jared Brown: Honestly, a lot of my favorite things are just these off the record type conversations that I have in countless formal and informal settings with different policymakers and people who influence policy. The policy-making world is an old-fashioned, face-to-face type business, and essentially you really have to be there, and to meet these people, and to have these conversations to really develop a level of trust, and a willingness to engage with them in order to be most effective. And thankfully I’ve had a huge range of those conversations throughout the year, especially on AI. And I’ve been really excited to see how well received Future of Life has been as an institution. Our reputation precedes us because of a lot of the great work we’ve done in the past with the Asilomar AI principles, and the AI safety grants. It’s really helped me get in the room for a lot of these conversations, and given us a lot of credibility as we discuss near-term AI policy.

In terms of bigger public projects, I also really enjoyed coordinating with some community partners across the space in our advocacy on the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology’s plan for engaging in the development of technical standards on AI. In the policy realm, it’s really hard to see some of the end benefit of your work, because you’re doing advocacy work, and it’s hard to get folks to really tell you why the certain changes were made, and if you were able to persuade them. But in this circumstance, I happen to know for a fact that we had real positive effect on the end products that they developed. I talked to the lead authors about it, and others, and can see the evidence in the final product of the effect of our changes.

In addition to our policy and advocacy work, I really, really like that FLI continues to interface with the AI technical expert community on a regular basis. And this isn’t just through our major conferences, but also informally throughout the entire year, through various different channels and personal relationships that we’ve developed. It’s really critical for anyone’s policy work to be grounded in the technical expertise on the topic that they’re covering. And I’ve been thankful for the number of opportunities I’ve been given throughout the year to really touch base with some of the leading minds in AI about what might work best, and what might not work best from a policy perspective, to help inform our own advocacy and thinking on various different issues.

I also really enjoy the educational and outreach work that FLI is doing. As with our advocacy work, it’s sometimes very difficult to see the end benefit of the work that we do with our podcasts, and our website, and our newsletter. But I know anecdotally, from various different people, that they are listened too, that they are read by leading policymakers and researchers in this space. And so, they have a real effect on developing a common understanding in the community and helping network and develop collaboration on some key topics that are of interest to the Future of Life and people like us.

Emilia Javorsky: 2019 was a great year at FLI. It’s my first year at FLI, so I’m really excited to be part of such an incredible team. There are two real highlights that come to mind. One was publishing an article in the British Medical Journal on this topic of engaging the medical community in the lethal autonomous weapons debate. In previous disarmament conversations, it’s always been a community that has played an instrumental role in getting global action on these issues passed, whether you look at nuclear, landmines, biorisk… So that was something that I thought was a great contribution, because up until now, they hadn’t really been engaged in the discussion.

The other that comes to mind that was really amazing was a workshop that we hosted, where we brought together AI researchers, and roboticists, and lethal autonomous weapons experts, with very divergent range of views of the topic, to see if they could achieve consensus on something. Anything. We weren’t really optimistic to say what that could be going into it, and the result of that was actually remarkably heartening. They came up with a roadmap that outlined four components for action on lethal autonomous weapons, including things like the potential role that a moratorium may play, research areas that need exploration, non-proliferation strategies, ways to avoid unintentional escalation. They actually published this in the IEEE Spectrum, which I really recommend reading, but it was just really exciting to see just how much area of agreement and consensus that can exist in people that you would normally think have very divergent views on the topic.

Max Tegmark: To make it maximally easy for them to get along, we actually did this workshop in our house, and we had lots of wine. And because they were in our house, also it was a bit easier to exert social pressure on them to make sure they were nice to each other, and have a constructive discussion. The task we gave them was simply: write down anything that they all agreed on that should be done to reduce the risk of terrorism or destabilizing events from this tech. And you might’ve expected a priori that they would come up with a blank piece of paper, because some of these people had been arguing very publicly that we need lethal autonomous weapons, and others had been arguing very vociferously that we should ban them. Instead, it was just so touching to see that when they actually met each other, often for the first time, they could actually listen directly to each other, rather than seeing weird quotes in the news about each other. 

Meia Chita-Tegmark: If I had to pick one thing, especially in terms of emotional intensity, it’s really been a while since I’ve been on such an emotional roller coaster as the one during the workshop related to lethal autonomous weapons. It was so inspirational to see how people that come with such diverging opinions could actually put their minds together, and work towards finding consensus. For me, that was such a hope inducing experience. It was a thrill.

Max Tegmark: They built a real camaraderie and respect for each other, and they wrote this report with five different sets of recommendations in different areas, including a moratorium on these things and all sorts of measures to reduce proliferation, and terrorism, and so on, and that made me feel more hopeful.

We got off to a great start I feel with our January 2019 Puerto Rico conference. This was the third one in a series where we brought together world leading AI researchers from academia, and industry, and other thinkers, to talk not about how to make AI more powerful, but how to make it beneficial. And what I was particularly excited about was that this was the first time when we also had a lot of people from China. So it wasn’t just this little western club, it felt much more global. It was very heartening to meet to see how well everybody got along and shared visions people really, really had. And I hope that if people who are actually building this stuff can all get along, can help spread this kind of constructive collaboration to the politicians and the political leaders in their various countries, we’ll all be much better off.

Anthony Aguirre: That felt really worthwhile in multiple aspects. One, just it was a great meeting getting together with this small, but really passionately positive, and smart, and well-intentioned, and friendly community. It’s so nice to get together with all those people, it’s very inspiring. But also, that out of that meeting came a whole bunch of ideas for very interesting and important projects. And so some of the things that I’ve been working on are projects that came out of that meeting, and there’s a whole long list of other projects that came out of that meeting, some of which some people are doing, some of which are just sitting, gathering dust, because there aren’t enough people to do them. That feels like really good news. It’s amazing when you get a group of smart people together to think in a way that hasn’t really been widely done before. Like, “Here’s the world 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 years from now, what are the things that we’re going to want to have happened in order for the world to be good then?”

Not many people sit around thinking that way very often. So to get 50 or 100 people who are really talented together thinking about that, it’s amazing how easy it is to come up with a set of really compelling things to do. Now actually getting those done, getting the people and the money and the time and the organization to get those done is a whole different thing. But that was really cool to see, because you can easily imagine things that have a big influence 10 or 15 years from now that were born right at that meeting.

Lucas Perry: Okay, so that hits on BAGI. So, were there any other policy-related things that you’ve done at FLI in 2019 that you’re really excited about?

Anthony Aguirre: It’s been really good to see, both at FLI and globally, the new and very serious attention being paid to AI policy and technology policy in general. We created the Asilomar principles back in 2017, and now two years later, there are multiple other sets of principles, many of which are overlapping and some of which aren’t. And more importantly, now institutions coming into being, international groups like the OECD, like the United Nations, the European Union, maybe someday the US government, actually taking seriously these sets of principles about how AI should be developed and deployed, so as to be beneficial.

There’s kind of now too much going on to keep track of, multiple bodies, conferences practically every week, so the FLI policy team has been kept busy just keeping track of what’s going on, and working hard to positively influence all these efforts that are going on. Because of course while there’s a lot going on, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a huge amount of expertise that is available to feed those efforts. AI is relatively new on the world’s stage, at least at the size that it’s assuming. AI and policy expertise, that intersection, there just aren’t a huge number of people who are ready to give useful advice on the policy side and the technical side and what the ramifications are and so on.

So I think the fact that FLI has been there from the early days of AI policy five years ago, means that we have a lot to offer to these various efforts that are going on. I feel like we’ve been able to really positively contribute here and there, taking opportunistic chances to lend our help and our expertise to all kinds of efforts that are going on and doing real serious policy work. So that’s been really interesting to see that unfold and how rapidly these various efforts are gearing up around the world. I think that’s something that FLI can really do, bringing the technical expertise to make those discussions and arguments more sophisticated, so that we can really take it to the next step and try to get something done.

Max Tegmark: Another one which was very uplifting is this tradition we have to celebrate unsung heroes. So three years ago we celebrated the guy who prevented the world from getting nuked in 1962, Vasili Arkhipov. Two years ago, we celebrated the man who probably helped us avoid getting nuked in 1983, Stanislav Petrov. And this year we celebrated an American who I think has done more than anyone else to prevent all sorts of horrible things happening with bioweapons, Matthew Meselson from Harvard, who ultimately persuaded Kissinger, who persuaded Brezhnev and everyone else that we should just ban them. 

We celebrated them all by giving them or their survivors a $50,000 award and having a ceremony where we honored them, to remind the world of how valuable it is when you can just draw a clear, moral line between the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do. Even though we call this the Future of Life award officially, informally, I like to think of this as our unsung hero award, because there really aren’t awards particularly for people who prevented shit from happening. Almost all awards are for someone causing something to happen. Yet, obviously we wouldn’t be having this conversation if there’d been a global thermonuclear war. And it’s so easy to think that just because something didn’t happen, there’s not much to think about it. I’m hoping this can help create both a greater appreciation of how vulnerable we are as a species and the value of not being too sloppy. And also, that it can help foster a tradition that if someone does something that future generations really value, we actually celebrate them and reward them. I want us to have a norm in the world where people know that if they sacrifice themselves by doing something courageous, that future generations will really value, then they will actually get appreciation. And if they’re dead, their loved ones will get appreciation.

We now feel incredibly grateful that our world isn’t radioactive rubble, or that we don’t have to read about bioterrorism attacks in the news every day. And we should show our gratitude, because this sends a signal to people today who can prevent tomorrow’s catastrophes. And the reason I think of this as an unsung hero award, and the reason these people have been unsung heroes, is because what they did was often going a little bit against what they were supposed to do at the time, according to the little system they were in, right? Arkhipov and Petrov, neither of them got any medals for averting nuclear war because their peers either were a little bit pissed at them for violating protocol, or a little bit embarrassed that we’d almost had a war by mistake. And we want to send the signal to the kids out there today that, if push comes to shove, you got to go with your own moral principles.

Lucas Perry: Beautiful. What project directions are you most excited about moving in, in 2020 and beyond?

Anthony Aguirre: Along with the ones that I’ve already mentioned, something I’ve been involved with is Metaculus, this prediction platform, and the idea there is there are certain facts about the future world, and Metaculus is a way to predict probabilities for those facts being true about the future world. But they’re also facts about the current world, that we either don’t know whether they’re true or not or we disagree about whether they’re true or not. Something I’ve been thinking a lot about is how to extend the predictions of Metaculus into a general truth-seeking mechanism. If there’s something that’s contentious now, and people disagree about something that should be sort of a fact, can we come up with a reliable truth-seeking arbiter that people will believe, because it’s been right in the past, and it has very clear reliable track record for getting things right, in the same way that Metaculus has that record for getting predictions right?

So that’s something that interests me a lot, is kind of expanding that very strict level of accountability and track record creation from prediction to just truth-seeking. And I think that could be really valuable, because we’re entering this phase where people feel like they don’t know what’s true and facts are under contention. People simply don’t know what to believe. The institutions that they’re used to trusting to give them reliable information are either conflicting with each other or getting drowned in a sea of misinformation.

Lucas Perry: So, would this institution gain its credibility and epistemic status and respectability by taking positions on unresolved, yet concrete issues, which are likely to resolve in the short-term?

Anthony Aguirre: Or the not as short-term. But yeah, so just like in a prediction, where there might be disagreements as to what’s going to happen because nobody quite knows, and then at some point something happens and we all agree, “Oh, that happened, and some people were right and some people were wrong,” I think there are many propositions under contention now, but in a few years when the dust has settled and there’s not so much heat about them, everybody’s going to more or less agree on what the truth was.

And so I think, in a sense, this is about saying, “Here’s something that’s contentious now, let’s make a prediction about how that will turn out to be seen five or 10 or 15 years from now, when the dust has settled people more or less agree on how this was.”

I think there’s only so long that people can go without feeling like they can actually rely on some source of information. I mean, I do think that there is a reality out there, and ultimately you have to pay a price if you are not acting in accordance with what is true about that reality. You can’t indefinitely win by just denying the truth of the way that the world is. People seem to do pretty well for awhile, but I maintain my belief that eventually there will be a competitive advantage in understanding the way things actually are, rather than your fantasy of them.

We in the past did have trusted institutions that people generally listened to, and felt like I’m being told that basic truth. Now they weren’t always, and there were lots of problems with those institutions, but we’ve lost something, in that almost nobody trusts anything anymore at some level, and we have to get that back. We will solve this problem, I think, in the sense that we sort of have to. What that solution will look like is unclear, and this is sort of an effort to seek some way to kind of feel our way towards a potential solution to that.

Tucker Davey: I’m definitely excited to continue this work on our AI messaging and generally just continuing the discussion about advanced AI and artificial general intelligence within the FLI team and within the broader community, to get more consensus about what we believe and how we think we should approach these topics with different communities. And I’m also excited to see how our policy team continues to make more splashes across the world, because it’s really been exciting to watch how Jared and Jessica and Anthony have been able to talk with so many diverse shareholders and help them make better decisions about AI.

Jessica Cussins Newman: I’m most excited to see the further development of some of these global AI policy forums in 2020. For example, the OECD is establishing an AI policy observatory, which we’ll see further development on early in next year. And FLI is keen to support this initiative, and I think it may be a really meaningful forum for global coordination and cooperation on some of these key AI global challenges. So I’m really excited to see what they can achieve.

Jared Brown: I’m really looking forward to the opportunity the Future of Life has to lead the implementation of a recommendation related to artificial intelligence from the UN’s High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. This is a group that was led by Jack Ma and Melinda Gates, and they produced an extensive report that had many different recommendations on a range of digital or cyber issues, including one specifically on artificial intelligence. And because of our past work, we were invited to be a leader on the effort to implement and further refine the recommendation on artificial intelligence. And we’ll be able to do that with cooperation from the government of France, and Finland, and also with a UN agency called the UN Global Pulse. So I’m really excited about this opportunity to help lead a major project in the global governance arena, and to help actualize how some of these early soft law norms that have developed in AI policy can be developed for a better future.

I’m also excited about continuing to work with other civil society organizations, such as the Future of Humanity Institute, the Center for the Study of Existential Risk, other groups that are like-minded in their approach to tech issues. And helping to inform how we work on AI policy in a number of different governance spaces, including with the European Union, the OECD, and other environments where AI policy has suddenly become the topic du jour of interest to policy-makers.

Emilia Javorsky: Something that I’m really excited about is continuing to work on this issue of global engagement in the topic of lethal autonomous weapons, as I think this issue is heading in a very positive direction. By that I mean starting to move towards meaningful action. And really the only way we get to action on this issue is through education, because policy makers really need to understand what these systems are, what their risks are, and how AI differs from traditional other areas of technology that have really well established existing governance frameworks. So that’s something I’m really excited about for the next year. And this has been especially in the context of engaging with states at the United nations. So it’s really exciting to continue those efforts and continue to keep this issue on the radar.

Kirsten Gronlund: I’m super excited about our website redesign. I think that’s going to enable us to reach a lot more people and communicate more effectively, and obviously it will make my life a lot easier. So I think that’s going to be great.

Lucas Perry: I’m excited about that too. I think there’s a certain amount of a maintenance period that we need to kind of go through now, with regards to the website and a bunch of the pages, so that everything is refreshed and new and structured better. 

Kirsten Gronlund: Yeah, we just need like a little facelift. We are aware that the website right now is not super user friendly, and we are doing an incredibly in depth audit of the site to figure out, based on data, what’s working and what isn’t working, and how people would best be able to use the site to get the most out of the information that we have, because I think we have really great content, but the way that the site is organized is not super conducive to finding it, or using it.

So anyone who likes our site and our content but has trouble navigating or searching or anything: hopefully that will be getting a lot easier.

Ian Rusconi: I think I’d be interested in more conversations about ethics overall, and how ethical decision making is something that we need more of, as opposed to just economic decision making, and reasons for that with actual concrete examples. It’s one of the things that I find is a very common thread throughout almost all of the conversations that we have, but is rarely explicitly connected from one episode to another. And I think that there is some value in creating a conversational narrative about that. If we look at, say, the Not Cool Project, there are episodes about finance, and episodes about how the effects of what we’ve been doing to create global economy have created problems. And if we look at the AI Alignment Podcasts, there are concerns about how systems will work in the future, and who they will work for, and who benefits from things. And if you look at FLI’s main podcast, there are concerns about denuclearization, and lethal autonomous weapons, and things like that, and there are major ethical considerations to be had in all of these.

And I think that there’s benefit in taking all of these ethical considerations, and talking about them specifically outside of the context of the fields that they are in, just as a way of getting more people to think about ethics. Not in opposition to thinking about, say, economics, but just to get people thinking about ethics as a stand-alone thing, before trying to introduce how it’s relevant to something. I think if more people thought about ethics, we would have a lot less problems than we do.

Lucas Perry: Yeah, I would be interested in that too. I would first want to know empirically how much of the decisions that the average human being makes a day are actually informed by “ethical decision making,” which I guess my intuition at the moment is probably not that much?

Ian Rusconi: Yeah, I don’t know how much ethics plays into my autopilot-type decisions. I would assume. Probably not very much.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. We think about ethics explicitly a lot. I think that that definitely shapes my terminal values. But yeah, I don’t know, I feel confused about this. I don’t know how much of my moment to moment lived experience and decision making is directly born of ethical decision making. So I would be interested in that too, with that framing that I would first want to know the kinds of decision making faculties that we have, and how often each one is employed, and the extent to which improving explicit ethical decision making would help in making people more moral in general.

Ian Rusconi: Yeah, I could absolutely get behind that.

Max Tegmark: What I find also to be a concerning trend, and a predictable one, is that just like we had a lot of greenwashing in the corporate sector about environmental and climate issues, where people would pretend to care about the issues just so they didn’t really have to do much, we’re seeing a lot of what I like to call “ethics washing” now in AI, where people say, “Yeah, yeah. Okay, let’s talk about AI ethics now, like an ethics committee, and blah, blah, blah, but let’s not have any rules or regulations, or anything. We can handle this because we’re so ethical.” And interestingly, the very same people who talk the loudest about ethics are often among the ones who are the most dismissive about the bigger risks from human level AI, and beyond. And also the ones who don’t want to talk about malicious use of AI, right? They’ll be like, “Oh yeah, let’s just make sure that robots and AI systems are ethical and do exactly what they’re told,” but they don’t want to discuss what happens when some country, or some army, or some terrorist group has such systems, and tells them to do things that are horrible for other people. That’s an elephant in the room we are looking forward to help draw more attention to, I think, in the coming year. 

And what I also feel is absolutely crucial here is to avoid splintering the planet again, into basically an eastern and a western zone of dominance that just don’t talk to each other. Trade is down between China and the West. China has its great firewall, so they don’t see much of our internet, and we also don’t see much of their internet. It’s becoming harder and harder for students to come here from China because of visas, and there’s sort of a partitioning into two different spheres of influence. And as I said before, this is a technology which could easily make everybody a hundred times better or richer, and so on. You can imagine many futures where countries just really respect each other’s borders, and everybody can flourish. Yet, major political leaders are acting like this is some sort of zero-sum game. 

I feel that this is one of the most important things to help people understand that, no, it’s not like we have a fixed amount of money or resources to divvy up. If we can avoid very disruptive conflicts, we can all have the future of our dreams.

Lucas Perry: Wonderful. I think this is a good place to end on that point. So, what are reasons that you see for existential hope, going into 2020 and beyond?

Jessica Cussins Newman: I have hope for the future because I have seen this trend where it’s no longer a fringe issue to talk about technology ethics and governance. And I think that used to be the case not so long ago. So it’s heartening that so many people and institutions, from engineers all the way up to nation states, are really taking these issues seriously now. I think that momentum is growing, and I think we’ll see engagement from even more people and more countries in the future.

I would just add that it’s a joy to work with FLI, because it’s an incredibly passionate team, and everybody has a million things going on, and still gives their all to this work and these projects. I think what unites us is that we all think these are some of the most important issues of our time, and so it’s really a pleasure to work with such a dedicated team.

Lucas Perry:  Wonderful.

Jared Brown: As many of the listeners will probably realize, governments across the world have really woken up to this thing called artificial intelligence, and what it means for civil society, their governments, and the future really of humanity. And I’ve been surprised, frankly, over the past year, about how many of the new national, and international strategies, the new principles, and so forth are actually quite aware of both the potential benefits but also the real safety risks associated with AI. And frankly, this time this year, last year, I wouldn’t have thought as many principles would have come out, that there’s a lot of positive work in those principles, there’s a lot of serious thought about the future of where this technology is going. And so, on the whole, I think the picture is much better than what most people might expect in terms of the level of high-level thinking that’s going on in policy-making about AI, its benefits, and its risks going forward. And so on that score, I’m quite hopeful that there’s a lot of positive soft norms to work from. And hopefully we can work to implement those ideas and concepts going forward in real policy.

Lucas Perry: Awesome.

Emilia Javorsky: I am optimistic, and it comes from having had a lot of these conversations, specifically this past year, on lethal autonomous weapons, and speaking with people from a range of views and being able to sit down, coming together, having a rational and respectful discussion, and identifying actionable areas of consensus. That has been something that has been very heartening for me, because there is just so much positive potential for humanity waiting on the science and technology shelves of today, nevermind what’s in the pipeline that’s coming up. And I think that despite all of this tribalism and hyperbole that we’re bombarded with in the media every day, there are ways to work together as a society, and as a global community, and just with each other to make sure that we realize all that positive potential, and I think that sometimes gets lost. I’m optimistic that we can make that happen and that we can find a path forward on restoring that kind of rational discourse and working together.

Tucker Davey: I think my main reasons for existential hope in 2020 and beyond are, first of all, seeing how many more people are getting involved in AI safety, in effective altruism, and existential risk mitigation. It’s really great to see the community growing, and I think just by having more people involved, that’s a huge step. As a broader existential hope, I am very interested in thinking about how we can better coordinate to collectively solve a lot of our civilizational problems, and to that end, I’m interested in ways where we can better communicate about our shared goals on certain issues, ways that we can more credibly commit to action on certain things. So these ideas of credible commitment mechanisms, whether that’s using advanced technology like blockchain or whether that’s just smarter ways to get people to commit to certain actions, I think there’s a lot of existential hope for bigger groups in society coming together and collectively coordinating to make systemic change happen.

I see a lot of potential for society to organize mass movements to address some of the biggest risks that we face. For example, I think it was last year, an AI researcher, Toby Walsh, who we’ve worked with, he organized a boycott against a South Korean company that was working to develop these autonomous weapons. And within a day or two, I think, he contacted a bunch of AI researchers and they signed a pledge to boycott this group until they decided to ditch the project. And the boycotts succeeded basically within two days. And I think that’s one good example of the power of boycotts, and the power of coordination and cooperation to address our shared goals. So if we can learn lessons from Toby Walsh’s boycott, as well as from the fossil fuel and nuclear divestment movements, I think we can start to realize some of our potential to push these big industries in more beneficial directions.

So whether it’s the fossil fuel industry, the nuclear weapons industry, or the AI industry, as a collective, we have a lot of power to use stigma to push these companies in better directions. No company or industry wants bad press. And if we get a bunch of researchers together to agree that a company’s doing some sort of bad practice, and then we can credibly say that, “Look, you guys will get bad press if you guys don’t change your strategy,” many of these companies might start to change their strategy. And I think if we can better coordinate and organize certain movements and boycotts to get different companies and industries to change their practices, that’s a huge source of existential hope moving forward.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I mean, it seems like the point that you’re trying to articulate is that there are particular instances like this thing that happened with Toby Walsh that show you the efficacy of collective action around our issues.

Tucker Davey: Yeah. I think there’s a lot more agreement on certain shared goals such,as we don’t want banks investing in fossil fuels, or we don’t want AI companies developing weapons that can make targeted kill decisions without human intervention. And if we take some of these broad shared goals and then we develop some sort of plan to basically pressure these companies to change their ways or to adopt better safety measures, I think these sorts of collective action can be very effective. And I think as a broader community, especially with more people in the community, we have much more of a possibility to make this happen.

So I think I see a lot of existential hope from these collective movements to push industries in more beneficial directions, because they can really help us, as individuals, feel more of a sense of agency that we can actually do something to address these risks.

Kirsten Gronlund: I feel like there’s actually been a pretty marked difference in the way that people are reacting to… at least things like climate change, and I sort of feel like more generally, there’s sort of more awareness just of the precariousness of humanity, and the fact that our continued existence and success on this planet is not a given, and we have to actually work to make sure that those things happen. Which is scary, and kind of exhausting, but I think is ultimately a really good thing, the fact that people seem to be realizing that this is a moment where we actually have to act and we have to get our shit together. We have to work together and this isn’t about politics, this isn’t about, I mean it shouldn’t be about money. I think people are starting to figure that out, and it feels like that has really become more pronounced as of late. I think especially younger generations, like obviously there’s Greta Thunberg and the youth movement on these issues. It seems like the people who are growing up now are so much more aware of things than I certainly was at that age, and that’s been cool to see, I think. They’re better than we were, and hopefully things in general are getting better.

Lucas Perry: Awesome.

Ian Rusconi: I think it’s often easier for a lot of us to feel hopeless than it is to feel hopeful. Most of the news that we get comes in the form of warnings, or the existing problems, or the latest catastrophe, and it can be hard to find a sense of agency as an individual when talking about huge global issues like lethal autonomous weapons, or climate change, or runaway AI.

People frame little issues that add up to bigger ones as things like death by 1,000 bee stings, or the straw that broke the camel’s back, and things like that, but that concept works both ways. 1,000 individual steps in a positive direction can change things for the better. And working on these podcasts has shown me the number of people taking those steps. People working on AI safety, international weapons bans, climate change mitigation efforts. There are whole fields of work, absolutely critical work, that so many people, I think, probably know nothing about. Certainly that I knew nothing about. And sometimes, knowing that there are people pulling for us, that’s all we need to be hopeful. 

And beyond that, once you know that work exists and that people are doing it, nothing is stopping you from getting informed and helping to make a difference. 

Kirsten Gronlund: I had a conversation with somebody recently who is super interested in these issues, but was feeling like they just didn’t have particularly relevant knowledge or skills. And what I would say is “neither did I when I started working for FLI,” or at least I didn’t know a lot about these specific issues. But really anyone, if you care about these things, you can bring whatever skills you have to the table, because we need all the help we can get. So don’t be intimidated, and get involved.

Ian Rusconi: I guess I think that’s one of my goals for the podcast, is that it inspires people to do better, which I think it does. And that sort of thing gives me hope.

Lucas Perry: That’s great. I feel happy to hear that, in general.

Max Tegmark: Let me first give a more practical reason for hope, and then get a little philosophical. So on the practical side, there are a lot of really good ideas that the AI community is quite unanimous about, in terms of policy and things that need to happen, that basically aren’t happening because policy makers and political leaders don’t get it yet. And I’m optimistic that we can get a lot of that stuff implemented, even though policy makers won’t pay attention now. If we get AI researchers around the world to formulate and articulate really concrete proposals and plans for policies that should be enacted, and they get totally ignored for a while? That’s fine, because eventually some bad stuff is going to happen because people weren’t listening to their advice. And whenever those bad things do happen, then leaders will be forced to listen because people will be going, “Wait, what are you going to do about this?” And if at that point, there are broad international consensus plans worked out by experts about what should be done, that’s when they actually get implemented. So the hopeful message I have to anyone working in AI policy is: don’t despair if you’re being ignored right now, keep doing all the good work and flesh out the solutions, and start building consensus for it among the experts, and there will be a time people will listen to you. 

To just end on a more philosophical note, again, I think it’s really inspiring to think how much impact intelligence has had on life so far. We realize that we’ve already completely transformed our planet with intelligence. If we can use artificial intelligence to amplify our intelligence, it will empower us to solve all the problems that we’re stumped by thus far, including curing all the diseases that kill our near and dear today. And for those so minded, even help life spread into the cosmos. Not even the sky is the limit, and the decisions about how this is going to go are going to be made within the coming decades, so within the lifetime of most people who are listening to this. There’s never been a more exciting moment to think about grand, positive visions for the future. That’s why I’m so honored and excited to get to work with the Future Life Institute.

Anthony Aguirre: Just like disasters, I think big positive changes can arise with relatively little warning and then seem inevitable in retrospect. I really believe that people are actually wanting and yearning for a society and a future that gives them fulfillment and meaning, and that functions and works for people.

There’s a lot of talk in the AI circles about how to define intelligence, and defining intelligence as the ability to achieve one’s goals. And I do kind of believe that for all its faults, humanity is relatively intelligent as a whole. We can be kind of foolish, but I think we’re not totally incompetent at getting what we are yearning for, and what we are yearning for is a kind of just and supportive and beneficial society that we can exist in. Although there are all these ways in which the dynamics of things that we’ve set up are going awry in all kinds of ways, and people’s own self-interest fighting it out with the self-interest of others is making things go terribly wrong, I do nonetheless see lots of people who are putting interesting, passionate effort forward toward making a better society. I don’t know that that’s going to turn out to be the force that prevails, I just hope that it is, and I think it’s not time to despair.

There’s a little bit of a selection effect in the people that you encounter through something like the Future of Life Institute, but there are a lot of people out there who genuinely are trying to work toward a vision of some better future, and that’s inspiring to see. It’s easy to focus on the differences in goals, because it seems like different factions that people want totally different things. But I think that belies the fact that there are lots of commonalities that we just kind of take for granted, and accept, and brush under the rug. Putting more focus on those and focusing the effort on, “given that we can all agree that we want these things and let’s have an actual discussion about what is the best way to get those things,” that’s something that there’s sort of an answer to, in the sense that we might disagree on what our preferences are, but once we have the set of preferences we agree on, there’s kind of the correct or more correct set of answers to how to get those preferences satisfied. We actually are probably getting better, we can get better, this is an intellectual problem in some sense and a technical problem that we can solve. There’s plenty of room for progress that we can all get behind.

Again, strong selection effect. But when I think about the people that I interact with regularly through the Future of Life Institute and other organizations that I work as a part of, they’re almost universally highly-effective, intelligent, careful-thinking, well-informed, helpful, easy to get along with, cooperative people. And it’s not impossible to create or imagine a society where that’s just a lot more widespread, right? It’s really enjoyable. There’s no reason that the world can’t be more or less dominated by such people.

As economic opportunity grows and education grows and everything, there’s no reason to see that that can’t grow also, in the same way that non-violence has grown. It used to be a part of everyday life for pretty much everybody, now many people I know go through many years without having any violence perpetrated on them or vice versa. We still live in a sort of overall, somewhat violent society, but nothing like what it used to be. And that’s largely because of the creation of wealth and institutions and all these things that make it unnecessary and impossible to have that as part of everybody’s everyday life.

And there’s no reason that can’t happen in most other domains, I think it is happening. I think almost anything is possible. It’s amazing how far we’ve come, and I see no reason to think that there’s some hard limit on how far we go.

Lucas Perry: So I’m hopeful for the new year simply because in areas that are important, I think things are on average getting better than they are getting worse. And it seems to be that much of what causes pessimism is perception that things are getting worse, or that we have these strange nostalgias for past times that we believe to be better than the present moment.

This isn’t new thinking, and is much in line with what Steven Pinker has said, but I feel that when we look at the facts about things like poverty, or knowledge, or global health, or education, or even the conversation surrounding AI alignment and existential risk, that things really are getting better, and that generally the extent to which it seems like it isn’t or that things are getting worse can be seen in many cases as our trend towards more information causing the perception that things are getting worse. But really, we are shining a light on everything that is already bad or we are coming up with new solutions to problems which generate new problems in and of themselves. And I think that this trend towards elucidating all of the problems which already exist, or through which we develop technologies and come to new solutions, which generate their own novel problems, this can seem scary as all of these bad things continue to come up, it seems almost never ending.

But they seem to me more now like revealed opportunities for growth and evolution of human civilization to new heights. We are clearly not at the pinnacle of life or existence or wellbeing, so as we encounter and generate and uncover more and more issues, I find hope in the fact that we can rest assured that we are actively engaged in the process of self-growth as a species. Without encountering new problems about ourselves, we are surely stagnating and risk decline. However, it seems that as we continue to find suffering and confusion and evil in the world and to notice how our new technologies and skills may contribute to these things, we have an opportunity to act upon remedying them and then we can know that we are still growing and that, that is a good thing. And so I think that there’s hope in the fact that we’ve continued to encounter new problems because it means that we continue to grow better. And that seems like a clearly good thing to me.

And with that, thanks so much for tuning into this Year In The Review Podcast on our activities and team as well as our feelings about existential hope moving forward. If you’re a regular listener, we want to share our deepest thanks for being a part of this conversation and thinking about these most fascinating and important of topics. And if you’re a new listener, we hope that you’ll continue to join us in our conversations about how to solve the world’s most pressing problems around existential risks and building a beautiful future for all. Many well and warm wishes for a happy and healthy end of the year for everyone listening from the Future of Life Institute team. If you find this podcast interesting, valuable, unique, or positive, consider sharing it with friends and following us on your preferred listening platform. You can find links for that on the pages for these podcasts found at

FLI Podcast: Cosmological Koans: A Journey to the Heart of Physical Reality with Anthony Aguirre

There exist many facts about the nature of reality which stand at odds with our commonly held intuitions and experiences of the world. Ultimately, there is a relativity of the simultaneity of events and there is no universal “now.” Are these facts baked into our experience of the world? Or are our experiences and intuitions at odds with these facts? When we consider this, the origins of our mental models, and what modern physics and cosmology tell us about the nature of reality, we are beckoned to identify our commonly held experiences and intuitions, to analyze them in the light of modern science and philosophy, and to come to new implicit, explicit, and experiential understandings of reality. In his book Cosmological Koans: A Journey to the Heart of Physical Reality, FLI co-founder Anthony Aguirre explores the nature of space, time, motion, quantum physics, cosmology, the observer, identity, and existence itself through Zen koans fueled by science and designed to elicit questions, experiences, and conceptual shifts in the reader. The universe can be deeply counter-intuitive at many levels and this conversation, rooted in Anthony’s book, is an attempt at exploring this problem and articulating the contemporary frontiers of science and philosophy.

Topics discussed include:

  • What is skillful of a synergy of Zen and scientific reasoning
  • The history and philosophy of science
  • The role of the observer in science and knowledge
  • The nature of information
  • What counts as real
  • The world in and of itself and the world we experience as populated by our concepts and models of it
  • Identity in human beings and future AI systems
  • Questions of how identity should evolve
  • Responsibilities and open questions associated with architecting life 3.0


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Lucas Perry: Welcome to the Future of Life Institute podcast. I’m Lucas Perry. Today, we’re speaking with Anthony Aguirre. He is a cosmologist, a co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, and a co-founder of the Foundational Questions Institute. He also has a cool prediction market called Metaculus that I suggest you check out. We’re discussing his book, Cosmological Koans: A Journey Into the Heart of Physical Reality. This is a book about physics from a deeply philosophical perspective in the format of Zen koans. This discussion is different from the usual topics of the podcast, thought there are certainly many parts that directly apply. I feel this will be of interest to people who like big questions about the nature of reality. Some questions that we explore are, what is skillful of a synergy of Zen and scientific reasoning, the history and philosophy of science, the nature of information, we ask what is real, and explore that question. We discuss the world in and of itself and the world we experience as populated by our concepts and stories about the universe. We discuss identity in people and future AI systems. We wonder about how identity should evolve in persons and AI systems. And we also get into the problem we face of architecting new forms of intelligence with their own lived experiences, and identities, and understandings of the world. 

As a bit of side news, Ariel is transitioning out of her role at FLI. So, i’ll be taking over the main FLI podcast from here on out. This podcast will continue to deal with broad issues in the space of existential risk and areas that pertain broadly to the Future of Life Institute. Like, AI risk and AI alignment, as well as bio-risk and climate change, and the stewardship of technology with wisdom and benevolence in mind. And the AI Alignment Podcast will continue to explore the technical, social, political, ethical, psychological, and broadly interdisciplinary facets of the AI alignment problem. So, I deeply appreciated this conversation with Anthony and I feel that conversations like these help me to live what I feel is an examined life. And if these topics and questions that I’ve mentioned are of interest to you or resonate with you then I think you’ll find this conversation valuable as well. 

So let’s get in to our conversation with Anthony Aguirre. 

We’re here today to discuss your work, Cosmological Koans: A Journey to the Heart of Physical Reality. As a little bit of background, tell me a little bit about your experience as a cosmologist and someone interested in Zen whose pursuits have culminated into his book.

Anthony Aguirre: I’ve been a cosmologist professionally for 20 years or so since grad school I suppose, but I’ve also for my whole life had just the drive to understand what reality is, what’s reality all about. One approach to that certainly to understanding physical reality is physics and cosmology and fundamental physics and so on. I would say that the understanding of mental reality, what is going on in the interior sense is also reality and is also crucially important. That’s what we actually experience. I’ve long had an interest in both sides of that question. What is this interior reality? Why do we have experience the way we do? How is our mind working? As well as what is the exterior reality of physics and the fundamental physical laws and the large scale picture of the universe and so on?

While professionally I’ve been very  focused on the external side and the cosmological side in particular, I’ve nourished that interest in the inner side as well and how that interior side and the exterior side connect in various ways. I think that longstanding interest has built the foundation of what then turned into this book that I’ve put together over a number of years that I don’t care to admit.

Lucas Perry: There’s this aspect of when we’re looking outward, we’re getting a story of the universe and then that story of the universe eventually leads up into us. For example as Carl Sagan classically pointed out, the atoms which make up your body had to be fused in supernovas, at least the things which aren’t hydrogen and helium. So we’re all basically complex aggregates of collapsed interstellar gas clouds. And this shows that looking outward into the cosmos is also a process of uncovering the story of the person and of the self as well.

Anthony Aguirre: Very much in that I think to understand how our mind works and how our body works, we have to situate that within a chain of wider and wider context. We have to think of ourselves as biological creatures, and that puts us in the biological context and evolution and evolution over the history of the earth, but that in turn is in the context of where the earth sits in cosmic evolution in the universe as a whole, and also where biology and its functioning sits within the context of physics and other sciences, information theory, computational science. I think to understand ourselves, we certainly have to understand those other layers of reality.

I think what’s often assumed though is that to understand those other layers of reality, we don’t have to understand how our mind works. I think that’s tricky because on the one hand, we’re asking for descriptions of objective reality, and we asking for laws of physics. We don’t want to ask for our opinion that we’re going to disagree about. We want something that transcends our own minds and our ability to understand or describe those things. We’re looking for something objective in that sense.

I think it’s also true that many of the things that we talk about is fairly objective contain unavoidably a fairly subjective component to them. Once we have the idea of an objective reality out there that is independent of who’s observing it, we ascribe a lot of objectivity to things that are in fact much more of a mix that have a lot more ingredients that we have brought to them than we like to admit and are not wholly out there to be observed by us as impartial observers but are very much a tangled interaction between the observer and the observed.

Lucas Perry: There are many different facets and perspectives here about why taking the cosmological perspective of understanding the history of the universe, as well as the person, is deeply informative. In terms of the perspective of the Future of Life Institute, understanding cosmology tells us what is ultimately possible for life in terms of how long the universe will last, and how far you can spread, and fundamental facts about information and entropy, which are interesting, and also ultimately determine how the fate of intelligence and consciousness in the world. There’s also this anthropic aspect that you’re touching on about how observers only observe the kinds of things that observers are able to observe. We can also consider the limits of the concepts that are born of being a primate conditioned by evolution and culture, and the extent to which our concepts are lived experiences within our world model. And then there’s this distinction between the map and the territory, or our world model and the world itself. And so perhaps part of fusing Zen with cosmology is experientially being mindful of not confusing the map for the territory in our moment to moment experience of things.

There’s also this scientific method for understanding what is ultimately true about the nature of reality, and then what Zen offers is an introspective technique for trying to understand the nature of the mind, the nature of consciousness, the causes and conditions which lead to suffering, and the concepts which inhabit and make up conscious experience. I think all of this thinking culminates into an authentically lived life as a scientist and as a person who wants to know the nature of things, to understand the heart of reality, to attempt to not be confused, and to live an examined life – both of the external world and the experiential world as a sentient being. 

Anthony Aguirre: Something like that, except I nurture no hope to ever not be confused. I think confusion is a perfectly admirable state in the sense that reality is confusing. You can try to think clearly, but I think there are always going to be questions of interests that you simply don’t understand. If you go into anything deeply enough, you will fairly quickly run into, wow, I don’t really get that. There are very few things that if you push into them carefully and skeptically and open-mindedly enough, you won’t come to that point. I think it would actually be I think let down if I ever got to the point where I wasn’t confused about something. All the fun would be gone, but otherwise, I think I agree with you. Where shall we start?

Lucas Perry: This helps to contextualize some of the motivations here. We can start by explaining why cosmology and Zen in particular? What are the skillful means born of a fusion of these two things? Why fuse these two things? I think some number of our audience will be intrinsically skeptical of all religion or spiritual pursuits. So why do this?

Anthony Aguirre: There are two aspects to it. I think one is a methodological one, which is Cosmological Koans is made up of these koans, and they’re not quite the same koans that you would get from a Zen teacher, but they’re sort of riddles or confrontations that are meant to take the recipient and cause them to be a little bit baffled, a little bit surprised, a little bit maybe shocked at some aspect of reality. The idea here is to both confront someone with something that is weird or unusual or contradicts what they might have believed beforehand in a comfortable, familiar way and make it uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Also to make the thing that is being discussed about the person rather than abstracts intellectual pursuit. Something that I like about Zen is that it’s about immediate experience. It’s about here you are here and now having this experience.

Part of the hope I think methodologically of Cosmological Koans is to try to put the reader personally in the experience rather than have it be stuff out there that physicists over there are thinking about and researching or we can speculate with a purely third person point of view to emphasize that if we’re talking about the universe and the laws of physics and reality, we’re part of the universe. We’re obeying those laws of physics. We’re part of reality. We’re all mixed up in that there can be cases where it’s useful to get a distance from that, but then there are also cases where it’s really important to understand what that all has to do with you. What does this say about me and my life, my experience, my individual subjective, first person view of the world? What does that have to do with these very third person objective things that physics studies?

Part of the point is an interesting and fun way to jolt someone into seeing the world in a new way. The other part is to make it about the reader in this case or about the person asking the questions and not just the universe out there. That’s one part of why I chose this particular format.

I think the other is a little bit more on the content side to say I think it’s dangerous to take things that were written 2,500 years ago and say, oh look, they anticipated what modern physics is finding now. They didn’t quite. Obviously, they didn’t know calculus, let alone anything else that modern physics knows. On the other hand, I think the history of thinking about reality from the inside out, from the interior perspective using a set of introspective tools that were incredibly sophisticated through thousands of years does have a lot to say about reality when the reality is both the internal reality and the external one.

In particular, when you’re talking about a person experiencing the physical world perceiving something in the exterior physical world in some way, what goes on in that process that has both the physical side to it and an internal subjective mental side to it, observing how much of the interior gets brought to the perception. In that sense, I think the Eastern traditions are way ahead of where the West was. The West has had this idea that there’s the external world out there that sends information in and we receive it and we have a pretty much accurate view of what the world is. The idea that instead what we are actually experiencing is very much a joint effort of the experiencer and that external world building up this thing in the middle that brings that individual along with a whole backdrop of social and biological and physical history to every perception. I think that is something that is (a) true, and (b) there’s been a lot more investigation of that on the Eastern and on the philosophical side, some in Western philosophy too of course, but on the philosophical side rather than just the physical side.

I think the book is also about exploring that connection. What are the connections between our personal first person, self-centered view and the external physical world? In doing that investigation, I’m happy to jump to whatever historical intellectual foundations there are, whether it’s Zen or Western philosophy or Indian philosophy or modern physics or whatever. My effort is to touch on all of those at some level in investigating that set of questions.

Lucas Perry: Human beings are the only general epistemic agents in the universe that we’re currently aware of. From the point of view of the person, all the progress we’ve done in philosophy and science, all that there has ever been historically, from a first person perspective, is consciousness and its contents, and our ability to engage with those contents. It is by virtue of engaging with the contents of consciousness that we believe that we gain access to the outside world.  You point out here that in Western traditions, it’s been felt that we just have all of this data come in and we’re basically just seeing and interacting with the world as it really is. But as we’ve moreso uncovered, and in reality, the process of science and interrogating the external world is more like you have this internal virtual world model simulation that you’re constructing, that is a representation of the world that you use to engage and navigate with it. 

From this first person experiential bedrock, Western philosophers like Descartes have tried to assume certain things about the nature of being, like “I think, therefore I am.” And from assumptions about being, the project and methodologies of science are born of that reasoning and follow from it. It seems like it took Western science a long time, perhaps up until quantum physics, to really come back to the observer, right?

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah. I would say that a significant part of the methodology of physics was at some level to explicitly get the observer out and to talk about only objectively mathematically definable things. The mathematical part is still with physics. The objective is still there, except that I think there’s a realization that one always has to, if one is being careful, talk about what actually gets observed. You could do all of classical physics at some level, physics up to the beginning of the 20th century without ever talking about the observer. You could say there is this object. It is doing this. These are the forces acting on it and so on. You don’t have to be very careful about who is measuring those properties or talking about them or in what terms.

Lucas Perry: Unless they would start to go fast and get big.

Anthony Aguirre: Before the 20th century, you didn’t care if things were going fast. In the beginning of the 20th century though, there was relativity, and there was quantum mechanics, and both of those suddenly had the agent doing the observations at their centers. In relativity, you suddenly have to worry about what reference frame you’re measuring things in, and things that you thought were objective facts like how long is the time interval between two things that happen suddenly were revealed to be not objective facts, but dependent on who the observer is in particular, what reference frame their state of motion and so on.

Everything else as it turned out is really more like a property of the world that the world can either have or not when someone checks. The structure of quantum mechanics is at some level things have a state, which encodes something about the objects, and the something that it encodes is there’s this set of questions that I could ask the object and I can get answers to those questions. There’s a particular set of questions that I might ask and I’d get definite answers. If I ask other questions that aren’t in that list, then I get answers still, but they’re indefinite, and so I have to use probabilities to describe them.

This is a very different structure to say the object is a list of potential answers to questions that I might pose. It’s very different from saying there’s a chunk of stuff that has a position and a momentum and a force is acting on it and so on. It feels very different. While mathematically you can make the connections between those, it is a very different way of thinking about reality. That is a big change obviously and one that I think still isn’t complete in the sense that as soon as you start to talk that way and say an electron or a glass of water or whatever is a set of potential answers to questions, that’s a little bit hard to swallow, but you immediately have to ask, well, who’s asking the questions and who’s getting the answers? That’s the observer.

The structure of quantum mechanics from the beginning has been mute about that. It said make an observation and you’ll get these probabilities. That’s just pushing the observer into the thing that by definition makes observations, but without a specification of what does that mean to make an observation, what’s allowed to do it and what isn’t? Can an electron observe another electron or does it have to be a big group of electrons? What is it exactly that counts as making an observation and so on? There are all these questions about what this actually means that have just been sitting around since quantum mechanics was created and really haven’t been answered at any agreed upon or really I would say satisfactory way.

Lucas Perry: Theres a ton there. In terms of your book, there’s this fusion between what is skillful and true about Zen and what is skillful and true about science. You discussed here historically this transition to an emphasis on the observer and information and how those change both epistemology and ontology. The project of Buddhism or the project of Zen is ultimately also different from the project and intentions of Western science historically in terms of the normative, and the ethics driving it, and whether it’s even trying to make claims about those kinds of things. Maybe you could also explain a little bit there about where the projects diverge, what they’re ultimately trying to say either about the nature of reality or the observer.

Anthony Aguirre: Certainly in physics and much of philosophy of physics I suppose, it’s purely about superior understanding of what physical reality is and how it functions and how to explain the world around us using mathematical theories but with little or no translation of that into anything normative or ethical or prescriptive in some way. It’s purely about what is, and not only is there no ought connected with it as maybe there shouldn’t be, but there’s no necessary connection between any statement of what ought to be and what is. No translation of because reality is like this, if we want this, we should do this.

Physics has got to be part of that. What we need to do in order to achieve our goals has to do with how the world works, and physics describes that so it has to be part of it and yet, it’s been somewhat disconnected from that in a way that it certainly isn’t in spiritual traditions like Buddhism where our goal in Buddhism is to reduce or eliminate suffering. This is how the mind works and therefore, this is what we need to do given the way the mind and reality works to reduce or eliminate suffering. That’s the fundamental goal, which is quite distinct from the fundamental goal of just I want to understand how reality works.

 do think there’s more to do, and obviously there are sciences that fill that role like psychology and social science and so on that are more about let’s understand how the mind works. Let’s understand how society works so that given some set of goals like greater harmony in society or greater individual happiness, we have some sense of what we should do in order to achieve those. I would say there’s a pretty big gap nowadays between those fields on the one hand and fundamental physics on the other hand. You can spend a lot of time doing social science or psychology without knowing any physics and vice versa, but at the same time, it’s not clear that they really should be so separate. Physics is talking about the basic nature of reality. Psychology is also talking about the basic nature of reality but two different sides of it, the interior side and the exterior side.

Those two are very much connected, and so it should not be entirely possible to fully understand one without at least some of the other. That I think is also part of the motivation that I have because I don’t think that you can have a comprehensive worldview of the type that you want to have in order to understand what we should do, without having some of both aspects in it.

Lucas Perry: The observer has been part of the equation the whole time. It’s just that classical mechanics is a problem such that it never really mattered that much, but now it matters more given astronomy and communications technologies.  When determining what is, the fact that an observer is trying to determine what is and that the observer has a particular nature impacts the process of trying to discover what is, but not only are there supposed “is statements” that we’re trying to discover or understand, but we’re also from one perspective conscious beings with experiences and we have suffering and joy, and are trying to determine what we ought to do. I think what you’re pointing towards is basically an alternate unification of the problem of determining what is, and also of the often overlooked fact that we are contextualized as a creature in the world we’re attempting to understand, and make decisions about what to do next.

Anthony Aguirre: I think you can think of that in very big terms like that in this cosmic context, what is subjectivity? What is consciousness? What does it mean to have feelings of moral value and so on? Let’s talk about that. I think it’s also worth being more concrete in the sense that if you think about my experience as an agent in the world insofar as I think the world is out there objectively and I’m just perceiving it more or less directly. I tend to make very real in my mind a lot of things that aren’t necessarily real. Things that are very much half created by me, I tend to then turn into objective things out there and then react to them. This is something that we just all do on a personal basis all the time in our daily lives. We make up stories and then we think that those stories are real. This is just a very concrete thing that we do every day.

Sometimes that works out well and sometimes it doesn’t because if the story that we have is different from the story that someone else has or the story that society has, or if some in some ways somewhat more objective story then we have a mismatch and we can cause a lot of poor choices and poor outcomes by doing that. Simply the very clear psychological fact that we can discover with a little bit of self analysis that the stories that we make up aren’t as true as we usually think they are, that’s just one end of the spectrum of this process by which we as sentient beings are very much co-creating the reality that we’re inhabiting.

I think this co-creation process we’re comfortable with the fact that it awkwardly happens when we make up stories about what happened yesterday when I was talking to so and so. We don’t think of it so much when we’re talking about a table. We think the table is there. It’s real. If anything, it is. When we go deeper, we can realize that all of the things like color and solidity and endurance over time aren’t in the way function of the atoms and the laws of physics evolving them. Those things are properties that we’ve brought as useful ways to describe the world that have developed over millions of years of evolution and thousands of years of social evolution and so on. Those properties, none of those things are built into the laws of nature. Those are all things that we’ve brought. That’s not to say that the table is made up. Obviously, it’s not. The table is very objective in a sense, but there’s no table built into the structure of the universe.

I think we tend to brush under the rug how much we bring to our description of reality. We say that it’s out there. We can realize that on small levels, but I think to realize the depth of how much we bring to our perceptions and where that stuff comes from, which is a long historical, complicated information generating process that takes a lot more diving in and thinking about.

Lucas Perry: Right. If one were god or if one were omniscient, then to know the universe at the ultimate level would be to know the cosmic wave function, and within the cosmic wave function, things like marriage and identity and the fact that I have a title and conceptual history about my life are not bedrock ontological things. Rather they’re concepts and stories that sentient beings make up due to, as you said, evolution and social conditioning and culture.

Anthony Aguirre: Right, but when you’re saying that, I think there’s a suggestion that the cosmic wave functions description would be better in some way. I’d take issue with that because I think if you were some super duper mega intelligence that just knew the position of every atom or exactly the cosmic wave function, that doesn’t mean that you would know that the table in front of me is brown. That description of reality has all the particles in it and their positions and at some level, all the information that you could have of the fundamental physics, but it’s completely missing a whole bunch of other stuff, which are the ways that we categorize that information into meaningful things like solidity and color and tableness.

Lucas Perry: It seems to me that that must be contained within that ultimate description of reality because in the end, we’re just arrangements of particles and if god or the omniscient thing could take the perspective of us then they would see the table or the chair and have that same story. Our stories about the world are information built into us. Right?

Anthony Aguirre: How would it do that? What I’m saying is there’s information. Say the wave function of the universe. That’s some big chunk of information describing all kinds of different observations you could make of locations of atoms and things, but nowhere in that description is it going to tell you the things that you would need to know in order to talk about whether there’s a glass on the table in front of me because glass and table and things are not part of that wave function. Those are concepts that have to be added to it. It’s more specification that has been added that exists because of our view of the world. It only exists from the interior perspective of where we are as creatures that have evolved and are looking out.

Lucas Perry: My perspective here is that given the full capacity of the universal wave function for the creation of all possible things, there is the total set of arbitrary concepts and stories and narratives and experiences that sentient beings might dream up that arrive within the context of that particular cosmic wave function. There could be tables and chairs, or sniffelwoops and worbblogs but if we were god and we had the wave function, we could run it such that we created the kinds of creatures who dreamt a life of sniffelwoops and worbblogs or whatever else. To me, it seems like it’s more contained within the original thing.

Anthony Aguirre: This is where I think it’s useful to talk about information because I think that I just disagree with that idea in the sense that if you think of an eight-bit string, so there’s 256 possibilities of where the ones and zeros can be on and off, if you think of all 256 of those things, then there’s no information there. Whereas when I say actually only 128 of these are allowed because the first one is a one, you cut down the list of possibilities, but by cutting it down, now there’s information. This is exactly the way that information physically or mathematically is defined. It’s by saying if all the possibilities are on equal footing, you might say equally probable, then there’s no information there. Whereas, if some of them are more probable or even known, like this is definitely a zero or one, then that whole thing has information in it.

I think very much the same way with reality. If you think of all the possibilities and they’re all on the table with equal validity, then there’s nothing there. There’s nothing interesting. There’s no information there. It’s when you cut down the possibilities that the information appears. You can look at this in many different contexts. If you think about it in quantum mechanics, if you start some system out, it evolves into many possibilities. When you make an observation of it, you’re saying, oh, this possibility was actually realized and in that sense, you’ve created information there.

Now suppose you subscribe to the many worlds view of quantum mechanics. You would say that the world evolves into two copies, one in which thing A happened and one in which thing B happened. In that combination, A and B, there’s less information than in either A or B. If you’re observer A or if you’re observer B, you have more information than if you’re observer C looking at the combination of things. In that sense, I think we as residents, not with omniscient view, but as limited agents that have a particular point of view actually have more information about the world in a particular sense than someone who has the full view. The person with the full view can say, well, if I were this person, I would see this, or if I were this person, I would see that. They have in some sense a greater analytical power, but there’s a missing aspect of that, which is to make a choice as to which one you’re actually looking at, which one you’re actually residing in.

Lucas Perry: It’s like the world model which you’re identified with or the world model which you’re ultimately running is the point. The eight-bit string that you mentioned: that contains all possible information that can be contained within that string. Your point is that when we begin to limit it is when we begin to encode more information.

Anthony Aguirre: That’s right. There’s a famous story called the Library of Babel by Borges. It’s a library with every possible sequence of characters just book, after book, after book. You have to ask yourself how much information is there in that library. On the one hand, it seems like a ton because each volume you pick out has a big string of characters in it, but on the other hand, there’s nothing there. You would search forever practically far longer than the age of the universe before you found even a sentence that made any sense.

Lucas Perry: The books also contain the entire multi-verse, right?

Anthony Aguirre: If they go on infinitely long, if they’re not finite length books. This is a very paradoxical thing about information, I think, which is that if you combine many things with information in them, you get something without information in it. That’s very, very strange. That’s what the Library of Babel is. I think it’s many things with lots of information, but combined, they give you nothing. I think that’s in some level how the universe is that it might be a very low information thing in and of itself, but incredibly high information from the standpoint of the beings that are in it like us.

Anthony Aguirre: When you think of it that way, we become vastly, vastly more important than you might think because all of that information that the universe then contains is defined in terms of us, in terms of the point of view that we’re looking out from, without which there’s sort of nothing there. That’s a very provocative and strange view of the world, but that’s more and more the way I think maybe it is.

Lucas Perry: I’m honestly confused. Can you expand upon your example? 

Anthony Aguirre: Suppose you’ve got the library of Babel. It’s there, it’s all written out. But suppose that once there’s a sentence like, “I am here observing the world,” that you can attribute to that sentence a point of view. So once you have that sequence of words like, “I am here observing the world,” it has a subjective experience. So then almost no book has that in this whole library, but a very, very, very select few do. And then you focus on those books. That sub-selection of books you would say there’s a lot of information associated with that subsection, because making something more special means that it has more information. So once you specify something, there’s a bunch of information associated with it.

Anthony Aguirre: By picking out those particular books, now you’ve created information. What I’m saying is there’s a very particular subset of the universe or subset of the ways the universe could be, that adds a perspective that has a subjective sense of looking out at the world. And if you specify, once you focus in from all the different states of the universe to those associated … having that perspective, that creates a whole bunch of information. That’s the way that I look at our role as subjective observers in the universe, that by being in a first person perspective, you’re sub-selecting a very, very, very special set of matter and thus creating a whole ton of information relative to all possible ways that the matter could be arranged.

Lucas Perry: So for example, say the kitchen is dirty, and if you leave the kitchen alone, entropy will just continue to make the kitchen more dirty because there are more possible states in which the kitchen is dirty than it is clean, and there are more possible states in the universe in which sentient human beings do not arise. But here we are, encoded on a planet with the rest of organic life … and in total, evolution and the history of life on this planet requires requires a large and unequal amount of information and specification. 

Anthony Aguirre: Yes, I would say … We haven’t talked about entropy, and I don’t know if we should. Genericness is the opposite of information. So when something’s very specific, there’s information content, and when it’s very generic, there’s less information content. This is at some level saying, “Our first person perspective as conscious beings is very, very specific.” I think there is something very special and mysterious at least, about the fact that there’s this very particular set of stuff in the universe that seems to have a first person perspective associated with it. That’s where we are, sort of almost by definition.

That’s where I think the question of agency and observation and consciousness has something to do with how the universe is constituted, not in that it changes the universe in some way, but that connected with this particular perspective is all this information, and if the physical world is at some level made of information, that’s a very radical thing because that’s saying that through our conscious existence and our particular point of view, we’re creating information, and information is reality, and therefore we’re creating reality.

There are all these ways that we apply physics to reality. They’re very information theoretic. There’s this sort of claim that a more useful way to think about the constituents of reality are as informational entities. And then the second claim is that by specifying, we create information. And then the third is that by being conscious observers who come into being in the universe and then have our perspective that we look out toward the universe from, that we are making a selection, we’re specifying, “This is what I see.” So we’re then creating a bunch of information and thus creating a reality.

In that sense, I’m claiming that we create a reality, not from some, “I think in my mind and therefore reality appears like magical powers,” but that if we really talk about what’s real, it isn’t just little bits of stuff I think, but it’s everything else that makes up reality and that information that makes up reality is something that we very much are part of the creation of. 

There are different definitions of information, but the way that the word is most commonly used is for Shannon information. And what that is, is an amount that is associated with a set of probabilities. So if I say I’m going to roll some dice, what am I going to roll? So you’d say, “I don’t know.” And I’d say, “Okay, so what probabilities would you ascribe to what I’m going to roll?” And you’d say, “Well probably a sixth for each side of the die.” And I would say that there’s zero information in that description. And I say that because that’s the most uncertain you could be about the rolls of the dice. There’s no information there in your description of the die.

Now I roll it, and we see that it’s a three. So now the probability of three is 100% or at least very close to it. And the probability of all the other ones is zero. And now there is information in our description. Something specific has happened, and we’ve created information. That’s not a magical thing; it’s just the information is associated with probabilities over things, and when we change the probabilities, we change how much information there is.

Usually when we observe things, we narrow the probabilities. That’s kind of the point of making observations, to find out more about something. In that sense, we can say that we’re creating information or we’re gathering information, so we’ve created information or gathered it in that sense by doing the measurement. In that sense, any time we look at anything, we’re creating information, right?

If I just think what is behind me, well there’s probably a pillar. It might be over there, it might be over there. Now let me turn around and look. Now I’ve gathered information or created information in my description of pillar location. Now when we’re talking about a wave function and somebody measuring the wave function, and we want to keep track of all of the information and so on, it gets rather tricky because there are questions about whose probabilities are we talking about, and whose observations and what are they observing. So we have to get really careful and technical about what sort of probabilities are being defined and whose they are, and how are they evolving.

When you read something like, “Information is preserved in the universe,” what that actually means is that if I take some description of the universe now and then I close my eyes and I evolve that description using the laws of physics, the information that my description had will be preserved. So the laws of physics themselves will not change the amount of information in that description.

But as soon as I open my eyes and look, it changes, because I just will observe something and I’ll see that I closed my eyes, the universe could have evolved into two different things. Now I open them and see which one it actually evolved into. Now I increased the information. I reduced the uncertainty. So it’s very, very subtle, the way in which the universe preserves information. The dynamics of the universe, the laws of physics, preserve the information that is associated with a description that you have of the world. There’s an incredible amount of richness there because that’s what’s actually happening. If you want to think about what reality is, that’s what reality is, and it’s the observers who are creating that description and observing that world and changing the description to match what they saw. Reality is a combination of those two things: the evolution of the world by the laws of physics, and the interaction of that with the person who or the whatever it is that is asking the questions and making the observations.

What’s very tricky is that unlike matter, information is not something that you can say, “I’ve got four bits of information here and five bits of information here, so I’m going to combine them and get nine bits of information.” Sometimes that’s true, but other times it’s very much not true. That’s what’s very, very, very tricky I think. So if I say I’ve got a die and I rolled a one with a 100% chance, that’s information. If I say I have a die and I rolled a two, or if I say I had a die and then rolled a three, all of those have information associated with them. But if I combine those in the sense that I say I have a die and I rolled a one and a two and a three and a four and a five and a six, then there’s no information associated with that.

All of the things happened, and so that’s what’s so tricky about it. It’s the same with the library of Babel. If I take every possibility on an equal footing, then none of them is special and there’s no information associated with that. If I take a whole bunch of special things and put them in a big pot, I just have a big mess and then there’s nothing special any more.

When I say something like, “The world is made out of information,” that means that it has different sort of properties than if it was made out of stuff. Because stuff … Like you take away some stuff and there’s less stuff. Or you divide the stuff in two and each half has half as much stuff. And information is not necessarily that way. And so if you have a bunch of information or a description of something and you take a subset of it, you’ve actually made more information even though there’s less that you’re talking about.

It’s different than the way we think about the makeup of reality when you think about it as made up of stuff, and has just very different properties that are somewhat counter-intuitive when we’re used to thinking about the world as being made up of stuff.

Lucas Perry: I’m happy that we have spent this much time on just discussing information, because I think that it offers an important conceptual shift for seeing the world, and a good challenging of some commonly held intuitions – at least, that I have. The question for me now is, what are the relevant and interesting implications here for agents? The one thing that had been coming to my mind is… and to inject more Zen here… there is a koan that goes something like: “first there were mountains and then there were no mountains, and then there were mountains.”  This seems to have parallels to the view that you’re articulating, because first you’re just stupefied and bought into the reality of your conceptualizations and stories where you say “I’m actually ultimately a human being, and I have a story about my life where I got married, and I had a thing called a job, and there were tables, which were solid and brown and had other properties…” But as you were saying, there’s no tableness or table in the wave function; these are all stories and abstractions which we use because they are functional or useful for us. And then when we see that we go, “Okay, so there aren’t really mountains in the way that I thought, mountains are just stories we tell ourselves about the wave function.”

But then I think it seems like you’re pointing out here again, there’s sort of this ethical or normative imperative where it’s like, “okay, so mountains are mountains again, because I need my concept and lived experience of a mountain to exist in the world, and to exist amongst human institutions and concepts and language, and even though I may return to this, this all may be viewed in a new light. Is this pointing in the right direction in your opinion?

Anthony Aguirre: I think in a sense, in that we think we’re so important, and the things around us are real, and then we realize as we study physics that actually, we’re tiny little blips in this potentially infinite or at least extremely large, somewhat uncaring-seeming universe, that the things that we thought are real are kind of fictitious, and partly made up by our own history and perceptions and things, that the table isn’t really real but it’s made up of atoms or wave function or what have you.

But then I would say, why do you attribute more realness to the wave function than the table? The wave function is a sort of very impoverished description of the world that doesn’t contain tables and things. So I think there’s this pathology of saying because something is described by fundamental physical mathematical laws, it’s more real than something like a table that is described by people talking about tables to other people.

There’s something very different about those things, but is one of them more real and what does that even mean? If the table is not contained in the wave function and the wave function isn’t really contained in the table, they’re just different things. They’re both, in my view, made out of information, but rather different types and accessible to rather different things.

To me, the, “Then I realized it was a mountain again,” is that yes, the table is kind of an illusion in a sense. It’s made out of atoms and we bring all this stuff to it and we make up solidity and brownness and stuff. So it’s not a fundamental part of the universe. It’s not objectively real, but then I think at some level nothing is so purely objectively real. It’s a sliding scale, and then it’s got a place for things like the wave function of the universe and the fundamental laws of physics at the more objective end of things, and brownness and solidity at the more subjective end of things, and my feelings about tables and my thirst for water at the very subjective end of things. But I see it as a sort of continuous spectrum, and that all of those things are real, just in somewhat different ways. In that sense, I think I’ve come back to those illusory things being real again in a sense, but just from a rather different perspective, if we’re going to be Zen about it.

Lucas Perry: Yeah, it seems to be an open question in physics and cosmology. There is still arguing now currently going on about what it means for something to be real. I guess I would argue that something is real if it maybe has causality or that causality would supervene upon that thing… I’m not even sure, I don’t think I’m even going to start here, I think I would probably be wrong. So…

Anthony Aguirre: Well, I think the problem is in trying to make a binary distinction between whether things are real or not or objective or not. I just think that’s the wrong way to think about it. I think there are things that are much more objective than other things, and things that are much less objective than other things, and to the extent that you want to connect real with being objective, there are then things that are more and less real.

In one of the koans in the book, I make this argument that we think of a mathematical statement like the Pythagorean theorem, say, or some other beautiful thing like Euler’s theorem relating exponentials to cosines and sines, that these are objective special things built into the universe, because we feel like once we understand these things, we see that they must have been true and existed before any people were around. Like it couldn’t be that the Pythagorean theorem just came into being when Pythagoras or someone else discovered it, or Euler’s theorem. They were true all the way back until before the first stars and whatnot.

And that’s clearly the case. There is no time at which those things became true. At the same time, suppose I just take some axioms of mathematics that we employ now, and some sort of rules for generating new true statements from them. And then I just take a computer and start churning out statements. So I churn out all possible consequences of those axioms. Now, if I let that computer churn long enough, somewhere in that string of true statements will be something that can be translated into the Pythagorean theorem or Euler’s theorem. It’s in there somewhere. But am I doing mathematics? I would say I’m not, in the sense that all I’m doing is generating an infinite number of true statements if I let this thing go on forever.

But almost all of them are super uninteresting. They’re just strings of gobbledygook that are true given the axioms and the rules for generating new true statements, but they don’t mean anything. Whereas Euler’s theorem is a very, very special statement that means something. So what we’re doing when we’re doing mathematics, we feel like what we’re doing is proving stuff to be true. And we are at some level, but I think what we’re really doing from this perspective is out of this catalog that is information-free of true statements, we’re picking out a very, very special subset that are interesting. And in making that selection, we’re once again creating information. And the information that we’re creating is really what we’re doing, I think, when we’re doing mathematics.

The information contained in the statement that the Pythagorean theorem is an interesting theorem that applies to stuff in the real world and that we should teach our kids in school, that only came into being when humans did. So although the statement has always been true, the information I think was created along with humans. So I think you kind of get to have it both ways. It is built into the universe, but at the same time, it’s created, so you discover it and you create it.

I think there’s a lot of things that are that way. And although the Pythagorean theorem feels super objective, you can’t disagree with the Pythagorean theorem in a sense, we all agree on it once we understand what it is, at the same time, it’s got this subjective aspect to it that out of all the theorems we selected, this particular one of interest … We also selected the axioms by the way, out of all different sets of axioms we could have chosen. So there’s this combination of objectivity and the subjectivity that we as humans that like to do geometry and think about the world and prove theorems and stuff have brought to it. And that combination is what’s created the information that is associated with the Pythagorean theorem.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. You threw the word “subjectivity” there, but this process is bringing us to the truth, right? I mean, the question is again, what is true or real?

Anthony Aguirre: There are different senses of subjectivity. So there’s one sense of having an interior world view, having consciousness or awareness or something like that, being a subject. And there’s another of saying that its perspectival, that it’s relative or something, that different agents might not agree on it or might see it a little bit differently. So I’d want to distinguish between those two.

Lucas Perry: In which sense did you mean?

Anthony Aguirre: What I mean is that the Pythagorean theorem is quite objective in the sense that once lots of agents agree on the premises and the ground rules, we’re all going to agree on Pythagorean theorem. Whereas we might not agree on whether ice cream is good, but it’s still a little bit not objective.

Lucas Perry: It’s like a small part of all possible mathematically true statements which arise out of those axioms.

Anthony Aguirre: Yes. And that some community of agents in a historical process had to select that out. It can’t be divorced from the process and the agents that brought it into being, and so it’s not entirely objective in that sense.

Lucas Perry: Okay. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I see. So this is a question I was intending on asking you an hour ago before we went down this wormhole, first I’m interested in just the structure of your book. How do you structure your book in terms of the ideas and what leads to what?

Anthony Aguirre: Just a brief outline of the book: there are a few different layers of structure. One is the koans themselves, which are sort of parables or little tales that encode some idea. There’s maybe a metaphor or just the idea itself, and the koans take place as part of a narrative that takes place starting in 1610 or 1630 or so, in a trip from Italy to in the end, Kyoto. So this across the world journey that takes place through these koans. And they don’t come in chronological order, so you kind of have to piece together the storyline as the book goes on. But it kind of comes together in the end, so there’s a sequence of things that are happening through the koans, and there’s a storyline that you get to see assemble itself and it involves a genie and it involves a sword fight and it involves all kinds of fun stuff.

That’s one layer of the structure, is the koans forming the narrative. Then after each koan is a commentary that’s kind of delving into the ideas, providing some background, filling in some physics, talking about what that koan was getting at. And in some cases, it’s kind of a resolution to it, like here’s the paradox and here’s the resolution to that paradox. But more often, it’s here’s the question, here’s how to understand what that question is really asking. Here’s a deeper question that we don’t know the answer to, and maybe we’ll come back to later in the book or maybe we won’t. So there’s kind of this development of a whole bunch of physics ideas that are going on in those commentaries.

In terms of the physics ideas, there’s a sequence. There’s first classical physics including relativity. The second part is quantum mechanics, essentially. The third part is statistical mechanics and information theory. The fourth part is cosmology. The fifth part is the connections to the interior sense, like subjectivity and the subject and experiments and thinking about interior sense and consciousness and the eye. And then the last part is a sort of more philosophical section, bringing things together in the way that we’ve been discussing, like how much of reality is out there, how much of it is constructed by us, or us as us writ large as a society and thinking beings and biological evolution and so on. So that’s kind of the structure of the book.

Lucas Perry: Can you read for us two of your favorite koans in the book?

Anthony Aguirre: This one alludes to a classic philosophical thought experiment of the ship of Theseus. This one’s called What Is It You Sail In? It takes place in Shanghai, China in 1620. “After such vast overland distances, you’re relieved that the next piece of your journey will be at sea, where you’ve always felt comfortable. Then you see the ship. You’ve never beheld a sorrier pile of junk. The hull seems to be made mostly of patches, and the patches appear to be made of other patches. The nails look nailed together. The sails are clearly mostly a quilt of canvas sacks and old clothing. ‘Does it float?’ you ask the first mate, packing in as much skepticism as you can fit. ‘Yes. Many repairs, true. But she is still my good companion, [Atixia 00:25:46], still the same ship she ever was.’

Is she?, you wonder. Then you look down at your fingernails, your skin, the fading scar on your arm and wonder, am I? Then you look at the river, the sea, the port and all around. Is anything?”

So what this one’s getting at is this classic tale where if you replace one board of a ship, you’d still say it’s the same ship; you’ve just replaced one little piece of it. But as you replace more and more pieces of it, at some point, every piece of the ship might be a piece that wasn’t there before. So is it the same ship or it’s not? Every single piece has been replaced. And our body is pretty much like this; on a multi-year timescale, we replace pretty much everything.

The idea of this is to get at the fact that when we think of a thing like an identity that something has, it’s much more about the form and I would say the information content in a sense, than about the matter that it’s made up of. The matter’s very interchangeable. That’s sort of the way of kicking off a discussion of what does it mean for something to exist? What is it made of? What does it mean for something to be different than another thing? What are the different forms of existence? What is the form versus the matter?

And with the conclusion that at some level, the very idea of matter is a bit of an illusion. There’s kind of form in the sense that when you think of little bits of stuff, and you break those little bits of stuff down farther, you see that there are protons and electrons and neutrons and whatnot, but what those things are, they’re not little bits of stuff. They’re sort of amounts or properties of something. Like we think of energy or mass as a thing, but it’s better to think of it as a property that something might have if you look.

The fact that you have an electron really means that you’ve got something with a little bit of the energy property or a little bit of the mass property, a little bit of the spin property, a little bit of the electron lepton number property, and that’s it. And maybe you talk about its position or its speed or something. So it’s more like a little bundle of properties than a little bundle of stuff. And then when you think of agglomerations of atoms, it’s the same way. Like the way that they’re arranged is a sort of informational thing, and questions you can ask and get answers to.

Going back to our earlier conversation, this is just a slightly more concrete version of the claim that when we say what something’s made of, there are lots of different answers to that question that are useful in different ways. But the answer that it’s made of stuff is maybe not so useful as we usually think it is.

Lucas Perry: So just to clarify for listeners, koans in Zen traditionally are supposed to be not explicitly philosophically analytical, but experiential things which are supposed to subvert commonly held intuitions which may take you from seeing mountains as mountains, to no mountains, to mountains again. So here there’s this perspective that there’s both supposedly the atoms which make up me and you, and then the way in which the atoms are arranged, and then this koan that you say elicits the thought that you can remove any bit of information from me, and you can continue to move one bit of information from me at a time, and there’s no one bit of information that I would say is essential to what I call Lucas, or what I take to be myself. Nor atoms. So then what am I? How many atoms or bits of information do you have to take away from me until I stop being Lucas? And so one may arrive at the place where you’re deeply questioning the category of Lucas altogether.

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah. The things in this book are not Zen koans in the sense that a lot of them are pretty philosophical and intellectual and analytical, which Zen koans are sort of not. But at the same time, when you delve into them and try to experience them, when you think not of the abstract idea of the ship in this koan and lepton numbers and energy and things like that, but when you apply it to yourself and think, okay, what am I if I’m not this body?, then it becomes a bit more like a genuine Zen koan. You’re sort of like, ah, I don’t know what I am. And that’s a weird place to be. I don’t know what I am.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. Sure. And the wisdom to be found is the subversion of a ton of different commonly held intuitions, which are evolutionarily conditioned, which are culturally conditioned and socially conditioned. So yeah, this has to do with the sense of permanent things and objects, and then what identity ultimately is, or what our preferences are about identity, or if there are normative or ethical imparitives about the sense of identity that we out to take. Are there any other ideas here for some other major intuitions that you’re attempting to subvert in your book?

Anthony Aguirre: Well yeah, there’s … I guess it depends which ones you have, but I’ve subverted as many as I can. I mean, a big one I think is the idea of a sort of singular individual self, and that’s one that is really interesting to experiment with. The way we go through our lives pretty much all the time is that there’s this one-to-one correspondence between our feeling that we’re an individual self looking out at the world, there’s an “I”. We feel like there’s this little nugget of me-ness that’s experiencing the world and owns mental faculties, and then owns and steers around this body that’s made out of physical stuff.

That’s the intuition that we go through life with, but then there are all kinds of thought experiments you can do that put tension on that. And one of them that I go through a lot in the book is what happens when the body gets split or duplicated, or there are multiple copies of it and things like that. And some of those things are physically impossible or so extraordinarily difficult that they’re not worth thinking about, but some of them are very much things that might automatically happen as part of physics, if we really could instantaneously copy a person and create a duplicate of them across the room or something like that.

What does that mean? How do we think about that? When we’ve broken that one-to-one correspondence between the thing that we like to think of as ourself and our little nugget of I-ness, and the physical body, which we know is very, very closely related to that thing. When one of them bifurcates into two, it kind of throws that whole thing up in the air, like now what do we think? And it gets very unsettling to be confronted with that. There are several koans investigating that at various different levels that don’t really draw any conclusions, I would say. They’re more experiments that I’m sort of inviting other people to subject themselves to, just as I have thinking about them.

It’s very confusing how to think about them. Like, should I care if I get copied to another copy across the room and then get instantaneously destroyed? Should that bother me? Should I fear that process? What if it’s not across the room, but across the universe? And what if it’s not instantaneously that I appear across the room, but I get destroyed now, and I exist on the other side of the universe a billion years from now, the same configuration of atoms? Do I care that that happens? There are no easy answers to this, I think, and they’re not questions that you can easily dismiss.

Lucas Perry: I think that this has extremely huge ethical implications, and represents, if transcended, an important point in human evolution. There is this koan, which is something like, “If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.” Which means if you think you’ve reached something like enlightenment, it’s not that, because enlightenment is another one of these stories. But insofar as human beings are capable of transcending illusions and reaching anything called enlightenment… I think that an introspective journey into trying to understand the self and the world is one of the most interesting pursuits a human being can do. And just to contextualize this and, I think, paint the picture better, it’s evolution that has evolved these information processing systems, with this virtual sense of self that exists in the world model we have, and the model we have about ourselves and our body, and this is because this is good for self preservation. 

So you can say, “Where do you feel you’re located?” Well I sort of feel I’m behind my face and I feel I have a body and I have this large narrative of self concept and identity, which is like, “OI’m Lucas. I’m from here. I have this concept of self which I’ve created, which is basically this extremely elaborative connotative web of all the things which I think make up my identity. And under scrutiny, this is basically just all conditioned, it’s all outside of myself, all prior to myself, I’m not self-made at all, yet I think that I’m some sort of self separate entity. And then comes along Abrahamic religions at some point in the story of humanity, which are going to have tremendous cultural and social implications on the way that evolution has already bred ego-primates like ourselves. We’re primates with egos and now we have Abrahamic religions, which are contributing to this problem by conditioning the language and philosophy and thought of the West, which say that ultimately you’re a soul, you’re not just a physical thing.

You’re actually a soul who has a body and you’re basically just visiting here for a while, and then the thing that is essentially you will go to the next level of existence. This leads to, I think, reifying this rational conceptualization of self and this experience itself. Where you feel like you have a body, you feel that your heart beats itself, you feel that think your thoughts and you say things like, “I have a brain.” Who is it that stands in relation to the brain? Or we might say something like, “I have a body.” Who is it that has a body? So it seems like our language is clearly conditioned and structured around our sense and understanding of self. And there’s also this sense in which you’ve been trying to subvert some sorts of ideas here, like sameness or otherness, what counts as the same ship or not. And from an ultimate physics perspective, the thing that is fusing the stars is the same thing that is thinking my thoughts. The fundamental ontology of the world is running everything, and I’m not separate from that, yet if feels like I am, and this seems to have tremendous ethical implications.

For example, people believe that people are deserving of retribution for crimes or acting immorally, as if they had chosen in some ultimate and concrete sense what to do. The ultimate spiritual experience, or at least the ultimate insight, is to see this whole thing for what it is, to realize that basically everyone is spell bound by these narratives of self, and these different intuitions we have about the world, and that we’re basically bought into this story that I think Abrahamic religions have led to a deeper conditioning in us. It seems to me that atheists also experience themselves this way. We think when we die there’ll be nothing, there will just be an annihilation of the self, but part of this realization process is that there’s no self to be annihilated to begin with. There’s just consciousness and its contents, and ultimately by this process you may come to see that consciousness is something empty of self and empty of identity. It’s just another thing that is happening.

Anthony Aguirre: I think there are a lot of these cases where the mountain becomes less then more of a mountain and then more and less of a mountain. You touched upon consciousness and free will and many other things that are also in this, and there’s a lot of discussion of free will in the book and we can get into that too. I think with consciousness or the self, I find myself in this strange sort of war in the sense that, on the one hand I feel like there’s a sense in which this self that we construct, is kind of an illusionary thing and that the ego and things that we attach to, is kind of an illusionary thing. But at the same time, A, it sure feels real and the feeling of being Anthony, I think is a kind of unique thing.

I don’t subscribe to the notion that there’s this little nugget of soul stuff that exists at the core of a person. It’s easy to sort of make fun of this, but at the same time I think the idea that there’s something intrinsically equally valuable to each person is really, really important. I mean it underlies a lot of our way of thinking about society and morality, in ways that I find very valuable. And so while I kind of doubt the sort of metaphysics of the individual’s soul in that sense, I worry what happens to the way we’ve constructed our scheme of values. If we grade people on a sliding scale, you’re more valuable than this other person. I think that sense of equal intrinsic human worth is incredibly crucial and has led to a lot of moral progress. So I have this really ambivalent feeling, in that I doubt that there’s some metaphysical basis for that, but at the same time I really, really value that way of looking at the self, in terms of society and morality and so on, that we’ve constructed on top of that.

Lucas Perry: Yeah, so there’s the concept in zen Buddhism of skillful means. So one could say that the concept of each human being having some kind of equal and intrinsic worth, which is related to their uniqueness and fundamental being as being a human being, that that is skillful. 

Anthony Aguirre: It’s not something that in some sense makes any rational sense. Whatever you name, some people have more of it than others. Money, capability, intelligence, sensitivity.

Lucas Perry: Even consciousness.

Anthony Aguirre: Consciousness maybe. Maybe some people are just a lot more conscious than others. If we can measure it, maybe some people would be like a 10 on the dial and others would be 2. Who knows?

Lucas Perry: I think that’s absolutely probably true, because some people are brain dead. Medically there’s a sliding scale of brain activity, so yeah, I think today it seems clear that some people are more conscious than others.

Anthony Aguirre: Yes, that’s certainly true. I mean when we go to sleep, we’re less conscious. But nonetheless, although anything that you can measure about people and their experience of the world varies and if you could quantify it on a scale, some people would have more and less. Nonetheless, we find it useful to maintain this idea that there is some intrinsic equality among people and I worry what would happen if we let go of that. What kind of world would we build without that assumption? So I find it valuable to keep that assumption, but I’m conflicted about that honestly, because on what basis do we make that assumption? I really feel good about it, but I’m not sure I can point to why. Maybe that’s just what we do. We say this is an axiom that we choose to believe that there’s an intrinsic moral value to people and I respect that, because I think you have to have axioms. But it’s an interesting place that we’ve come to, I think in terms of the relation between our beliefs about reality and our beliefs about morality.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I mean there’s the question, as we approach AI and super intelligence, of what authentic experiential and ethical enlightenment and idealization means. From my perspective the development of this idea, which is correlated with the enlightenment and humanism, right? Is a very recent thing, the 17 and the 1800’s, right? So it seems clear from a cosmological context that this norm or ethical view is obviously based on a bunch of things that are just not true, but at the same time it’s been ethnically very skillful and meaningful for fixing many of the immoral things that humans do, that are unethical. But obviously it seems like it will give way to something else, and the question is, is what else does it give way to?

So if we create Life 3.0 and we create AI’s that do not care about getting turned off for two minutes and then waking up again, because they don’t feel the delusion of a self. That to me seems to be a step in moral evolution, and why I think that ultimately it would be super useful for AI design, if the AI designers would consider the role that identity plays in forming strong AI systems that are there to help us. We have the opportunity here to have selfless AI systems, they’re not going to be confused like we are. They’re not going to think they have souls, or feel like they have souls, or have strong senses of self. So it seems like there’s opportunities here, and questions around what it means to transcend many of the aspects of human experience, and how best it would be to instantiate that in advanced AI systems. 

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah, I think there’s a lot of valuable stuff to talk about there. In humans, there are a whole bunch of things that go together that don’t necessarily have to be packaged together. Intelligence and consciousness are packaged together, it’s not clear to what degree those have to be. It’s not clear how much consciousness and selfness have to be packaged together. It’s not clear how much consciousness or selfness and a valence to consciousness, a positive or negative experience have to be packaged together. Could we conceive of something that is intelligent, but not conscious? I think we certainly could, depending on how intelligent it has to be. I think we have those things and depending on what we mean by consciousness, I guess. Can we imagine something that is conscious and intelligent, but without a self, maybe? Or conscious, but it doesn’t matter to it how something goes. So it’s something that’s conscious, but can’t really have a moral weight in the sense that it doesn’t either suffer or experience positive feelings, but it does experience.

I think there’s often a notion that if something is said to have consciousness, then we have to care about it. It’s not totally clear that that’s the case and at what level do we have to care about somethings preferences? The rain prefers to fall down, but I don’t really care and if I frustrate the rain by putting up an umbrella, I don’t feel bad about that. So at what level do preferences matter and how do we define those? So there are all these really, really interesting questions and what’s both sort of exciting and terrifying, is that we have a situation in which those questions are going to play out. In that we’re going to be creating things that are intelligent and we’re doing that now depending on how intelligent they have to be again. That may or may not be conscious, that may or may not have preferences, may or may not matter. They may or may not experience something positive or negative when those preferences are satisfied or not.

And I think we have the possibility of both moral catastrophe if we do things wrong at some level, but an enormous opportunity as well, in the sense that you’ve pointed out that we may be able to create agents that are purely selfless and insofar as other beings have a moral value. These beings can be absolute altruists, like Stewart has been pointing out in his book. Absolute altruism is a pretty tough one for humans to attain, but might be really easy for beings that we construct that aren’t tied to an evolutionary history and all those sorts of things that we came out of.

It may still be that the sort of moral value of the universe centers around the beings that do have meaningful preferences, like humans. Where meaning sort of ultimately sits, what is important and what’s not and what’s valuable and what’s not. If that isn’t grounded in the preferences of experiencing conscious beings, then I don’t know where it’s grounded, so there’s a lot of questions that come up with that. Does it just disappear if those beings disappear and so on? All incredibly important questions I think, because we’re now at the point in the next however many years, 50, 100, maybe less, maybe more. Where our decisions are going to affect what sorts of beings the universe gets inhabited by in the far future and we really need to avoid catastrophic blunders in how that plays out.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. There this whole aspect of AI alignment that you’re touching on, that is not just AI alignment, but AI generation and creation. The problem has been focused on how we can get AI systems, in so far as we create them, to serve the needs of human beings, to understand our preference hierarchies, to understand our metapreferences. But in the creation of Life 3.0, there’s this perspective that you’re creating something who, by virtue of how it is created, it is potentially more morally relevant than you, it may be capable of much more experience, much more profound levels of experience, which also means that there’s this aspect of AI alignment which is about qualia architecting or experience architecting or reflecting on the fact that we’re building Life 3.0. These aren’t just systems that can process information for us, there are important questions about what it is like to be that system in terms of experience and ethics and moral relevance. If you create something with the kind of experience that you have, and it has the escape velocity to become super intelligent and populate the cosmic endowment with whatever it determines to be the good, or what we determine to be the good, what is the result of that?

One last thing that I’m nervous about is that the way that the illusion of self will contribute to a fair and valuable AI alignment. This consideration is in relation to us not being able to see what is ultimately good. We could ultimately be tied up in the preservation of our own arbitrary identities, like the Lucas identity or the Anthony identity. You could be creating something like blissful, purely altruistic, benevolent Boddhisattva gods, but we never did because we had this fear and this illusion of self-annihilation. And that’s not to deny that our information can be destroyed, and maybe we care a lot about the way that the Lucas identity information is arranged, but when we question these types of intuitions that we have, it makes me question and wonder if my conditioned identity is actually as important as I think it is, or as I experience it to be.

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah, I think this is a very horrifyingly thorny question that we have to face and my hope is that we have a long time to face it. I’m very much an advocate of creating intelligent systems that can be incredibly helpful and economically beneficial and then reaping those benefits for a good long time while we sort ourselves out. But with a fairly strict upper limit on how intelligent and powerful we make those things. Because I think if huge gains in the capability of machine systems happens in a period of years or even decades, the chance of us getting these big questions right, seems to me like almost zero. There’s a lot of argumentation about how difficult is it to build a machine system that has the same sort of general intelligence that we do. And I think part of what makes that question hard, is thinking about the huge amount of effort that went in evolutionarily and otherwise to creating the sort of robust intelligence that humans have.

I mean we’ve built up over millions of years in this incredibly difficult adversarial environment, where robustness is incredibly important. Cleverness is pretty important, but being able to cope with a wide variety of circumstances is kind of what life and mind has done. And I think the degree to which AGI will be difficult, is at some level the degree to which it has to attain a similar level of generality and robustness, that we’ve spent just an ungodly amount of computation over the evolution of life on earth to attain. If we have to do anything like that level of computation, it’s going to take just an extraordinarily long time. But I think we don’t know to what degree all of that is necessary and to what degree we can really skip over a lot of it, in the same way that we skip over a lot of evolution of flying when we build an airplane.

But I think there’s another question, which is that of experience and feeling that were even more clueless as to where we would possibly start. If we wanted to create an appreciation for music, you have no clue where to even begin with that question, right? What does it even mean to appreciate or listen to, in some sense have preferences. You can maybe make a machine that will sort different kinds of music into different categories, but do you really feel like there’s going to be any music appreciation in there or in any other human feeling? These are things that have a very, very long, complicated evolutionary history and it’s really unclear to me that we’re going to get them in machine form without something like that. But at least as our moral system is currently construed, those are the things that actually matter.

Whether conscious beings are having a good time, is pretty much the foundation of what we consider to be important, morally speaking at least. Unless we have ideas like we have to do it with a way to please some deity or something like that. So I just don’t know, when you’re talking about future AI beings that have a much richer and deeper interior sense, that’s like the AGI problem squared. We can at least imagine what it’s like to make a general intelligence, an idea of what it would take to do that. But when you talk about creating a feeling being, with deeper, more profound feelings that we have, just no clue what that means in terms of actually engineering or something.

Lucas Perry: So putting on the table all of the moral anti-realism considerations and thought that many people in the AI alignment community may have… Their view is that there’s the set of the historically conditioned preferences that we have and that’s it. We can imagine if horshoecrabs had been able to create a being more intelligent than them, a being that was aligned to horshoecrabs preferences and preference hierarchy. And we can imagine that the horseshoecrabs were very interested and committed to just being horseshoecrabs, because that’s what horseshoecrab wants to do. So now you have this being that was able to maintain it’s own existential condition of the horseshoecrab for a very long time. That just seems like an obvious moral catastrophe. It seems like a waste of what could have been.

Anthony Aguirre: That’s true. But if you imagine that the horseshoe crabs, instead creating elaborate structures out of sand, that they decided we’re their betters and we’re like, this is their legacy was to create these intricate sand structures, because the universe deserves to be inhabited by these much greater beings than them. Then that’s also a moral catastrophe, right? Because the sand structures have no value whatsoever.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I don’t want humans to do any of these things. I don’t want human beings to go around building monuments, and I don’t want us to lock in to the human condition either. Both of these cases obviously seem like horrible waste, and now you’re helping to articulate the issue that human beings are at a certain place in evolution. 

And so if we’re to create Life 3.0, then it’s also unclear epistemically how we are to evaluate what kinds of exotic qualia states are the kinds that are morally good, and I don’t even know how to begin to answer that question.

So we may be unaware of experiences that literally astronomically better than the kinds of experiences that we have access to, and it’s unclear to me how you would navigate effectively towards that, other than amplifying what we already have.

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah. I guess my instinct on that is to look more on the biology side then the machine side and to say as biological systems, we’re going to continue to evolve in various ways. Some of those might be natural, some of them might be engineered and so on. Maybe some of them are symbiotic, but I think it’s hard for me to imagine how we’re going to have confidence that the things that are being created have an experience that we would recognize or find valuable, if they don’t have some level of continuity with what we are, that we can directly experience. The reason I feel confidence that my dog is actually feeling some level of joy or frustration or whatever, is really by analogy, right? There’s no way that I can get inside the dog’s mind, maybe someday there will be, but there’s no way at the moment. I assume that because we have this common evolutionary heritage, that the outward manifestations of those feelings correspond to some inward feelings in much the same way that they do in humans and much the same the way that they do in me. And I feel quite confident about that really, although for a long period of history, people have believed otherwise at times.

So I think realistically all we’re going to be able to do, is reason by analogy and that’s not going to work very well I think with machine systems, because it’s quite clear that we’ll be able to create machine systems that can wag their tails and smile and things, even though there’s manifestly nothing behind that. So at what point we would start to believe the sort of behavioral cues and say that there’s some interior sense behind that, is very, very unclear when we’re talking about a machine system. And I think we’re very likely to make all kinds of moral errors in either ascribing too much or too little interior experience to machines, because we have no real way of knowing to make any meaningful connection between those things. I suspect that we’ll tend to make the error in both directions. We’ll create things that seem kind of lifelike and attribute all kinds of interior life to them that we shouldn’t and if we go on long enough, we may well create things that have some interior sense that we don’t attribute to them and make all kinds of errors that way too.

So I think it’s quite fraught actually in that sense and I don’t know what we’re going to do about that. I mean we can always hope that the intractably hard problems that we can’t solve now, will just be solved by something much smarter than us. But I do worry a little bit about attributing sort of godlike powers to something by saying, “Oh, it’s super intelligent, so it will be able to do that.” I’m not terribly optimistic. It may well be that the time at which something is so intelligent that it can solve the problem of consciousness and qualia and all these things, it’d be so far beyond the time at which it was smart enough to completely change reality in the world and all kinds of other things. That it’s almost past the horizon of what we can think about now, it’s sort of past the singularity in that sense. We can speculate, hopefully or not hopefully, but it’s not clear on what basis we would be speculating.

Lucas Perry: Yeah. At least the questions that it will need to face, and then we can leave it open as to whether or not and how long it will need to address those questions. So we discussed who I am, I don’t know. You touched on identity and free will. I think that free will in the libertarian sense, as in I could have done otherwise, is basically one of these common sense intuitions that is functionally useful, but ultimately illusory.

Anthony Aguirre: Yeah, I disagree. I will just say briefly, I prefer to think of free will as a set of claims that may or may not be true. And I think in general it’s useful to decompose the question of free will into a set of claims that may or may not be true. And I think when you do that, you find that most of the claims are true, but there may be some big fuzzy metaphysically thing that you’re equating to that set of claims and then claiming it’s not true. So that’s my feeling, that when you actually try to operationalize what you mean by free will, you’ll find that a lot of the things that you mean actually are properties of reality. But if you sort of invent a thing that you call free will, that’s by its nature can’t be part of a physical world, then yes, that doesn’t exist. In a nutshell that’s my point of view, but we could go into a lot more depth some other time.

Lucas Perry: I think I understand that from that short summary. So for this last part then, can you just touch on, because I think this is an interesting point, as we come to the end of the conversation. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. What does that mean?

Anthony Aguirre: So form is emptiness, is coming back to the discussion of earlier. That when we talk about something like a table, that thing that we call real and existing and objective in some sense, is actually composed of all kinds of ingredients that are not that thing. Our evolutionary history and our concept of solidity and shape, all of these things come together from many different sources and as the Buddhist would say, “There’s no intrinsic self existence of a table.” It very much exists relative to a whole bunch of other things, that we and many other people and processes and so on, bring into being. So that’s the form is emptiness. The emptiness is the emptiness of an intrinsic self existence, so that’s the way that I view the form is emptiness.

But turning that around, that emptiness is form, is yes, even though the table is empty of inherit existence, you can still knock on it. It’s still there, it’s still real and it’s in many ways as real as anything else. If you look for something that is more intrinsically existing than a table, you’re not really going to find it and so we might as well call all of those things real, in which case the emptiness is form again, it’s something. That’s the way I sort of view it and that’s the way that I’ve explored it in that section of the book.

 So to talk about like the ship, that there’s this form of the ship that is kind of what we call the ship. That’s the arrangement of atoms and so on, it’s kind of made out of information and whatnot. That that form is empty in the sense that there are all these ingredients, that come from all these different places that come together to make that thing, but then that doesn’t mean it’s non-existent or meaningless or something like that. That there very much is meaning in the fact that something is a ship rather than something else, that is reality. So that’s kind of the case that I’m putting together in that last section of the book. It’s not so simply either, our straight forward sense of a table as a real existing thing, nor is it, everything is an illusion. It’s like a dream, it’s like a phantasm, nothing is real. Neither of those is the right way to look at it.

Lucas Perry: Yeah, I think that your articulation here brings me again back, for better or for worse, to mountains, no mountains, and mountains again. I came into this conversation with my conventional view of things, and then there’s “form is emptiness.” Oh so okay, so no mountains. But then “emptiness is form.” Okay, mountains again. And given this conceptual back and forth, you can decide what to do from there.

Anthony Aguirre: So have we come back to the mountain in this conversation, at this point?

Lucas Perry: Yeah. I think we’re back to mountains. So I tremendously valued this conversation and feel that it’s given me a lot to consider. And I will re-enter the realm of feeling like a self and inhabiting a world of chairs, tables, objects and people. And will have to engage with some more thinking about information theory. And with that, thank you so much.